Trying to initiate plant sex for the first time

I found me what I think is an absolute stunner of a male, he was the most squat, tight noded? Plant in the pack, so much so that I thought it was female for sure, but the ladies are the stretchy ones in this cross oddly enough. (kushmints f2)

Anyways I’ve acquired a small handful of badass cuts, one of which is the RH kushmints (original f1 selection/pollen receiver from the f2s for those that don’t know) and I think I want to try to make some ibl’s for funsies as well as hitting a couple other cuts (mike Tyson OG, mendobreath, forum gsc, and maybe even Gary Payton, I see online that Gary breeds pretty well)

Also on a total side note, does anyone know anything about the mike Tyson OG cut? I know I love the smoke but I can’t really find anything concrete, regarding its origin. Some say it originated in Canada from some private forum user, not sure which forum or even the users handle, it’s all a big secret. But then some say it came from the states, I can trace it as far back as 2011-2013 in the US from an old IG account called “glitter factory” but it doesn’t look anything like the one here in Canada from the pics I’ve found,


This guy has been growing like this under a 240w fixture that I run at just 20% because I have seedlings and cuts in the space generally. I guess I’m not really sure about anything to do with breeding… do you flower the male first and collect pollen to later dust on plants? Or would you just flower in the same space as the females ? If I dust them would I do it as soon as I see pistils on the females or is there an ideal time for pollination?


Are males the same as females in the sense that the clone can potentially express slightly differently than the seed plant ? Would you use pollen from the seed plant? I’ll take a clone of him regardless for future use, incase I’m happy with the results


Would you feed the pollen receivers differently while they’re trying to create life or is it business as usual?

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When you popped the seeds and found your selected male, out of the other males was he the first to indicate seeds?

How many seeds do you want to make? If you introduce the male you will get many but if you flower him and collect the pollen you have the control of doing a branch or whole plant or…etc.

When to introduce the male can be dependent on different factors. Flowering times of females, do you want smoke too etcetc. Def want to let females flower a bit before introducing pollen to get enough but you wait too long and seeds will be duds as they did not get time to finish…too early and you only get a few. Most people take their pollinated clones longer than normally would to ensure success.

Best of luck on your fun project and keep us posted!!


Sorry first question should be indicate sex not seeds

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Yes, unless you want the whole tent to be only seeds.

Flower the male in a separate space away from females… IF you can’t… Keep Females in VEG mode to limit the amount of accidentally making seeds


I personally wait untill 2nd or 3rd week of Flower.

Whatever part of the females are NOT covered with bags when using pollen WILL end up with seeds.

Water + bags are your friend.


Actually he was the only boy in the pack. well that’s no true there’s one slow one that hasn’t even shown sex yet but I just liked the look of this plant, I was psyched when I thought It was a female and now I’m even a little more psyched that it’s a male lol

I hadn’t planned on doing anything crazy volume wise, my intention would be to just root and fruit a cutting as the receiver, I’ve never gone from clone directly to flower before so if I had to put a number on the expectation of that, I would say maybe 100 beans would be pretty cool

Okay so I definitely won’t be introducing the male then, the control aspect of dusting is a lot more attractive to me. How long would you let your seeds stay on the vine after you noticed the pollen was received adequately? Or could it be very different from plant to plant and you just have to watch for the ripening as you would with the females

Absolutely will keep this post updated as I go🤙


Haha no I don’t think i need that much seed, collection and dusting it is :call_me_hand:

I appreciate that tidbit of priceless timing info;) That is definitely something im a little concerned about, I can understand the bags but what about the water? Am I just spraying the plant down after pollinating it?


Is the first male to indicate sex generally the best to use? Does that give you any insight as to what the flower time might be, or is it just like an ideal sign?

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Sounds like the structure of your stud rocks! Definitely qualities i look for too.

Please consider my recommendations as not concrete but usually what I follow when I make seeds as there are timing variables but most males I collect pollen from is around week 4 or 5 in flower. The male is mature and dropping pollen big time. With that said some anthers on him may open earlier and spread his seed befor the majority do at maturity. So you may get some stray seeds from that even if the females are in another room. So watch him and mist with water if needed until you are ready to collect. I typically dust my females around week 2 or 3 in flower and let them go until bursting at the seems from seed maturity. Lets say hypothetically i have female clones i am use to flowering until day 63 I as an amateur let them go until day 70 or 73 just to ensure the majority of seeds are collected at peak ripeness. I am sure professional seed makers have it dialed in better but of course specific strains have different trigger dates but when I follow my times above or there abouts I always get the majority as viable seeds with little or no time wasted.

Definitely fun project! Highly recommended and hope to hear about your experience and any tweeks that you found worked or did not​:beers::+1::call_me_hand:

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Water deactivates pollen. Many who do open pollination will spray the room down 24 hours after to deactivate any stray pollen.

Actually the males who indicate sex the quickest are less desirable. Granted you and I rock a ten pack and pick a male is not really a good indication of the fast male so was just curious. I would totally give your stud a go from the description but I have worked for seed producers and when they pick a fast male out of laziness, that dominant trait shows through in the seeds…more males and females who throw lower bananas towards the end…this is with 100s to 1000s seed selection where you can really tell the fast males. You and I just do not have the numbers to see which dude represents the fast male out of the bunch. I was just curious and please rock that dude…sounds like he is worthy to pass the traits listed to a future generation!!


What kinda stuff are you working with? Kush, cookies, Chem etc. ?

Thank you, one of my next questions was going to be, is there an optimal stage of flower to collect the pollen, @ 4/5 weeks do you just do that because of the amount of pollen or is it more viable as well ? Or is it just as viable at any stage of flower? Could I lollipop the male to kind of leave myself with just a handful of clusters, or would that affect it negatively? I’ve never flowered a male so this may sound dumb but I’m not sure if I can stress it to the point that it turns into a ladyboy? Sorry for all the stupid questions I just feel like I’m about to do my first grow all over again lol

That’s good to know something as simple as water can leave pollen dead in it’s tracks. No kidding I would have assumed that fast flower was more desirable. I think it was actually the last of the pack to show sex (aside from my runt that still hasn’t) tbh the main reason I considered using this plant to pollinate is because of the structure and the leaves. Short, and tight with fat ass leaves leads me to think it could possibly pass on more bubba than animal mints and anything bubba dom puts the lead in my pencil :joy:

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I heard it said you need 100
Plants to find the keeper.
I’m like Fook that
Most folks who say that dont have room for 10 lol.
Do what makes you happy
Is a nice looking plant.
Good luck


I am working mostly with other breeders seeds and bag seed I have collected in Guatemala mostly and other CA and SA countries. Just trying to change it up.

For most plants we work with, week 4 or 5 is when the male has reached its peak maturity and is not immature and not past its peak. So I have found that is when you get the most viable pollen. Of course you have a 16 week thai or 6 week auto this may not be the case. As soon as the anther is ready to open it usually is viable so it can start producing early and after the 4/5 weeks. Pollen can be viable at anytime it is able to be released and also never viable depending on the genetics. I have had males produce no pollen through their flower cycle while looking bad ass and totally desirable traits but nature was like nope not with this guy. You could lollipop if you wanted and I am sure you will collect pollen just fine but I would recommend you either flower him out completely to see his flower structure as this will give you an idea of what he can bring to the offspring esp when thinking about bud structure and you can pick off anthers that are lower or you feel will open too soon. You can also clone him just remember to continuously pull the balls as he will continue to flower and not reveg 100 percent like a female should. Dude love this conversation so do not hold back and question away. We are all learning and should share what we see or experience. I hope you keep it going throughout your seed project and discuss what you experience. What works and what did not. What you may do differently next time. Great information to share!!

I would totally stick with your chosen stud. Structure sounds killer and structure is huge in my book when choosing my male to work with. I was just pointing that information out for future seed creations…say you ran 10 packs of breeder x’s seeds to find a male I would probably not take those first males and doc their dates in contrast to desirable traits when making my final selection and avoid the negative traits we discussed with the fast males…some breeders will advertise they chose the fastest most vigorous male to create the newest fire desert strain when the realities are they are fibbing so you have poor results if you tried to recreate their strain/use a male with their claimed method of male selection or they are probably selling seeds with high tendencies to intersex.

:beers:cheers bro! Best of luck and keep us posted​:call_me_hand:

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Depends on the breeder and the selective traits you are looking for. If the breeder and I are on the same mission and they bred something looking for what I am looking for you should be able to easily find that gem but ya if you are trying to find that trait that is recessive or from a great grandparent…best break out the 100 pack of seeds. Breeding is definitely a grow area hog lol but like you said do what makes you happy in your grows and you cannot fail🍻

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Haha i noticed that too when people talk shit about other peoples “hunts” through single packs, you check their page and they’ve only got a 2x2 or something, which is cool don’t get me wrong I would take whatever I could get in terms of space, but settle your single plant self down

Thank you I thought so too, and even if he’s useless it’s my first time :crazy_face:

Do you have a favourite breeder? I personally am a huge fan of archive. Guatemala, thats cool as hell… I have some extra packs from a Canadian breeder (scallywag seed co. He’s an absolute capital G) that uses a lot of Canadian cuts, they’re mostly kush varieties that I have from him but I would send some your way to play with if you want, maybe something you’ve never seen before.

Yeah that makes sense I will start collecting around week 4.5 then, right in the middle lol you are a wealth of knowledge for someone that claims to be not so professional;) haha 16 weeks :exploding_head: I was second guessing myself trying to keep my first 11 weeker healthy till the finish line, I couldn’t even imagine. Okay I can respect that, I’ll leave him alone in his own little space without any manipulation for my first go round, I think I’m just trying to do too much now. What a let down, I would be crushed if I had actually spent serious time trying to make a proper male selection only to find out he doesn’t even shoot dust lol I probably wouldn’t flower him out for the sake of seeing his bud structure, it’ll be immediate pollen collection and then trash him (I’ll keep a cut incase I actually did find the holy grail of males) but my plan is to just try to make seed, could be absolute dog shit progeny but I would be happy if I successfully made viable seed this first time around. However if I have fun with it and try again I could totally see myself going down worm holes to try to perfect the process. That is interesting because it seems almost all of the mainstream breeders (in the US at least) have packs going out with ridiculously high herm rates, and I always thought it was because the newest fire dessert (I like that term lol) clone only females are just prone to it, and that’s a chance you take when looking for the heat. But never had I assumed that laziness in the selection process of the male was even a possibility, I assumed all breeders prided themselves on their male selections because to me, I have no idea how to select for a male (well a little now) and these guys crank out 3-4, 15 strain drops a year. Goddamn I’m naive :joy:

The ladies of kushmints f2, since this whole ordeal I’m thinking maybe I should take it to f3 as well instead of messing around with a bunch of different cuts right off the bat, just do IBL and f3 so I can kind of see what the male does. im indecisive but I’m a big fan of the middle girl that likes to grow sideways, and the one on the right is a vigorous beef cake… that being said the scraggly one on the left will probably be the most fire now lol