LED lights are finally up

Well, 3 of the 5. I have to fix the hangers but what do you guys think?


Purdy, they got names?..

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White Widow, ak47, northern lights, wonder woman and blue mystic.


lookin good dude. they look happy

Thanks!! I’m actually a dudette though lol.


Your plants look Great :ok_hand:

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Oh damn nicee. Love having some females around here

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Nice plants! And nice to see another She-Grower!


Nice, Im gonna watch this i have airpots but haven’t used them yet.

This is my 5 weeks old mystery seed. I’ve only grown outdoors last year. When do I switch them over to flower? At 60 days? At a certain height? I’ve yet to find a solid answer as a form of guidance.

Whatever height it is now, multiply it by 2. Or 2.5 for longer flowering strains. That will give you an idea of when to flower.

So that looks like 16 to 18 inches. Finished flower height is going to be around 32 to 40 inches.

… to clarify what @GrowerGoneWild is saying, part of the joy of growing indoors is that you effectively flower whenever you want to. A rule of thumb is that the plant will (at least) double in height during flowering, so plan for that before flipping over to 12/12. You can try to manage this a bit through training/pruning during the veg stage, but there’s not a heck of a lot you can do once you flip it to 12/12.

How tall is your tent, and how strong are your LEDs? I think most LED growers try and keep their canopy about 2 feet away from the light – even though the temperature is fine with LEDs, the intensity can burn/bleach buds if the plant gets too close. So, I’d try and do some training to flatten out the canopy, and flip to 12/12 assuming height will increase by 250%.


There is an article about stretching in flowering…

everyone likes to talk stretch. spray a calphos ferment 1 week before flowering and they wont stretch. good for flowering wide and narrow leaves side by side. spray down the narrow leaved varieties so they stay the height of the wider leaved varieties

How many plants you got setup ?

go check out my thread in the organic section:)

Looking good - what lights are you using??

15 ladies, plus 2 seedlings and 3 germinated waiting to come out.

They originally were all under CFLs but I set up some Viparspectra reflectors series 600w lights.

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