2021 Spring Seed Runs Co-op Box information

Mitten, that’s in Arizona is it not?

Naw I meant Michigan haha. Sorry forgot your up in Canada. Was actually sending ya a pm


PM me your info and I will cover your shipping bud.

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None of my stuff is in the boxes, the BamaNana line will be a small release on the regular site as far as I know. I’m guessing he was referring to the GoNuts by @corey


All 6 runs included in the spring box are linked in post 23


Yes sir. I don’t know why @Sebring is referring to my Go Nuts strain as TrumpNutz.

Go Nuts is a TrumpNutz x Orange Goji.
@Sebring I think that is confusing people.


People. Trump Nutz on @sebrings site is really the Go Nuts strain.


@Sebring no biggie brother. People know what’s what. Thanks for helping with distribution


So I have been thinking about these seed runs that go into spring and fall boxes and must say I was a bit confused before @Shadey explained it all to me and updated the seed run doc. I am wondering what the best way is to avoid this confusion for others going forward while making it a bit easier on the distributors.

My thoughts are that we should all put our country beside our names when signing up to seed runs and have the Doc Shadey updated in the description (doc link at the bottom of this post is what I am referring too). Than when the distributors have the list of seeds that will be going into the box they post it like Sebring did. Perhaps with links as well so people can easily click each link and see what they are signed up for. What do you all think? How about you @LemonadeJoe , does this make sense?


Putting countries beside names would be good for distribution but would also be self incriminating for some.


I don’t think it is real incriminating personally but I am in a legal country. Seems to me a screen name and country doesn’t incriminate you at all since nobody could really use it for anything without more info. If they have access to that additional info than it’s already not safe even without knowing what country you are in. That’s just my thinking on it.


Mine is in with the ones I signed up for. Thanks @Sebring!!

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There is not currently, but $ or not, everyone is getting sent their seeds. Donations are high enough already to cover anyone that is just broke.

Fixing that! Thank you for mentioning it. :slight_smile:

Overcharged shipping fees have been refunded. (If it hasn’t, let me know so I can fix it!)

To be released after the Spring Box ships.


I was thinking about this the other day, I think when people create a co op seeds run, they add the,
Read this before you participate
document, to the top of the page on every sign up Wiki as it seems to be ignored where it is atm.

I don’t think listing your country in the sign up will cause problems, as you say, it needs a lot more information to track someone down.

Or just have legal country participants add their country, most users here are US or Canada, if just the Canadians did it I would be happy lol, even though I have the majority of Canadians here using the co ops memorized, it saves me time hunting through a list of 40+ members checking a few of the newer ones I am not sure of.


No need to specify more than :eu: or :uk: for European folks, maybe we can have symbols for Africa and Latin America too. It’s more like distribution regions, not countries. We just happen to have the regions USA, Canada and Australia :stuck_out_tongue:

– or let the distributor decide on a symbol for their region. It’s mostly to make their life easier, right?


Always us EU peeps stirring shit and causing trouble :rofl:

BTW if anyone knows who to contact about payment for EU pls let me know :pray:


That would probably be George1961.


Already tried that brother :+1:


Guess Swe-can Aplausos|nullxnull is your man … ejem|nullxnull


Or we just don’t have a distributor. :man_shrugging: No need for flags then at least. :rofl: