1st outdoor grow, advice needed

As the title says these are my first outdoor plants here in northern Midwest, flowering should have started by August 1st at the latest I figured, i have one plant in full flower, and 2 plants that seem to be in veg still, hard to tell. The two large ones are/were my old mother plants. The small one was a seed, this spring.

I read a guy on here say that he put his mother out doors and he’s had some or none that or i think he said he’s never had a mother successfully flower. Something along those lines. I did veg the seed on in door. But these plants where on 18-6 prior to being planted outside in the being of june. So no Reveg issues. Veg to veg. Even the timer cycles was 10pm-4am true day light was off like an hour in each direction, it was a smooth transition, they exploded outside.


Plants are looking good to me. :grinning: :+1:


Not enough time left in grow season for ten weeks of flowering if they started now. There could be snow one the ground here by then. A little concerned.


They’re just starting. I’m also Midwest(Ohio) and I’ve had a male flower faster than others but the females are quite literally just hitting it this week. Same look.

Edit: well, I guess some started last week to actually look like they’re flowering but I’ve still got two that are dragging feet. I’m not looking to take my to term though.


They should be fine, the longer the veg the larger the plant will end up getting. If your a week or two short of 10 weeks I would not worry to much about it.


I dont think i will be able to. The Minnesota area gets hit with cold early.

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I wish you luck! I’m not an experienced outdoor guy but maybe someone will chime in with helpful advice. I’ll pray.


what ten-week strains are they? do you have any light pollution from neighbors?

RS11 and AKOG they can both be 8 weeks as they are both hybrid. But I prefer them both at 10 on indoor grows so idk again first outdoor. As for light pollution my back porch that i have control over would probably be the worst, but even then there is a 6 foot privacy fence blocking it if someone did turn it on and it would be closest to the plant that is currently flowering,


I’m not in Minisnowta but here in VA 3rd week of August is the norm for outdoor plants to start flowering, My single outdoor plant has just started to flower


This was on my mind too… tall plant catching neighbors lights?


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