12-12 from seed still not in flower @8weeks

Hey folk’s, recently I’ve been giving seeds 5/10 days veg then flipping them, for the most part it works well but as always there’s a few exceptions.

The plant in question (flipped 19th November) has had that pre flower look for weeks now, it just isn’t progressing (front right)
9b90ebe35f3c53c1b3c2f06df0d51fb0306a5856_2_690x344 (1)
Even a few weeks back I could see something wasn’t right with it, it looked dull and lifeless not vibrant looking but it was growing rapidly?

Atm it’s only adding humidity, I suppose I was holding off hoping it’s going to be OK but that boat’s sailed now.

Even if it burst into flower tonight it can’t finish in a reasonably time and I’ve learned not to let one plant affect my plans.
I’ll keep the clone and maybe give it another try after some vegging?

Has anyone experienced this when flipping seeds/seedling, share your experience with flipped seeds/seedlings?

I’ll post a updated pic tomorrow.


What strain is it? Try a 13/11 or 14/10 schedule (off/on). Some tropical sativa’s are slow to respond to 12/12 because they evolved close to the equator and need even less of a photoperiod than 12/12 to trigger quickly.


Hey @smokekulture it’s king gelato,
This from gorilla seeds…
“This Sunset Sherbert X GSC X King Indica multi-cross”

That doesn’t mean much to me tbh.

Big Bud (let’s say F1) at 52 days (12/12 from seeds, not a single day in veg), to give you a point of comparison. This line is not specially fast and “indica-ish”, neverending preflowers then suddenly the rush, peak at 70-80 (yield and potency).

I don’t know what’s inside this plant, so it’s risky business to say if she’s lazzy or not. Some grow like springs, tension/release.

Missed it, but yeah i agree. Again a pedigree writed with the feets during a moonshine’s fiesta.
Knowing the thin mint a bit, now i confirm your doubt. She’s in stasis and the game is to find why.

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That’s just a late bloomer. If it doesn’t fit your schedule you’ll have to decide if it’s worth keeping around. It could be the best smoke out of them all. A cutting of that plant would most likely bloom two weeks earlier than the mother seedling


I do something similar, but I’ve only noticed about an additional week of flower when turning to flower from seedling.


My recent grow I grew photo periods and started them on 12/12 from the get go.
They showed sex just after a month… with your plant not being a full on Sativa or anything, I’d be worried it’s either going to hermie or already is. She’s not really sexy enough to keep around huh? be better off giving the others more room and give her 3 days of full on darkness… if no hairs have shown, I’d cull it.

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A simple PK boost work faster and stronger than light privation, at this stage breaking the timing is risky business buddy. Even if she don’t look like triggered, hormones are kicking in their final balance now. It work on males too ^^


Generally the method works well, even at the outside of 110 days 1 time it’s still good, I used to veg for 30 days± then 90± in flower.

The two plants at the left were flipped the same day as the front right plant.
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Im reluctant to bin the clone just now, i had a little problem with a limon blanco but after vegging it for a bit it appears to be ok, I’m pretty new to starting seeds on 12-12 but I’ve read some plants just don’t like it from seed.


I’ve got a pic of it here from a few days back.

It’s worse than I thought.
It’s got potential to be a monster of a plant, I thought to myself a few weeks back this is going to be a good yeilder,
hmm ok I was wrong :rofl:

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In XX years i’ve never met a strain that can’t stand to start directly in 12. From the most raw landrace to dutch divas in passing by even hemp ^^

But females in stasis … yeah a bunch lol This one is almost recent and have 57 day veg, and 42 days flo (big bud again, another batch of selection).

Surprisingly, she finished to react and she turned in a very good mother (and stunning weed) to open a F2 line. And finally the only not culled from the first batch… because stable sexually.

Then (seeded) :

At 109 days flo before being chopped, 165 total grow … nonsense. But glad to don’t have culled her, as fuck.

It’s frustrating she look promising, no mutation, non variegated … kick her ass, who know.


Your plants are plants are very nice bud.
I wasn’t too keen on seeds tbh they were only a means to get a mother for cloning.

Since learning about starting seeds on 12-12 its a game changer for me, it makes things so simple.

I’ve got a 2nd clone tent now so that I can start seeds from 12-12 then move them into the flower tent after 3/4 weeks or after showing their sex.
It’s always good to have a new avenue to explore.


keep an eye on it. i bet it’s a herm of some sort.

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I’ve got a picture taken this morning’
Back right

I made a start and removed a couple good of handful from the canopy I’ll cut it down later :frowning:

I can see its got potential to be a heavy yeilder.
I nipped the tip shoot about 3 weeks ago.

It encourages lower growth up to the light.

This is a nice example of 12-12 from seedling.

The start of wk4 in flower tent after 28/30 days under t5s


Has anyone experimented with pot size and short vegging period?

I’ve been using small root pouches, my thinking is I’m limiting its ability to grow because i don’t want big/tall seed plants.

With more space for a bigger plant it seems logical to give them some vegging time, I’ve found on average 4/5 weeks they reveal their sex so 2.5/3 wks would keep things in the same time frame and maybe give you a bigger plant/yeild.

I’ve only tried root pouches and 0.5ltr air pots but fir a bigger plant I’d like to try straight to a 5 ltr pot.

What been your average height and what pit size did you use?

Could you outlay your environment.

What medium are you growing in?
How are you feeding your garden?
What is your temperature and humidity?

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It’s generally a bit cooler than ideal, atm 23/24c 65/75% rh
Im using dtw coco 2/3x times daily with 500w led.

I’ve grown in this environment forever, I think it’s just the plant/seed tbh, I’ve read about it numerous times?

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Sounds good, what ec are you running and do you add cal-mag?

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Atm it’s 1.9ec I flipped clones a Christmas and they’re still in that heavy feeding mode, it starting to make the others a touch dark.

It’s lesson learned I’ll not mix them again I fkd up there lol.

I don’t need calmag I. Using coco nutrient (canna ab)

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I do drain to waste coco as well and only feed at about 1.2 ec and target 5.8 ph, but I always use cal-mag in coco.
I wonder if your nitrogen levels are too high?
Could just be you reached the end of the polyhybrid rainbow with this cross.