Do my seed makers have to stay on 12/12light schedule

I have pollinated a white widow with blue moon…Do I need to keep her on 12/12?


I too have pondered this. surely the seeds would still develop?

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You’d think right… Thinking I’d like to reveg and clone . While the seeds can mature .


Yes you need to stay on a flowering schedule otherwise the plant will go back in to vegetation mode and stop producing any fruit Also need to stick with a blooming type of food.


have you tried it @LED_Seedz? do the seeds stop forming?

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So as long as there is some foliage after seeds are matured, then is it possible to revegg the mother?..I have read that white widow is a pain to clone during flowering…

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Possible absolutely, but if this is something you really want to continue to grow take a cut now and try to root it. If it roots it will be much further along than revegging which is hit or miss with most growers. Really nothing to loose if it roots as as long as you are on a 24/7 light schedule it should grow out of flowering at about 3 weeks rooted.

I ran WW years ago and didn’t feel it was any harder to root than anything else FWIW. Pure OG’s are way tougher IMO.


I appreciate your insight.LED…

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Hmmm…may have to give this a try in my other microbox, just to be sure :thinking:


Bodhi posted that he pollinates plants and puts them back into veg for the seeds to mature.


Some plants will straight up die once they’re done producing seeds.

I wonder if they ripen even faster because the added 6 hours of light a day…

AFAIK you can reveg them after you have finished pollinating. I think @V4vendetta has done it several times.


Hey @lefthandseeds ,
Quick question for you…
I had a female ufs#18 that got hit with some freakshow pollen. I’m assuming all of these seeds will be the standard 7-9 fingered leaves and the freakshow leaf mutation wouldn’t show unless hit with male freakshow pollen again?

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Yea assuming it stems from a single recessive trait, then you won’t see it in the 1st generation. But if you inbreed it to F2, then you should see it in 25% of your plants. At that point, find a male with the trait and a female with the trait and their children would have it. Or if you grew a F1 female again and crossed it a 2nd time with the freakshow, then 50% of the offspring would have the trait.


Mutations can be very dominate. Its how it existing in the first place is because thats a very homogenous trait. The hawaiian ducksfoot dominate the hybrids their bred with. They can grow out of it kinda. As in the leafs start looking more like cannabis as it grows larger and more fingers per leaf.

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Ah that’s cool, I didn’t know that. Do you know if it’s the same with the freakshow? That would be a fun one to mess around with, because then it’d be easier to isolate.


I hate to assume. But probably. I would want to work with the strain before I made the statement. Im looking at the ABC seeds. And the mutations seem to vary in how homogeneous it is.

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As far as revegging. I dont really have alot of advice.
Except dont cut too much off. I know you want to either get rid of the male pods or harvest your flowers. But dont cut too much off. Less is more. Size doesn’t seem to matter much.
But i will warn you. Revegging is epi-breeding. It will change your cannabis. The more you do it the more it changes. So if you like the way it taste and the terpene profile i would take clones before you send your girls into flower. Epi-breeding feeds on the stress the plant is under to adjust to the conditions. Like if you revegg cannabis with a pest investation you will probably (if succesful) make a plant more resistant to the pest or (the stress that your putting it under.) Now dont stress them out before revegging or you could wind up getting hermies. Like if you had pests while flowering you could spray the plants kill the fucks and get the plant a bit more healthy and calmed down then throw her into 24hrs.