2021 Overgrow.com Awards

Top #Hydroponics Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies πŸ’š 102
Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍 62
Phototrons...SWC/TRON 52
Hate towards hydro? 36
First grow after a 40 yr break, 1 plant, DWC, LED 450W 20

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍 47
LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies πŸ’š 46
First grow after a 40 yr break, 1 plant, DWC, LED 450W 30
Novice grower, Long time toker 29
Smallest rooted cuttings 28

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies πŸ’š 544
Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍 214
Phototrons...SWC/TRON 160
Hate towards hydro? 104
Novice grower, Long time toker 64

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍 44
LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies πŸ’š 44
First grow after a 40 yr break, 1 plant, DWC, LED 450W 34
Novice grower, Long time toker 34
Smallest rooted cuttings 34

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Jacks 321 Hydro discussion, questions, tips, etc 11
Turboklone Reviews 8
Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍 5