1st grow ever

Electricity contract what u mean I pay when my power gets low than I’ll throw like 50_100 bucks on it it’s pretty cool I get to see what ur running etc i actually like the prepaid account

7 dollars a day it’s less than 200 bucks a month

… No it’s not…it’s also not $64 a week.


Hell yea ma if you can pull a clone off a budded plant im all for it! Just my only experience it took months to get it out of the solo cup and back to health

Lmfao 7x7 is 63 sorry I dollar off yes 63 dollars a week why would I LIE

… No… No 7x7 is not 63…jesus.


I fucked up at first I didn’t have airflow going an gave a lil Alaskan fish fertilizer an it molded on the soil oh I used coco coir also for first time so was all messed up I scraped off the mold with a fork n spoon they starting to come around now an my other clones I took off my girls are doing pretty good

64 as I said

Cause u pay my electric bill u would know huh lmfao :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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240 a month my bad but that’s not high that’s normal in town water bills are more than that

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Anything else I’m lying about ??? LMFAO

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Smoke a spliff and relax. Read some other posts or something… :dash::dash:


I’ve smoked a bowl took 2 dabs hr ago lol I’m good bud thanks for the advice I just don’t like people saying I’m lying now if I was in my addiction years of most definitely u couldn’t trust a word I said but today as I’m 8 years clean I have no reason to lie make shit up lol but yes it’s time to burn one are u smoking with me

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Yes, I’m about to twist one up… it’s about that time.


Im smoking some Double Desiel some dudes on here Gave me seeds of. Very stinky.


We are all high and struggling with our multiplication tables. This might be a bad time to ask how much wattage x hours x dollars a 1000w light takes to run.


WHAT gave u seeds damn that fuckin awesome n generous man people here on OG are great wishing I had seeds with a name cause I’m over here growing who knows what lol bay said he would get me seeds I told him to surprise me so I’m hoping to get something AWESOME

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… That’s, that’s not what 7x7 is…

No one said anything about lying bud.