1st grow ever

I had 1 on my plant… i caught the bastard in a cup and then tried to stick him with honey on a stick for identification purposes… it jumped so fuckin far it was insane… luckily i saw it and got him anyway… but yeah they jump far!!!

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Welcome to Overgrow @Cummings420, congratulations on your first grow the plants are looking frosty.

As to your question about a 600 watt lamp running on a 1000 watt ballast, I believe it is dangerous to run an undersized lamp on a HID ballast.

Overpowering a lamp should not be recommended please find a safe alternative for lighting your garden if that’s what you’re currently doing.

Underpowering a lamp isn’t recommended either.
I’ve read that it’s important to match the wattage of the lamp to the wattage of the ballast. Many blessings and much love


Thank u bud I appreciate it I actually unplugged my 600 MH an that 600w HPS I only ran for like 4 hours on been off since Monday i think im gonna hook back up the MH on sunday as its my wifes an i 5th anniversary so wont have time today n tomorrow

Keep it unplugged please sir

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It’ll be a week off on Monday how about I run it only 6hrs a day an every 2 or 3 days or if u want me to leave it completely off I shall leave it off I did turn it on for few min other day to take pics than turned it off I only had it on for 2-3 minutes an the HPS light turned on few minutes after I turned off MH anywho thank u bay oh also was wondering if I should be checking mail next coupon days

I will let you know when mail goes out. Gotta find me stamps. Why are you turning MH on? Don’t they look happier without it? Leaves flatter? Less hot? In time you will be fluent in Ganjanese, the language of our plant. It will improve your understanding of all other languages you use as well.

Spray the new plant. Whiteflies are pesty but I’ve never seen a grow shut down by em. No telling whats on the new one. Please spray her.


I turned my fans off at night an turned them down on the flower so it’s not blowing so dang hard anywho thank u for sending me that link

I got this to spray all 3 plants an I also picked up mosquito :mosquito: dunks just wanted to say thank u for that recipe also thank u to everyone who gave me info on the bugs do u think this spray will work anywho have a great day OG FAM it’s fuckin raining here lol

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I got some spray today it says it kills all those bugs I’m hoping it works I’m gonna go Spray em after I read the instructions lol

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Good job👍🏿. Not sure about that Sulfur in late flower but yeah that new plant should be sprayed every 3 days for at least 2 weeks. Believe it or not pests develop resistance to threats. That’s why a good IPM regimen has multiple weapons. Dr. Zymes, or anything that isn’t pyrethrin or Sulfur would be a great additon. Alternate every 3 days. Left right left right. With that open door you’ll have visitors. Inhospitable af is the goal.
Good shit friend.


Awesome thank u bay I got some mosquito dunks too I’m just reading it figuring it out before I go an use it lol so i shouldn’t spray my 2 ladies just the plant i got

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Mosquito dunks is for the dirt. Youll water it in after allowing it to dissolve or separate. For fungus gnats. Not sure about the other 2 plants. Pics from today please. Spray the new 1 for sure though.


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I’ll take pictures tonight when the light goes off I’m hoping to have a better camera so we’ll see lol so do I put like half a dunk in gallon a water or the whole thing I can’t find the guys recipe in my thread that he used it than put sand on top of his soil I’m going through each message lol thank u

Damn it I knew I was forgetting something sand I wonder if the sand I have in the sandbags around the house (floods here) will work I’ll make sure it’s a sealed bag of sand not opened

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Would I be able to use that Dr Zymes on my 2 plants or no is there something that’s safe to spray on ur flowering flowers

Yea you could use Zymes, prolly the Captain Jacks too. Sand aint really a big deal unless you’re inhaling gnats. Same with the dunks.

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Yes any sand will be fine as long as its clean etc… i use aquarium sand because it claims to ensure microbe safety… idk what they do to it… who knows if anything lol…

Makes your pots look like outside of bank ashtrays lmao!

Lol ok definitely will do that an I got fly strips I’ll just cut em to fit my bucket I’ll fuckin layer that car lol

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That new plant ingot was WETTTT practically she was stuck in mudd so I dumped out washed the roots an stuck her in same pot but fresh dry dirt so hopefully she likes that better I’ll take pictures in lil bit when the light goes off


Damn i am glad u mentioned cutting the fly ribbon… i have 1 too long hanging in my small tent… now i know what to do… not sure why i didnt think of it lol… WEED!!