2 days darkness before harvest really work?

No. Don’t try to spread this BS.



I didn’t notice a difference leaving the plants in 24 hr darkness.

If light and heat degrade terpenes , wouldn’t it make scientific sense that plants were left without light and therefore heat last few days . They would be harvested ith more terpenes?

I guess you would have to know how much is not produced because of dark period.

I’ve done it haven’t really noticed any difference .

But I’ve found the tastiest flowers are always died on the vine . At the cost of yield of course


I changed for a day time cycle 4 weeks into flowering. Or more. I waited 25 hours. They where thirsty. I made sure that they had plenty of water. Sometimes I do cut my light back. I think it helps. This topic has been around. I know growers that believe in it and some don’t. I hope with whatever you do your had with the choice.

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No, never. When questions need to be asked about procedure, ask yourself, “does mother nature do this?”

There is no 2 day eclipse of the sun every September. She doesn’t remove fan leaves to expose buds to more light. You beat mother nature by providing a clean, measured environment to grow, which she can’t do.

Just sayin’

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I have see black sky’s before. Sun not show for day’s. A total eclipse doesn’t stopped to sunlight. Look at it it will burn your eyeballs out. Just a topic. Peace

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I’d rather put my junk in and see if that works.

I tried this experiment and found no increase in quality. In fact I think quality may have diminished. I’m sticking with harvesting right as the lights come on. I have found that letting them get pretty dry before harvest is beneficial. I started doing that so my waste coco wasn’t so heavy after harvest, just letting them go bone dry and I noticed an increase in smell and quality.

I once grew a plant in 90 days of darkness and didn’t yield shit.


Doesn’t do anything, I try to chop right when the lights come on or close to it; now out of habit but at first I thought it would somehow prevent the terpenes from cooking off under the heat of the lamp :sweat_smile: then I tried cutting one down mid light cycle and it was fine. Just harvest when they’re ready at whatever times convenient

Natural Ferments call for taking the materials early in the morning before sunrise.
No knowledge of that meaning anything, just a practice & observation.

Back 20 years ago, broscience was like a looming cloud over our growing landscape, even if the word broscience as a thing didn’t exist. 48 hours dark was a biggie, pound your head against the wall type thing. I was asking, when has mother nature shut off the damn sun in the millions of years of cannabis evolution?

Do you know more than mother nature?


Sorry…'tis YOU that has it off.
Get 2 friends… Correct.
Join Hands…Correct.
THEN you have a huge smoke session…Correct
THEN you change Ummma Loooma GROW THAT BOOOMA for the 4hrs.

Chanting comes AFTER the smoke session :wink:


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I’ve never managed to find a legitimate comparison using clones & identical grow methods.

Everyone says “trust me” but never show any evidence. I don’t believe in it but if someone knows of a legit controlled experiment with actual lab testing done to prove it I would love to see it!

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