1st grow ever

Do u flush at end of grow or do u do 1 big flush at once I got a video of u would watch it n let me know what I think I’d appreciate it

I give them a gallon of water every 2 days

I water them in the morning few minutes before lights well light comes on I give them a tablespoon of unsulfered molasses in each gallon of water also if that makes any difference

Congrats on a respectable first grow :metal:

Okay, so, flushing can be a wavering if “touchy” topic. Some say it’s not needed. Others swear by it. Some will say it depends on the medium and grow style used, nutrients used etc.

Generally, it’s typically used to assist in correcting a medium lockout or toxicity of some manner. Also at final harvest.

I personally grow in coco with bottled nutrients, and i just taper-down my feed to a near-zero by the time of harvest. Ive also done final flushing of 3, 7 and even 10 days.

I can’t say I’ve noticed any differences other than the 10-day flushed plants are always more faded visually. No discernable difference in smoke quality, burn quality, etc ---- those IMO are mostly affected by the quality of drying and then curing.

Welcome to Overgrow, man, this is honestly a fucking KILLER place to be and learn. I’ve grown some D A N K buds from seeds literally given to me from people here. Have fun! :metal:


Thank u for ur kind words I appreciate it ya I like this place a lot it’s cool with a lot of awesome people so far damn really people just give u seeds that’s fuckin crazy so I got a few seeds from my cousin who got em from a friend so I have no idea what I’m growing but I did track him down an as he said he didn’t know just from old grow an heirloom he said than I showed home some pics with the light out an he said it looks like some Afghani that he had quite ways back so ya i don’t know except its sativa lol anywho THANK U GREATLY APPRECIATE IT

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Hey @Cummings420 <— thats how you tag people

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@seeds2weeds got it thank u for that info greatly appreciated lol are u in the US or no just wondering I’ve seen a lot of people not from us

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So I got a :lemon: affy given to me yesterday she’s a lil on the small side but we shall see how she does she’s in pre-flower now so I stuck her in with the other ladies on 12/12 hoping to take some clones off her once she gets bigger



Yea im in the us pal. There is a lot of us mericans here.
So this is your first time growing?
I tried to find a post from you in the “introduce yourself” thread but i dont see anything.

Heres the thread in case you wanna put some basic info about yourself out such as why youre growing, how long youve been growing etc.


It is very hard to clone from a flowered plant. The clone uses all of its energy to reveg and runs a high risk of dying. I documented it on my thread since i did it once and it took 3 months for it to finally reveg i would not recommend that to anyone unless absolutely necessary due to sentimental reasons.

Best time to clone is veg, id say do it now or never but it is possible to do it later.


I would keep her going as is.
I see youre using oldschool lights. Mind telling me a bit about your set up?

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I straight water for a week than hit with the bloom the next week in alternating should I go like 2 weeks straight water than 1 week bloom back to 2 weeks water or should I just feed 1½ teaspoons per gallon of water like u suggested sorry to bug taking u away from ur project

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Dang i know your electric bill is high haha

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It really isn’t though I do prepaid for electric bill it costs me 7 bucks a day to run 64 bucks a week so right around 200 bucks a month which is reasonable I think lol oh an I did that thing tell about urself Wonder if u can see it anywho thank u for everything today bud I really appreciate it

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I just absolutely hate not knowing what strain I’m growing lol at least I know what my lil girl is :lemon: affy the other 2 ladies don’t know but the dude I tracked down that my cousin got the seeds from said they look like an Afghan he grew a years back lol do my ladies look like a Afghan strain to u if u had to guess what u think they are

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Hey that was for @Kushking902 haha. If you look in the top right of my post you will see his profile pic.

200 bucks isnt bad im close to double that.
Also i seen the post and commented under it. What a story man!
And no problem i am glad to help you! Ive been gettin help here for over a year now and im super happy to be able to pass it on when i can

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To be 100% real with you man i have no familiarity with strain structures and looks. Some people will argue over a leaf and a stem saying they know its not something based off that but me i am not there yet


Where did the new plant come from? Do you have spray for ipm? Check the electricity contract please. You’re using lotsa power and planning on increasing. :pray:t6:

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My clones turn out fine actually though I use a root tone I’m not trying to be combative but yes I need to get a clone machine instead of root tone water in dirt lol

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Got it given to me from my daughter’s mom was outside she told me to take there’s really no more sun coming