15years out of the game

Hello everyone,
Some of you may know me from opengrow & hennepdesk forums back in the day
But now I have found myself back wanting to get into the hobby again after all these years
I have not got a preference on growing Organic or Hydro - Mapito is my choice but hell I have forgotten everything…so I’ll be rediscovering this lovely hobby for the start

Kind regards


glad to see you back in the game @Carper also you signed up at the best site on the net, things have changed alot in those 15 years. What strains do you plan on growing?


Welcome back! :raising_hand_woman:t3: There is a lot of great info and people here.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Carper you’re going to trip you dont have to borrow a car to get suppplies you can talk about a issue with you weed plant without refering to it as a tomato plant winkwink…
You can call a bong a bong at a headshop … And when you decide hydro or organic , hope you decide organic… That’s way easier the days, no more burying a fish and grinding up eggshells and fireplace ashes its all in bags now and relatively fair priced… have fun


I have only been in the group a short time but I have already talked with some great people welcome


Hello Simdadon,
You have chosen the perfect place to speak to like minded people

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