My first attempt at growing something to smoke

Well after a few days of torture my girls are now on there holiday under the sun. This grow will be overwhelming at times I’m sure seeings how it’s my first ‘real’ attempt at growing my own. Long time smoker but first time grower… I’m excited for this new learning experience.
Lol are they ready to smoke yet?


Welcome. Just rounding the last lap of my own first time. Been a wild ride since April. Four plants, three strains. Haven’t smoked any of it. Maybe tomorrow.


Hi. You need to check the humidity and temperature. I guess that its really dry in there with all the wood and it looks cold, but the light should be warm enough. Temperature around 26degres and humidity around 65-70 in this stage but 60 is good. Under 50% is no good. Some fan for air circulation and good nutrients for soil. Plus compost teas are very easy and excelent source of everything for grow. Top feeding with dry organic nutrients is also very cheap and effective. Good luck :blush:


Yea you may wanna slap something on the floor, it gonna get wet, panda plastic is my favourite.

What strains?
What kind of soil?
Tell us more


Welcome to the happy state of growing!
Id move that light up a bit, looks fairly close to thouse plants to me.

Is it a CMH and what wattage?


Welcome to your new life. :wink:

Finish the room ASAFP! (because moisture + wood = mold)
Raise that light – you’ll probably smoke them right there!

Just woke up…sorry for short msg. :blush:



Yea bro, sanitize that room, vent all the moisture outside.

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Welcome and goodluck :slight_smile:

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Well look who finally signed up

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Didn’t know ya could tell temperature by looking at a place :rofl: and they’re only just starting out @cannabissequoia talking bout mold already their fresh as a fart in there barely got roots in dirt bro :rofl:

Looks good to me @5stonedgnomes my guess is your lights is a little over a foot away from the plants going by the pics if so I’d say that’s fine where it is for now. Some of the people said about the floor which yes you will want to take that into account I think every grower here has prolly learnt the hard way so find something like a pond liner to go down or a couple large plastic trays for later down the line. Plenty of time to get your room finished so welcome to OG look forward to see what you do with it! :+1:t2:


Lights are about a foot up, can just barely feel the warmth at the canopy

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Thanks for all the advice! No, the room is not finished yet I will upload more photos when it is, I just needed to get the poor babies under light lol.
Light is 315 cmh about a foot from tops, just a little warm at the tops of them, not hot.
Exhaust fan is going in today or tomorrow.
I wasn’t sure what I want to do with the floor yet but I kinda like the idea of the panda plastic, I’m picking some up anyway to seal the upper of the back wall.


Not sure if you’re a starter but bit of advice bro, put your hand over the top of the plant palm side down. If the back of your hand gets hot not warm then move the light. Second bit of knowledge for ya man that panda film/black and white double layer because when that stuff rubs on the floor you can get tiny pinholes and one day whatever is below will start to rain :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Move your 315W CMH up, 3½ ft from the canopy.
When you start flowering, lower it to 3 ft from the canopy.

CMH lights have a very deep penetration, at the close distance you have your lights.
They simply deliver too much light, and it’s effecting your plants in a negative way.


Woot Woot! Growing stong :muscle: what’s your media , amendments, strain n nutrients?

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I’ve now moved my light up as per the recommendations from this group(not for heat issues but for brightness) I have my exhaust fan roughed in to get the air moving. I have a filtered intake now tomorrow I will figure out the floor but think I will use a shower surround with a drain. My temp is at 19.2 and rh at 44%

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I just have to get my temp and rh up and I should be okay


I have a 8" exhaust fan hooked up, I’m trying to get my intake dialed in, I have a 20x25" filter that will get stapled to the inside of the grow room, on the out side I have made a baffle box arpund the actual hole I cut, about 18"x23" to try and block most light, is a half inch from the bottom enough to get the air I need in do you think? Also with a bit of light escaping is that a big deal?


Also interested in what you all recommend for air intakes.

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