12/12 from seed

Yea… the LA Diva x Lowrider (divyder) was my first 2" flowering female plant in a solo cup lol

But also gave me some amazing results for the ones I didn’t stunt that turned into little awesome cacti looking things lol


That Is what I was looking for.Every time I pop an auto It Is a different pheno and I cannot clone or keep It,neither reverse because It takes many days with colloidal silver.

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That’s the concern with autos…I think that to preserve them, larger seed runs need to be run so phenos can be isolated…for starters. The goal is to get the line true breeding ASAP :smiley::rocket:.

I hypothesize that a “line” could be ruined by running it continuously WITHOUT attempting to isolate for phenos. Since it is a cross by nature, the line will get all smashed up together so to speak…

…Basically, as soon as the auto flower trait is locked in, it needs to be worked for phenos; which should be ran individually and further worked. Once these are stable and true breeding, and are worked as desired, the individual phenos can then be recrossed.


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Colloidal silver is not safe and too much of it can cause serious side effects like muscle weakness, kidney problems, and neurological damage.

Why people fuck around with this stuff is beyond me.


I think it’s hype, honestly.

I think the next evolution of the autoflower could be something like ever-flowering. Where the plant acts as a perennial and keeps pushing out flower sets.


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People used to tell me It Is completely safe to work with at my dilution rate :confused:

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12/12 from seed basically turns photoperiods into autos, with smaller plants that finish out flower happily in 2 gallon containers. I like to go 12/12 immediately after the seedling can be transplanted easily, typically two weeks after germination. The most useful aspect of this is seeing how much a plant stretches, and with smaller plants the ability to trial seeds from different packs without over committing to one variety. I like to pop seeds mid summer, that gives the option for a head start on flowering and an outdoor finish safely in good weather depending on latitude. I put more compact stretching plants outdoors because they are likely to finish on time, and the real stretchers can hang back inside. Seed making on a couple lower branches of each plant is also possible in two gallons. 12/12 from seed or from young transplant is a really great approach for smaller scale grows. Gives you more variety in small spaces.


If your growing equatorial varieties I think 12/12 from seed would replicate the natural environment but may not be the best thing for more photo period controlled plants.
Here is a great article about different things to consider when especially when growing landraces


Growing 12/12 from seed means slightly faster turnaround and being able to grow more plants simultaneously,
which means you get to sow many different cultivars
which means you get a much wider diversity of cannabinoids,
because some plants contain cannabinoids that others don’t.

So looking at it long term, over the course of a year or decade, your body receives a wider diversity overall, and that is a very good thing indeed.


I’ve found it a lot quicker for small seed runs also. Doesn’t yield as many seeds obviously but if its for personal seeds then it will likely give you more than enough.


Trying some bunga bunga 12/12 from seed, I think it can be considered as sexual harassment… :sweat_smile:


Luckily plants can’t cry rape or we’d all be doing time :rofl:
All the best for the new year @George


Vietnam Black, LVS x Ogre and 1 bag seed are in 12/12 from seeds.

These 4 were from 12/12 from seed also.


How old is it here?

10 weeks from sprout … Arriba|nullxnull

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I don’t have the space for photo plants, but only have photo seeds. To keep them smaller, can I flip them to flower early?

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You don’t even need to give them veg.


I do 12/12 from seed on a perpetual grow, this is the result Whats in my box? - #58 by jesuswearsflares


Also keep your container small to control size/height when you flip your lights.


Hello all weed smokers. I need professional advice regarding the 12 hour light from seed method.

My situation is this:

-11 royal moby feminized seeds.
( royal queen seeds )

-Growbox measures 120x120x200.

-400watt hps lamp.

-LONG GLOSS 50 V Hammered Reflector 50x50cm

-No ventilation system.

-BioBloom fertilizer for the flowering phase

-Biobizz all mix soil ( still need to buy this )

The plan would be to grow more small plants under my 400watt hps light with the 12 hour light direct from seed to flower method.

My question is this:
With 6 plants in small 5 or 6 liter pots with a 400watt hps lamp and 12 hours of light directly from seed, can I obtain small low plants with only the main branch swollen with flowers?
Could I be able to obtain a harvest of at least 200 grams by growing 6 short plants in 5 or 6 liter pots using the 12 hour seed method and a 400watt hps without using the lst technique?

i thank you really much if you can help me whit some advice