2020 Cannabis with Meesh

I wish monarchs were my problem. They only lay eggs on milkweed (in video) aka aclepsia
My problem is mostly brown gypsy moths, they lay 1000’s of eggs on everything and the caterpillars look like little green worms. I don’t think there are enough wasps in a hive to kill all of my budworms, dammit! lol

I’ve also read on my local agricultural office website that there are specific type of gypsy moths that are attracted by avocado trees and are a big problem in California. Guess what? I happen to have a HUGE 60 year old avocado tree in my backyard. I don’t think most of the moths are a coincidence, unfortunately


Wow … I just did some research on the Gypsy moth. It came from Asia and has no natural predators in USA. People use the BT spray, sticky side of Gorilla glue tape, traps with female Gypsy moth pheromones. Different methods during different parts of the life cycle.

Meesh, these pests are the Borg … youtu.be has a lot of videos but not sure what is feasible… these pests attack plants and trees. Keep fighting… this is Mortal Combat


Right?! Now you can clearly feel my pain, My Brother! You can see why I rant about them and battle on a constant weekly, since veg even. I’ve been spraying them every Friday with BT since May. lol Another kicker is that these suckers lay eggs 11 months of the year!


Meesh once in awhile I’ll find little green oak worms / caterpillars they drop from the thousands of Oaks . around here at times their just hanging from all the trees with the webs getting in your face . I do a visual inspection a couple of times a day . There real small and hard to spot on a green plant but its normal to find one or two on a plant they have never caused much damage . Grasshoppers can be a problem but we keep the litter cleaned up and the birds seem to keep the grasshoppers in check and a little hand picking when I catch them munching . I just try and grow big plants so there’s a little to go around for the bugs birds and me lol .


I have a variety of wasps (paper, blue, parasitic, yellow jacket and others I can’t identify). I took photos of hornworm caterpillars on the pepper and tomato plants. The bigger hornworm has been inoculated by parasitic wasp and he is still eating pepper leaf. Coffee :coffee: in the garden is never boring.

I have new fishing bait for the bass or snack tray for the birds


Oh man my bearded dragons would love that!!


Anyone know if black lights (UV) mess with light cycles of cannabis? Want to buy bug zappers but they all use that type of light.


Last night Jezebel, my pit bull, cornered a baby possum. Poor thing was so terrified that it peed itself. I felt so bad for it. Can you imagine being that scared? My dog has already given 2 squirrels heart attacks in my back yard. Of course, she is so sweet, she just wants to play. Play with them to death. sigh


Mine loves squirrels too. I’m sure if he got one it wouldn’t last.


So, my back door has a window in it and when I’m sitting in my spot (think Sheldon, big bang theory) on the couch I can see it through my kitchen. Anyway, I’m sitting there earlier, when I see some dude back there trying to look over my back fence. First of all, you’ve got single woman who lives alone and secondly you’ve got a paranoid grower with thousands of dollars of bud growing in her back yard, this is not going to go well. I’m up and flinging the back door open like a bullet, and of course there are no pleasantries… I’m like Who, What, How, Where… The FUCK?!.. The dude showed me his phone which was clearly my address on the text, said he has some football thing and he feels like he’s been here before. I told him that clearly he got the wrong address. Asked him who he was looking for. He instantly gave me a first and last name, so I don’t think he made it up. My address is a “Place” and there is the exact same “Street” a block over, so it does get mixed up. Anyway, I got rid of him and started feeling even more paranoid, then it hit me that he said he thought he had been here before. So, now I’m even more freaked out. Then suddenly I recall him doing the same thing either last year or the year before.

Good grief. Now my paranoia goes even further. What is he’s staking me out? What if he’s the fuzz? and on and on and on my head goes. I’m sure it was just a crazy coincidence, but I’ve had complete anxiety since.

Outdoor growers, just cuz we are paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get us.

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :skull_and_crossbones: I couldn’t find the emoji for heart attack


time to get out the bear trap


I know how you feel - this morning three of these were flying low over my property



I hate those damn things! We have a small craft airport in my city. They actually filmed a few movies there. Anyway, they fly over my place constantly. They have so many of those things crash. It’s crazy. The weekends it’s nonstop as they fly over my house to the beach. My local Lowes is right across the street, I’ve seen them take off and land a lot too. You couldn’t pay me to get in one of those.


Barrage balloons :+1: :sunglasses:



A couple days ago two guys came out to pick something up off the farm and one of them walked prolly 200 feet out of his way all the way up to my plants. I’m on the other side of the field watching this…
Yeah talk about nerves being racked… I mean what do you do? You can pull your plants or just say fuck it if they get ripped they get ripped. You know there all going to be talking about it to especially this holiday weekend people getting loaded and saying sit like “I know where there’s a ton of kick as bud” or some shit like that… The nerve of some people man. Some people don’t even think to act


The name Remington 870 comes to mind. Show them you have it then, if they come back, Salt loads won’t kill them… but for a few days, they would wish they had… but YMMV


I guess I could bust out my dad’s old shotgun reloader and make some salt loads. Lol. Yeah that would work


Yeah. I might be in jail by now if that happened.

I would kindly ask Google to get that shit rectified, because it’s YOUR PLACE, not theirs. Count yourself lucky it was probably a coincidental fuckup(sounds so from your post), but I’d scale back things next year and or consider a new friend for Jezebel, like I’ve been pestering you about. :blush:

Another option is installing a gate at your driveway entrance; it’s a hassle but worth it to not have people wandering up without having to make a noise or impale themselves.
Mine’s a necessity.



@corey The stupidity of some folks seems limitless. I live in the city and still have enough common sense to know that you don’t go traipsing through a field to look at a strange cannabis grow or you may end up on the barrel side of an assault rifle or shotgun. If nothing else, don’t these people watch TV! lol

@cannabissequoia it wasn’t a google map error, he showed me a text message. Someone had sent him the wrong address.


Grow tomato, pepper or tomato plants. I mixed mosquito bits with water in a spray bottle to spray the leaves. I saw the hornworm and sprayed it …Death from above. I put a jar over the hornworm and clipped the leaf. The Hornworm Cemetery is open for business.

Skip the spray if your dragon prefers live food.


Yes they enjoy live. I’m in the desert of Washington state so I don’t thi k those guys live here. Ton of grasshoppers that my kids love to chase down and feed the dragons. :grin: