Trying to understand

im wondering why im 2weeks behind on flower compared to my neighbord or my buddy
its the second year i notice this late blooming and since my bloom season is tight here it stresses me out on this day to not have at least a cluster of pystils

i wonder what could i know for fact theres no light keeping them in veg


Same clone as your neighbor? If not, then your plant just starts flowering later. If so, then the amount of total sunlight may be different. Like it is being shaded early or late in the day compared to the others.

Edit. Actually yours must get more daylight than the others if it is the same clone.


my buddy has same clone as me but were just 5km apart
but his doesnt get the direct sun i get


Then having less hours of direct sunlight may have triggered flowering in your neighbor’s clone … beer3|nullxnull


and here i thought faint light was light , guess i picked the right plsnting spot
direct sun exposition from sunrise to sunset

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Too much light will delay flowering

Too much nitrogen can delay flowering (though this is usually really noticeable)


notrogen part could be it also my girls stay lush green till very end of harvest no fade as of the last two seasons i should do a soil test after harvest but i dont know where around here i could have it tested
im also above 47 paralelle north


ill just have to hope for the best now

As long as it can finish before it gets too cold where you are it was just able to get a bit bigger in veg before the flower shift. Same as if he just flipped to 12/12 for two weeks earlier than you for indoor photo grows.

His thinks its later in the season than it actually is. This could be an advantage in colder climates if you have problems getting em to finish outdoors before the season ends like longer flowering sativas. Or get to smokeable bud faster. Cant see it hurting anything, end of season temps permitting and its all light and not nitrogen related.

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That’s exactly what it is, if his is getting less light in a day the plant was triggered sooner thinking the season was closer to fall. A shaded spot at the beginning or end of the day is all it takes.

Def nothing to be disappointed about, means u got 2 more weeks of veg getting nice and bigger before it flipped, in theory u will have the better yield and possibly a lil better quality since your plant is getting more overall light

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winter here can by pass fall its rare but sometimes it cuts off a flower cycle short

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This could either be just soil organics without much nighttime temp swings or you have something " slow release" in your soil but I highly doubt that if u been using ur soil 2 years cuz even if they started with the lil slow release beads there would be nothing left. As long as ur buds haven’t been harsh and getting u choked up I wouldn’t even be concerned, means they are happy and healthy getting everything they want

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i have been using the soil lfor 4years id say

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Need to look into fast finishing strains then, I got 2 faygo colas out in my grow space that one already looks done and another is couple to few weeks away and have others just getting started as of a couple weeks ago. If u gotta beat the weather that’s gonna be ur best bet

Fun fact, crossing an auto with a photoperiod will create a fast finish photo, thats the generation of seeds u should be chasing for ur grows to beat ur fast coming winters

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Ya I wouldn’t be concerned then, soil gets better grow after grow. I’ve been able to run plants start to finish with no feed just cuz it’s so charged from the years! Just a healthy active soil

ive basicaly just planted in the beds and let the rain do its thing

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Must be nice, I’m out there watering every morning :laughing:

i just go out pull branches trough cage

Ya I remember that in Cali on the biiig grows but we were metal trellising wrapped for the 200 gallons grow bags and using bamboo under the branches to support the weight. Down here in az I hardly gotta worry about that, u got some nice bushes there for sure!

I got a late start this season of mid may to mid June but managed to pinch out some bushes afterall

These two are my early finishers


i posted a lil garden update with a comparaison eith my neighbors gurls

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