1st grow ever

I got couple birds rat 2 cats n 5 dogs an bunch chickens n 2 roosters lol

That slip back is straight fuckin :fire::fire::fire::fire:

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Damn man… i hope that starts to just be better… thanks bro im trying my hardest for sure! This is and always will be a huge deal for me… i am ADDICTED to growing… shit i thought i cared about smoking weed…

Ive never put this much thought into anything… i had no idea i could do something so intruiging and it stay intruiging in this way that it consumes me… but it just does… at 1st i was consumed with worry… now im more consumed with passion for growing in general… hell… i even started growing other plants outside n shit… this 1 fern im trying to see how big i can make it lol… its just fun man… the good bad and ugly… is all opportunity :pray:


“A Pimp named Slick Back. Say the whole thing like A Tribe Called Quest. A Pimp named Slick Back.”



Thats wtf im talmbout. Infected with a new love that can ultimately feed the ‘whole world Craig’. Good shit.


Exactly were moving buying a house we live in her mom’s house she’s selling it but there’s flowers galore I been taking starts off them I’m starting on the rose bushes now I just did the wisteria they doing great so I wanna get starts of everything that’s here is my goal I love gardening now its HOBBY

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I know what you mean man… I started growing in 2017, I’ve moved 5 times since and my grow has always been the first thing setup, before clothes are unpacked even :joy:


Would somebody go look at some kush pictures an than compare them to my Pic they look REALLY REALLY SIMILAR in my opinion what do others think ???

do I think I got a kush strain ???

Dude. For real, how many times are you going to ask the same question? Spamming the forum isn’t going to get people helping you.


I’ll take better pics when my HPS light is off

Nobody answered it

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Spamming what forum my own thread

Only other place I asked was the ogkush thread :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Looks like you have pretty skinny leaves, typically a sativa trait, not a Kush trait… I could be wrong, but, my 2 cents


No bro ur exactly :100: correct on that’s leaves are saying sativa

Found this lil bug

Looks like a potato leaf hopper maybe.


Thank u do u think that’s what’s causing that damage

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White leaf hopper


I have been told those are nasty little bugs that carry disease and feed on your plants …

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