2-4D herbicide. Dont shoot me

I put this in advanced techniques cause I dunno where else to out it.

I’m probably going to speak some evil to the majority of you but I’ve been wondering this for awhile. I used to spray herbicide for a job during orientation we were told 2-4D causes “uncontrolled growth” on broad leaf plants. (Can you see where I’m goin yet lol).

Potential health effects aside, I wonder if it would be possible to micro dose a weed plant with 2-4D. Not enough to kill it but maybe enough to cause semi uncontrolled growth and monster buds. I’m probably just stoned but I may have to try it lol


Is weed a broadleaf plant? I’m not familiar with that classification…

Try it and smoke some, maybe you’ll develop super powers!


2-4D is systemic, so itll move to the buds itself, even if we’re talking about micro dosing. i cant recommend trying this just from the safety aspects. if your set on trying something for bud growth, use a PGR. still not safe, but better than a systemic poison.


@beacher yes pretty much anything leafy is broadleaf

@Doulovebeef obviously I doubt it would be safe. But… would it work. I’m only interested in the “holy shit look at that mutant elephant cock plant” aspect lol


your looking for one specific mutation when 100’s could occur. could it work? sure, maybe something to resin dip and put on the fire mantel for a conversation piece.


Not really… it either explodes growth or it dies.


2,4D is an herbicide made from synthetic auxin, which means that it causes the cells within the plant tissue that carry water/nutrients to constantly divide and grow without stopping.
This action can cause great injury to the plant and can cause loss of yield and death.


So you’re saying it won’t grow big buds?

Sorry, couldn’t help myself lol! :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


colcichine or somesuch right? trying to make freAks out of your purebred landrace heirlooms looking for golden ticket weed. :laughing:

f’n bright LIGHT :bulb: grows big weed. :+1:

:evergreen_tree: & water & stuff

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Give it a try.

God these people hear “systemic” and grab their torches and pitchforks.

It’s the most common herbicide in the world. It’s pretty safe. You’re eating food with traces of it right now. They dump it in lakes to control aquatic plant growth. It’s just a very powerful hormone.

I’m sure it’ll be fine.

There are some studies about using it on potatoes. I have to imagine that since it’s so common and so widely used, if it worked well, everyone would be doing it. Other hormones and auxins were probably more effective at the job.


Why don’t you try it Vern? You’re the poison advocate. :joy:

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It’s not a poison, it’s a hormone with applications as an herbicide. It’s really not dangerous to people.

I’d say other auxins are probably more promising paths to experiment with.

I’m about to try using glutaraldehyde as a carbon source, it’s often used as a LAB DISINFECTANT oooo “scary poison/toxins” maybe it’s SYSTEMIC boogeyman that’s gonna give me super-cancer.

I don’t know anything about these particular chemicals, but I’d be very careful assuming that something that is safe to eat is also safe to smoke.


“I don’t know anything about these chemicals”

Well, that about sums it up.

This ^

Without looking into this specific compound; It’s like spraying your plants with pure concentrated rooting hormone.

I have had the exact opposite thought before: using plain old plant hormones in crazy concentrations to kill plants that I don’t want in my yard. These black locust trees have 2” spines by the time they’re 6” tall, and when you cut one down it throws a hundred new branches. Would be interested to see if hitting it with Ga3 would cause it to deplete all of its reserves and die out.


Arguing that this stuff is safe to smoke based on studies where it was used for an edible crop just makes you bad at science.

Anyone who needs this stuff to grow big buds should take a hard look at their garden.


@BCC “Let’s not even think about trying anything new because I know nothing about these chemicals”

He isn’t saying he “needs this stuff to grow big buds” either. He’s asking a valid question about hormones. If you don’t wanna use them, fine.


@vernal knows what I’m talking about…

I think I’ve stated in every response ive made that consumption isnt even a shred of a plan to this idea…

NO CONSUMPTION, NO SMOKING, NO EATING, HELL ID EVEN WEAR NOSE PLUGS and a hazmat suit in the completely hypothetical situation.

I am literally wondering about the effects of controlled dose for growth rates or possible mutant characteristics. Lol might just delete the thread instead.


Screw the haters who can’t imagine doing anything different.

I wanna see the results. It’ll probably do nothing or make the plant grow weird as hell. But, there’s a small chance it could have some merit. I’d like to know, personally. There is very little Cannabis specific research when it comes to this stuff because of its illegal status.


I just like manipulating the world lol… I may try to get my hands on some. 3 clones. 1 untouched, one foliar fed and 1 root fed cause y not lol

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