2 weeks and going

My beauties and my beasts! A little over 2 weeks since germination. 16-8 for light schedule, my water is naturally at 6.5, humidity is at a great range as well.

They better get 6 feet tall lol


What strains you got there?

White Widow, ak47, Wonder Woman, northern lights and blue mystic.

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Nice! Quite the line up. A few old one’s in there.

Yes. I’ve always heard good reviews about these strains so I got my gear and hopefully do justice to their story.

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Is this gonna be an outdoor run?

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No, strictly indoor.

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sounds like royal queen seeds? im toking their shining silver haze i just grew. amazing. great genetics. cant sleepXD

Ordered them from GYO BANK but they did come from royal queen, nirvana and GYO themselves.

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