Flowering tent Pollinated some how


I am up to 7 plants and 3 cycles of plants which were flowering In my flowering tent. and either were found out while trimming that the plants were riddled with seeds.
or just mid flowering 5-6 weeks I was bending the branches back ans grabbed a smaller bud low down and noticed hardened sacs… ripped it off and opened it up… almost fully developed seeds.

I grow regs mostly! this run I was lucky to have a feminized plant (it’s been pollinated / has seeds)

sometimes I take a veg plant slow on sexcing and I put in flower tent for 4-5 days to get an idea of sex.

after tossing a handful of males. but I don’t think they ever got to the point past showing a few balls …Definitely not close enough to fully flower and spill pollen.

doesn’t make sense. I haven’t seen any indicating of hermieng or nanners visible.

7 different genetics from 7 different sources…

this has got to be something I am doing wrong ?

I used the tent and equipment successfully for 5-6 harvest with no seeds - some nanner activity but never anything that seller.

wtf is going on?

all I can think is one plant hermied and maybe had a nanner an pollinated the plants???
which I find hard because all of the plants are riddled with seeds .

environment ? stress? genetics ?

if I tried to make seeds I would have difficult.


if my feminized plant gets pollinated- could these seeds be feminized?


getting ready to give up. … . pre98 Bubba kush full of seeds almost developed.
Bog LSD forming seeds
CBD forming seeds

this is the current plants flowering tops…dont see any nanner activity


Herm seeds will be feminized. And potentially prone to herming themselves.

I dont want to profile ur plants, but the 2 tall ones in the back look suspicious. Ok, not really, but they are closest to the light, and would be able to spread pollen better than the short ones. beyond guessing tho, hard to say.



Thanks for the guess and comments!

the tall ones are younger and themselves are much further behind in seed development.

I’m working a time line …

but !

for a male to pollinate them - that male would have to develop it’s sacks fully and flower then drop pollen right ?

a couple males that are identified after 4-5 days in flower tent by the sex parts - wouldn’t be able to pollinate successfully right ?


testing the seeds and if they are all female 100% - then hermie would be the answers…for every one…

or if not all female 100% - they could have been pollinated?

the one with most seed development is the pre98bubba kush on the left.


Yup, all that is right. It sounds like your narrowing it down.


I’ve thrown out some very early males that had premature pollen sacs. If these were cut and tossed in a bin in the grow room, could those premature pollen sacs dry and release a very small amount of pollen into the air if disturbed?
By early, I mean 35 days from seed including 5 days flower to show sex.


Males don’t need to be fully in flower to make pollen sacs they just produce them in mass when they are, saying that you could have a herm, best way to determine or narrow down and see what plants are worse off and second at what stage they would of been when pollinated, closer those seeds are to the base of your nodes or buds the earlier it happened and or location wise


check all the lower buds … that is where you will find the hidden nanners if they exist and they aren’t easily seen otherwise.
I also agree with the comment above that males chopped and left in the grow space could also be a culprit.


i am working a time line …

the buds are lower on the branches and pretty well finished size development but not hardened ,/ darkened .
as I said this is 7 plants - 3 cycles - which have now become knocked up.

all the female plants have been regs that were grown out and sexed - one feminized plant that is further behind in seed development- but is on same timelie as the most developed seed plant .

is it less rare for reg plants to produce females that hermies?

I did have a CBD HEMP plant in there that Is a fast flowerer and one ended up being male.

would there not be evidence of nanners on a hermied plant? I’ve heard of nanners being inside the buddy.

I had a 4 AK48S that were all male and one took a while to show in flower tent

I also left some males Identified outside the tents for a few days before throwing in garbage bags

I would check the bubba kush real good for a pollen sac where the pre flowers show on the whole plant


well this has been done. I usually take out the identified males from tent and leave on floor or ontop of a workshop bunch for a few days before I get unlazy and bag them.

Are we ruling out genetics? I don’t wantt to believe and would prefer human error


so the pre98bk being the older- most matured flowering plant and most developed seeds would be best to check.

the seed I found were down low inside the branches
. I’ didn’t check the tops

I’ll cut off all the lower scruff and look for nanners

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will get some investigations and hopefully results tomorrow.

thank you all,


My Pre 98 Bubba Kush will throw nanners if it gets light stress badly. I had a new light the last time I ran it and it had quite a few. Not sure if that’s the culprit but I’d look closely for some nanners. Hope you get it figured out, I know how frustrating it can be.

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If you’re sure on the “herming” not happening, my next suggestion is someone, somewhere around you, has a male. The pollen has to come from somewhere and as densely as those seeds are packed in there it was NOT a limited exposure.

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i was thinking that. i would spray everything down with bleach water before starting over. inside of the tents and every single thing inside the room. then maybe look to getting some sort of filter over the ventilation in the room. i like to buy the biggest hepa filter i can and unfold it and cut squares out and tape them to vents. looks like there is some residual pollen left over or you’re getting it from outside in the air. possibly sabotage from someone but that would be pretty specific and hard to do i would think. just throwing it out there. good luck with it.


Make hash :+1:


this is going to be happening lol.

i should have a nice contribution

I agree with examining the bubba kush up close , I’ve seen her throw nanners in the past.
You could have a very small one that shrivels up after dispersing pollen or was early on and is now buried in a bud but the level of pollination you are experiencing suggests a lot more pollen then one or two nanners.
If you have males that you chopped I’d go look at those and see if they spilled pollen any where.
Not sure what area you are in but if you are near any outdoor hemp farms they tend to let pollen fly all over the place with no regard for the neighbors.


i also had this happen. one of my tents had quite a few seeds…most of the seeds were in the bubblegum and i think that one was the culprit. the one plant i move away has only mature seeds and the plant i moved toward it has a bunch of premie seed. it also had some root issue i didn’t know it had. mine were fem seeds, but i never saw a single nanner. i had nanners in the other tent, which i plucked or harvested promptly…no seeds there. I think the pollen is from hidden stamen. smoking up the bud, i still cant find anything that suggest herms, other than the seeds. the bud is still good. the only issue is the premie seeds…that will ruin smoke, but vapor is just fine.

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