First diaries White Widow

Well, it’s been 13 days since I ordered and Already have them. Outstanding speed and service and they gave me updates till package left their hand’s thanks Nirvana, time to soak


Good luck with your germination, I have heard many good rhings about this strain so waiting for a detailed report … :sunglasses::+1:


Well I wanted to write more yesterday but couldn’t find this thread again

So anyway I decided to soak 1 seed in a cup of freshly collected rainwater. it soaked for about 14 hours give or take. pulled it out and dumped cup on paper towel when I got Home from work sat on top of the fridge, hit the vape, chilled and went to bed. When I woke up I went to move seed to a warmer place I looked in and it already cracked with the tiniest nub I have ever seen. looks like jiffy pot time sooner than later.

oh a rundown of my goal for the grow is to produce enough for personal consumption and no extra I’m aiming for between 70 to 99 grams of tasty high quality buds that should last a while, long enough to start a ladder or trickle effect start new seed of a different stain so I have continuous supply but as the stash runs out the fresh stash will be curing. it helps that I do not always use, I vape it and I a microdose so my numbers might still be high but that’s ultimately what I’m after.


Awesome @SWARF I’m a big fan of Nirvana. What strain are you running? They have some solid genetics.

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White Widow it seemed to me that it meets a lot of criteria short, easy to grow, solid back ground, potent not that I have to meet any of it but it just seemed like a go point to start. I will also be ordering more i figure I can get them in a trickle effect to and try them all over time


I have old nutreants I cant se why they would be bad but figure Id ask anyway and by old im thinking like 15 years ago pre old overgrow

Also debaiting sticking a clay pellet pot in a cup with wick for hydro set up but I think Iack knowlage and nessasary equipment

Who told you they were short??? I’ve grew WW a few times in the past and all yielded amazingly. When fed enough they just won’t stop growing :+1:
Good luck with your grow



@Esrgood4u I’ve seen mixed info its all good though Im flexable thanks

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Just took this pic but earlier it was a speck i ony noticed becouse of the seed being cracked ha!

but now its more visible exitment is building and the clock is ticking alread soaking jiffy pot figure Ill need it tonight or tommarow

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Thanks for the detailed info, are you putting all the eggs in the same basket? I mean just one seed? Perhaps it is a good signal because that means you’re comfident with your growing skills, I wouldn’t do so :grin:, my loosy experience makes me have always less expectarions … :sunglasses:

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yes, all eggs in one basket “one seed” and is going in a jiffy pot. skills have probably perished but the stuff will grow by itself we as humans took it out of its environment and put it in our optimized environments so we could perfect it. don’t over think it yes there is a risk of losing one by its self but their risk in losing a whole field too. One of the major factors for me is limiting how much is produced since it only me. the good news is I can chase superior lower yielding longer flowering strains that are often overlooked and I plan to for sure Nevel’s haze come to mind but I’m sure there are many. if all goes wrong I’ve got 4 more and if it really goes wrong I can just order more all in all my biggest concerns are the old nutrients and the none existent space for it but what I’m planning to do you’ll dig I’m just debating some details and the cool thing about extra seeds is now I have a start of personal genetics bank to put rotation

Humans also make errors :grin:, I googled nutrients expire or not and they say that if you keep them in a good and safe place they will last for ten years Maybe you should buy new ones for your lady, this way you would be able to choose what kind of grow media you want to choose, hydro is tough as first choice (that’s what they told me :sweat:). Anyway best luck and better harvest … :sunglasses::+1:

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yup, that is what I’m planning on doing I think I’ll spread what I have on my lawn. and I’m going picking up organic soil and maybe an led light I have a 70w HPS I wanted to use but no hood or anything.


If you’re going to spray those nutrients in your lawn better use this hood lol:

You may try it first in a small square, one never knows … :sunglasses:

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Here is a WW from Nirvana I grew last year man. Good choice. It has 3 Main phenoms. Look for the piney/ earthy one. It’s absolutely fantastic.


Wow thats got some long trichs on it.

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Very nice @Mongobongo do you have a grow log for it like wattage of lights soil nutrients, size of pot you grow it in it looks great. Final hight and weight that is exciting


@SWARF No grow log because I hadn’t re-found this site hahaha. That was under 4000 w HPS :joy: and then revegged and used for clones for a year. I put it outside after it overgrew my veg room. It finished late September.

Outside I planted it straight into the ground and gave it nothing all summer. I just pruned it a few times. The mother grew 5 ft ez.

Inside I used promix and CYCO nutrients and followed their schedule for feeding. I finished them in 5 gallon pots. Final height indoors was around 4ft but I tied it down manyy, many times. Final weight not sure but clones were giving me 3 ounces and outdoors the plant was massive.

Here is a pic of it outdoors.