1st Seed Run! Should I top the male?

Good morning, OGers! Alright so, I’m getting set for my first seed run :metal:

I have a male and female Archive Slurricane F1, and am gona let the male also pollinate my Chernobyl.

Should I top the male, Or should I let it grow tall so as to better carry pollen around the flower tent? :man_shrugging:t2: Just like in nature, right? Don’t the males (usually) get taller so the pollen can carry further & better? :man_shrugging:t2:

Also any other tips you might have to make this process easier for me, I’m all ears :+1: this is quite literally my first rodeo as a seed run, LOL, but for the most part I’m assuming this is just like any other grow. . .right?


If you have the space just let it grow. If you need to top it later it’s no biggie. :ok_hand:


I would just let it go. I don’t like high stress training in seed runs. I have topped plants in seed runs before but now just prefer not to put them through that stress.


@DougDawson the female(s) as well?

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Let it groW

I am with @Pigeonman and @DougDawson on this.

No reason to create more work for yourself.
The male should produce copious amounts of pollen with little effort.

Don’t get me wrong we all love seeing bushy plants like

But…One will still get an abundance of pollen if they just let the plant grow unimpeded.

Yes! Male plants will do what male plants do. No need to give them any special attention. As a matter of fact I am pretty sure males are the most neglected of the cannabis plants.

I am assuming this is the 1st time running this female? I would not touch it on the 1st run. I would just let it grow and evaluate its growth, structure etc…

By no means should you listen to me though. I say do what you want to do but whatever you do just take pictures and plenty of notes. Plus you will see that cannabis can do some pretty amazing things. The only way to learn what works for you is by experimenting!

Judging by your past grows on the OG you should be confident in your ability.
You :100:% got this.


It doesn’t matter if you do or don’t. Even a small male can produce enough pollen to pollinate many large females and yield thousands of seeds. It will produce pollen sacks from every node, topped or not.


@Maddawg good lookin out, and I agree that it’d be best to see what the female does before breeding it. … but, these are what I’d call a “last chance” chuck, where I’m literally just breeding the last two seeds I have of this pack. I’m banking on Archive being a solid enough breeder that just chucking a couple random seeds “should” still produce decent plants :man_shrugging:t2:

I appreciate all the replies, thanks everyone :metal:


Lol males of any species wil.do what they do when procration is concerned. Fortubately We males of the human species have bars and gentlemen clubs to frequent when we get that “urge”… lol


It’s really about your goals man. You have one male and 2 females. If left alone and no topping done you still should get thousands of seeds if they ate left to get big enough. If it’s more seeds you are looking for you could take several clones of each and grow them for your seed run. That said, I am sure you will be surprised with what you get from juat 2 untrained females.


2 unrestrained female humans …

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My main goal is to successfully create seeds at all, like, get them to proper ripeness, dry them and store them properly. Secondary goal is to create a decent abundance of them :metal:

Fingers crossed I’m not using the worst phenos available, since I have no means of “hunting” I’m just kinda winging it with my last seeds of this pack. As long as the process is successful, even if the progeny turns out cruddy, it will be a HUGE leap forward for me in my growing career, and my ability to repeat this process but with decently hunted parents in the future


Green nose hairs. Get ready. lol seeds are fun.
Like @vernal said it doesn’t take much. The end of a Q-tip will make a few seeds. @RookieBuds good luck.

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Sounds like a great opportunity to practice your skills of keeping a male… practice collecting, drying and storing pollen… then at a later time you can dust something else… then you still can do your natural pollination.
The more you get these various skills under your belt the more confident you will be.
Good luck and have fun :call_me_hand:t4: