2 simple questions. Is it ready and how did I get seeds??

The breeder says 70-77 days these are FEM Blueberry. Flipped on Labor Day my count we are at day 75, also how did I get seeds.

The tent was bleached the AC FANS and T6 both opened and cleaned with dry cloth and Clorox wipes.

This is my 3rd run only have run fem seed for all 3 grows , my window open a few days when it was hot out also how much damage in yield and potency did I lose are the seeds worth growing? Ok like 6 questions. TIA CHILLEDTEC 600w. And stonington blend with ph water to 6.5 in a 4x4 tent


I’m guessing you got seeds from nanners you didn’t spot. It sucks, happens to me too sometimes.


If you can’t find any nanners then it could be pollen drift from outside, I’d grow those seeds and find out. You got free seeds, be happy. :smile:

And if you’re too scared to grow them send them to me. :+1:


Your plant probably grew some male flowers that you didn’t see, and self pollinated itself.


Yep-- you had some male bananas inside the buds early on that you couldn’t see–possibly from the heat stress… doesn’t take many to make seeds!
Nice looking buds tho-- entirely smokeable! just be wary of selfed seeds-- they will be prone to selfing again!!


I usually harvest by smell.
There’s always that one day where they smell exceptionally sweet, that’s when they come down for me.

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If there’s only a few seeds No real Loss in potency or any quantity

Who was the breeder if I may ask ?

It dose happen with some fem lines if they haven’t been worked to see if this Genetic trait is present and released before proper testing

If you only grow for yourself then grow them out you may find a gem but be prepared for more hermies



Lol ok buddy not to panic :+1:. There photoperiod feminized and if you gave light leaking in during dark period. That leads to seeds. Or if you put plant thru high stress during flower that also can lead to seed. An long period of underwater… Those are a few reasons a photoperiod gets seeds in the buds without being a hemi …autoflower get seeds under high stress during flower… It was extreme heat she was grown outside… Feel like 105+° Fahrenheit for 2 weeks. Lol… Enjoy

Probably nanners. It happens. Not ideal but not the end of the world.

I wouldn’t use those seeds though. It’s a big gamble.


Romulan Genetics love his stuff

Thank you for all the coherent and fast responses, so much better than Facebook msg boards

If it hasn’t finished by Saturday TIMBER!!


I visit various grow tents, then I usually end up with free seeds in my plants. Could be pollen transference. It used to bother me. You ever walk by someone who wreaks of skunk weed, well most great skunk plants from years passed by were mostly herms. If you think about it, you are always surrounded by at least one grower in a crowd of 7.


Romulan very credible breeder it’s unfortunate that this happened

Best wishes


I did tons of research before I decided on genetics If I had to betit’s something I did. The other plant is fine that’s why I was so flummoxed


ANY Genetics can hermie/self pollinate if the environmental factors are off enough to stress them…all it takes is a couple days of too much heat/light, too dry, pH issues, etc… and often, they just make a few ‘bananas’ deep in the buds where you can’t see them…each banana can make several seeds. It’s nature…the plant does whatever it can to make sure it can reproduce…in some ways, that means it has strong genetics…
A lesser plant would just stop budding, or die …