Star Dogs grow moving forward

Somewhere to share what’s happening in my grow.


Watching , enjoy a good show


Came here for the cheeses & frost :+1: :christmas_tree:


Recently I’ve been doing some air layering (rooting clones on the plant)
One plant to dice up, that’s only just recovered after being lost in the post,

It still had life in it though after a week lost in the post, i left it sitting in the bath for a day to let it get accustomed to light then put into the corner of t5s.
FFWD about 3 weeks it’s recovering fine.

The green ball is part of the air layering, you need some moss/coco/root its any medium I’ve tried works.

1st i wrapped a piece of wire around the stem and tightened it enough to bite in but not completely cut off the sap supply.

Next i removed the shoots above the choke point clonexed them, i them put 3 root it sponges into the ball and closed it around the sites I’d prepared.

11 days later we have roots.

I cut it off and potted it up yesterday.

I’m doing the same with a plant 60 days into flower, it was reluctant to root and failed the 1st time, after a 2nd application of clonex i teased a root out.

It’s way too early to cut away however it’s got a healthy basal, it’s started rooting and it’ll save me time having to re veg the plant if I can get that rooted before the mother is finished flowering.

im not entirely confident but I’m hopeful.

Heat matt, 24hrs light it’s got good odds i think.
I got a tester that might save me all the trouble of re vegging if it’s mids.

Let’s see what happens?

Eta… A strip of plastic, cling film works fine the cloning balls are just convenient for me.

I forgot to add, when I originally potted the lost plant I buried a stem with the intention of cutting it away at a later date as new mum.

The 1st sign of roots last week.


Awesome, nice work, love it.


Cheers brother, i love this kind of stuff, i thrive on messing around but it usually bores people lol.

I know it’s not absolutely necessary and all but I enjoy it.

I’ve also been messing around with defoliation on my mother’s and selective defoliation during the stretch phase, also keeping plants in 1ltr pots until part way through stretch then re potting them and some 0 veg time tests, i love it.

Early results are damn promising but only anecdotal, next up some more extreme defoliation but not crazy!

Cheers buddy.


That’s really cool. I’ve never seen that before. Thanks I’ll be following this one!



Thanks everyone, I’ve been a member at Rui for a couple of years i found it’s not really worth sharing the likes of this, i actually thought no one was interested with a few exceptions of course.

9 Likes is a whole nother animal. Enjoy it! People are great here!!!..


Your up late lol @Star_Dog

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@ifish lol It’s near harvest time im having difficulty sleeping with the pre harvest excitement :rofl:


100 folk here will like this, just watch


Can you graft different strains to a host and grow different plants on same mom? Know it can be done, i want to do it


Whats up @ifish good work here huh!


All good @Jetdro
Yous Got me thinking of the crazy experiment in my head
In just after stretch remove all tiny bud sites on side branches keepin leafs , top all side branches and splice them branches back into main stem to power super cola lol what you think ? Am I crazy ? Never seen anyone try it


@Jetdro yes you can graft them, I’ve never grafted them personally but I’m planning on making a tri pheno mother, my hands have been full in the last couple of years but I’m over that now.


I got a order delivered today, some nutrient, heat mats, root pouches some tubing, fittings and 10mtr of mylar, when my tents empty I’m going to pimp it with mylar.

Normally I’d consider the work not worth the gain but I’ve been using a simple home made reflector and omg what a difference it makes for what it is, 5-6% in the center and 20-25% at the foot of the reflector, i can actually see it lighting up areas lower down the plants, even quarter and half that amount of mylar hanging down makes a difference to the light intensity, it’s one of they jobs I’m looking forward to doing.

It’s only 30" of mylar on a plastic pipe, when I see the difference it makes it made it easy to spend the £20 on it.

I’ll going to take measurements before and after using a 720w bar light in a 5x5 tent lighting a 4x4 canopy +/-


yes agreed i have to put mylar on my growroom walls after the beginning of the year :grin:

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Andrane does grafting. Explains how in this thread. If your interested.
Andrane Grows Crazy Stuff! :+1:


Nice work @Star_Dog !! I am planning to do this with some fruit trees next spring. Never thought about trying it with cannabis!

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