Update on second grow in Phototron!

So I have been in flower for 17 days and I’m getting pistil hairs and I think it’s looking good…what do you all think about her


Nice, brings back memories from the early 80s.
One of these was the pride of my living room.
Success was mixed, mainly because I didnt know what I was doing.


Looks great!
I’d think you could trim off some of the bigger fan leafs, especially toward the bottom. It’s surrounded by light so would let a bit more penetration in on the bud sites.


Great work. Really dig that top shot.


I’ve always been told that it’s not ideal to remove any kind of fan leaves after it’s been in flower for the first 2 weeks and I am on day 17 of flower so I am not doubting u but should I make sure that the stretch is done and I have been trying to bend over the taller branches and it’s seems like it’s creating a canopy of about 7 nice flower nodes growing at the same height and only the main cola is above them so you’re referring to the areas that are at the bottom ⅓rd of the plant & being the second grow ever I’m really trying to make it the best possible turnout for the plant this grow and it’s already been doing way better than the first time but the more input the more I have in my bag of tips and tricks


Also I know the general range for temperature and I’m growing in a basement and I am curious about what is the recommended temperature to be sure that it doesn’t go below plus it’s only getting colder

At night 10 degrees F below day temp is the basic rule.

Most say on the 70s. During the day.

I let mine get down to 55 trying to make colors pop. Didn’t kill it.


Personally I take fan leafs whenever as long as the plant is vigorous and healthy.
In a week you won’t even be able to tell you cut anything off, the inners will fill in and take their spot.
I believe that comes from the thinking it will stress the plant thus cause herming. I’ve found with good genetics and a dialed in environment this really is of no worry.
I think of it as if it was in the wild, maybe a deer would chomp a few leaves or bear walks by and breaks a few off.
All that being said I have a flat light coming from above and you are surrounding your girl with light so two different animals. Half the fun is the experimenting. But that’s a lot easier with a healthy head stash I know.
Do what your comfortable with, it’s obviously working so far :rofl:


Totally understand where you’re coming from and basically I just gotta decide when and where to imitate mother nature so thanks for the feedback it’s a good principle and Ive been getting more experimental throughout this time and I already have a good plan for the next grow like adding a couple nutes & ferts since I’ve never used and I plan on doing some heavy training especially with growing in a phototron with height restrictions so it’s exciting how muzh I’ve been learning throughout this grow… and I am going to start keeping a grow journal/diary…I began at the beginning of flower for this grow and I’m keeping real “OG” handwritten paper documents that way I will have a start to a little collection of grow logs


Some people get great results with heavy defoliation.

I’ve never had the courage to strip down my plants, nor grown in a phototron so I may not know what I’m talking about.

She’s looking happy and healthy! It’s obvious that whatever you are doing is working great.


This is a very nice and intelligent thread to follow. Between you and @PhilCuisine, I am seeing how these work…

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I pluck leaves whenever I feel like it. I especially do it after stretch because you can really see what needs it.


So I’m updating my current grow of Black Eyed Katy and it’s currently on day 24 of flower and is really starting to look a lot better than the first time growing so I’m excited to see how she turns out and I am just about ready to get rid of a couple of the bigger fan leaves that are blocking light and that’s why I am seeking input/advice on whether or not I need to trim them because I’m growing in soil inside of my Phototron…but here’s a few pictures of her this morning


Looks good Dr.G, it’s ok for you to pinch off some of the big fan leaves if its blocking the lights…I pinched a few off myself on my grow, and I also bent a bud that was getting way to close to the light just yesterday.


What are those light tower things?

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They are a “U” shaped fluorescent tubes. T12s I think?
They provide the illumination in the Phototrons.



Yuppers @Gpaw you’re spot on! And @Steemy if you’re curious about them they’re 3×40w T12 U-shaped fluorescent tubes inside of an “old school” phototron and “The Phototron was invented by Pyraponic founder Jeffery DeMarco while doing federally licensed research on marijuana cultivation for a master’s degree at the University of Illinois.”


Interesting to read about for sure my guy!

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The stretch is done and I am just starting week 5 tomorrow of flower

sorry for the crappie pictures and will update after I wake her up later on today but here is her 2 days ago!


So I was watering my plant this morning and it’s officially the start of week 5 of flower and things are looking good but then…I found these and basically it’s pretty simply…is she going hermaphrodite on me please :pray:t2: don’t be …

I am really freaking out and I know it’s not definitely a hermaphrodite but I just don’t like the looks …???

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