1st grow ever

LMFAO first thing u said was I had problems u didn’t ask what anything was at like dehumidifier set at 40 percent it’s not cold in there an nitrogen was hi I don’t feed it nitrogen

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He was being friendly. It was a good job but there’s always room for improvement.

And I agree with pat. You’ve done great but there’s absolutely room for improvement.


Anyway. Glad you posted. Goodluck with your journey dude. It helps to be approachable. See ya


why is it Schwab cause I’m not under LE.D.S etc etc lol peace bro


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They are SATIVA I know that lol an that’s it I got a few seeds from a friend of a friend could anyone guess what I have lol I know pretty much impossible to tell lol ANYWHO GOOD GROWING GUYS

Did u connect the 600 to the 1000w ballast?

Now that you’re almost done what will you do different next time?

Grow on

Yes I did add that bulb an I’m gonna get some real exhaust fans an a better A/C I’m actually gonna run 2 600 watt MH an 2 1,000 HPS bulbs i got some plans lol whay would u recommend???


Let me just give a word of advice… this isnt rollitup… or xbox… or childish thinking in those ways… its not a competition…

Og stands for each other quite a bit… and @PatHealy was just trying to be helpful…

I get you dont think theres a thing wrong… but sometimes you get advice without asking… obviously pat guessed early… he likely assumed you were making a game of it like a guessing game etc…

But stop being so snide bro… it’ll fair you much better to drop the typical competitive worldly way of thinking here at overgrow… you must be wet behind the ears new here …

In other words… we’re all extremely friendly and kind… sometimes too helpful… but not usually talking smack… trolling etc…

Welcome to OG…the very best site ever to be on… its a great place… and im sure youll love it… and positive youll learn how to improve on anything you have going on grow-wise…

Whether its a better nute regimen… or a better curing method … or better manipulation of the plant… whatever it is… theres a plethora of info and even more helpful people…

Hope to see you soon :+1:


Hey man, any first grow with smokable bud is a success. It only gets better from here, but
@PatHealy was just trying to help you out and he is :100: right on the money with what he said. The first pic I seen, automatically thought of those same 3 issues he had mentioned. I can’t say what your temps or humidity are but that’s definitely n-tox, no way around it. That first number on your nutrients… the 10, is nitrogen. If it’s mixed too strong and ph is out of whack that will definitely happen. We have all been there at some point.


It’s my 1st grow ya I don’t know shit I got long way to go I know so ya he said I had problems said cold humidity an nitrogen I told em my room does not go below 70 my dehumidifier is set at 40 an I feed them 10-54-10 than after that it just went downhill so ya guess I’ll stick to shitty ass Schwag weed :+1:

It will still be fine man, what day did you say they were on?
Is the 10-54-10 stuff all you have for nutrients? Numbers like those sound like a booster instead of base nutrients. What are they called?
Also you said it was a sativa sometimes they can be light feeders. Maybe try giving them a couple plain waterings then cutting whatever nutes you’re giving back a bit. That’s what i would do anyways

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Ok I get that but my ph is at 6.8-7 I do a tablespoon of 10-54-10 to gallon of water mixed with tablespoon of u sulphur molasses I’m running 2 lights 1,000 watt HPS an 600 watt MH oh I just added a 600 watt super bloom HPS bulb today an those pictures are right before my lights turn on they sleeping my room don’t go below 70 it does get hot in there 90 I know that’s not good im planning on fixing that next run with better exhaust fans an better AC i think that’s about it that i goy going on any recommendations or what to do not do id appreciate it THANK U

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Ues it’s a booster sorry I was actually wanting a 0-60-0 but I could not find it so I got that instead

A what?

I usually stay out of y’all’s dirt watering, but, what is your schedule like?

You can only use boosters for a couple specific weeks during flowering. What you have is only for week 4-5 or 6. You need base nutes that you always feed that are like 4-7-7 or something low like that


An I’m not unapproachable he said I had 3 problems I explained to him it couldn’t be that cause it not cold it not humid ya maybe N to much but than they only get it every other week an so I probably give it to 2-3 times during the week of oh an I give em unsulfered molasses I should of got blackstrap but I got Grandma’s instead

Iirc you have open hoods on your lights. Find ductable hoods.

Treat OG well and blessings will follow.


You need to get some light fertilizer and stop feeding what you have for now.
What is it called? What brand? What’s the bottle look like. Can help better if we knew what company your using