White Widow auto day 14 - these girls are gorgeous

Alright, time for sharing my lovely White Widow auto. They’re really starting to strut their stuff at just two weeks old! Wondering how can I continue them thriving?


Nice work @Distinct-Historian37, Those plants look happy and robust!

What strain of WW seeds did you use?

If you pay very careful attention they will tell you what they like and what they need. And you’ll have plenty of OG folks to help decode the message.

Best of luck,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Following. Your about 2 weeks ahead of sour devil kush and sailors delight af. First time for autos, so ill know what to expect.

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Welcome to OG @Distinct-Historian37 ! Plants look good :slight_smile:

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They look great! I’d keep doing what you’ve been doing, I wouldn’t change anything. Also, if/when you do, only make small adjustments at a time (upping food, or light power as examples) and not make many changes at the same time so you can see how the plant reacts to specific inputs. Incase something starts to go wrong, you’ll have a rough idea on the cause. As others said, they’ll let you know if something is going on if they start to lighten up in color or start to burn at the tips.

And…Welcome to OG! There are a ton of very friendly and knowledgeable people/growers here usually always willing to help.


Great advice!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thanks a bunch, GrouchyOldMan! These girls are indeed happy campers right now. I used White Widow Feminized auto seeds from GC, and they seem to be doing great so far. Appreciate the advice on paying close attention to their needs—I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for any signs they throw my way!


Hey there! That’s awesome; we’re on a similar timeline then. Autos can be a fun ride, and it’s great to have a community like this for support. Btw planning to keep track my progress here so watch out with my new updates!


Thanks for the warm welcome! Excited to be part of the community and sharing this journey with fellow growers like yourself.


I’m glad you think they look great! Your advice on making small adjustments at a time makes a lot of sense. I’ll definitely keep that in mind as I continue to care for them. And thanks for the warm welcome to OG!


Thanks, mate!

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Alright, folks, time for a little update on my White Widow auto as promised! Day 20 under the MarsHydro TS-3000, and things are looking promising decided to start my own thread to document the progress of my babies. Wish me luck hoping for continued improvement. Thanks by the way on tips on the above!


White Widow auto from #ilgm at day 27! First dose of Fox Farm nutes this morning and small amount of defoliation. These girls are HUNGRY! !


Just dropping in with an update on my White Widow auto gals. They’re on day 36 now, and let me tell you, the aroma coming from these ladies is absolutely delightful!


Beautiful looking ladies :+1::+1::+1:

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Bro, mine is 10 days old, and its tiny. How come your 2 weeks olds are this big?