2022 Cannabis Cultivation Network: Picture of the year contest: Art, Cannabis, Life. OverGrow the World!

thanx! i choose @baymare11. oh, and since i forgot it so far, fucancer! you’d think i would remember that as a survivor myself.

is that how it’s done?


Sorry. Fixed.

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Well, this thing is turning into a career. It’s been 3 1/2 months since the accident. I’ve had a wound vac on my leg for a month and a half to encourage it to heal from the bottom up, but there’s a tendon running right through the center of the wound and it just won’t heal over.

So, a few days after Christmas I go back into the hospital for a couple more surgeries. The ortho surgeon has to cut the wound out larger to get all bad stuff and make a better place for the plastic surgeon. A couple of days later the PS will cut a chunk with some muscle out of my thigh and graph it to the injury.

Then whenever it’s time, I have to go back in for them to remove all the hardware that they put in for the compound fracture originally. Not sure when that is. It’s been a mess.

Can’t work or do much of anything. My hot water heater went out a couple of days before my last surgeries so I still have no hot water for a month and a half now. I’m gonna try and find a good lawyer on Monday. I need help.

Mostly, I’m doing fine with my spirits and all. I mostly worry that my bills are going to be hard to pay this winter. And, I’m just getting really bored with it all. And sick of the hassles. Every trip to the ortho doc, disease specialist, and now plastic surgeon, is a two hour trip, one way. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve been up for appointments.

I had a visit yesterday, another one this coming Wednesday, and then back for another 7-9 days in the hospital on the 29th. Oh, and I have a home health care nurse that comes by 3 times a week to change the dressings for the wound vac. It’s like a new career with no pay! lol.

So far mine is mostly hassle with some pain and uncertainty, but not sure if you guys knew that @oleskool830 was just recently diagnosed with liver cancer. He texted me a few days back and said he has a blood clot on his brain and a mass on his pancreas. That’s all of the news I have so far. He hasn’t been able to get back with me on most all text or mail. Makes me feel like mine is like a scratch, compared to his.

Sorry for the downer post. This is such a positive thread. I’ll see if I can get some pics up. I figured it’d be something to keep my mind off things and give me a positive diversion.

Kudos to all of the photogs who already posted. I’ve seen a good bit of it and there’s some really cool stuff. Thanks for the all of the contest work @Heliosphear! I’m completely devoid of that kind of drive atm. I’ve been itching to drop some seeds, but I have no idea of how many more 7 day visits I’m facing. Hopefully for me, the spring and summer should be good. peace


Sound like you have many difficulties behind and more ahead, I know your a good person and being well taken care of. Sending all positive thoughts to your continuing to stay strong and keep pushing for a spring recovery. If there is anything can do, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Mrs. Helios makes a wicked fruit cake with med gummies… :sunglasses:

PM me a addy if you would like to receive a large OverGrow Sticker. What? It could help with your spirit. :slightly_smiling_face:


Round 2 sticker chain giveaway.
1 @sfzombie13 Way to live Cancer Survivor!
2 @baymare11 Congratulations Winner! Please select the next person to win a OverGrow sticker.
3 ?

Special note to @oleskool830 Never Quit! Be a survivor.


Thank you. Excellent entries.


My sticker has arrived! Whoopppeeeeee! Thank you so much for creating such a fun place to hang out!


Blessings and prayers sending your way my friend

Good vibes help



Wishing you a speedy recovery brother. Hopefully the next couple surgeries are the last of what you need to get back on your feet.


You should all get in on this :wink:


@GMan ,I liked your post, not that I like your post content but…
Anyway, if we were neighbors I would fix your HW heater asap!!!


Hopefully you can get some help in there to get your hot water going . Damn your having a hell of a go with your leg wish you the best in a speedy recovery.


Thank you @mota your sticker represents support paid to keep OverGrow moving forward, it shows that you care about others by offering a hand up and stands to say FUCancer! Thank your joining the Picture of the year contest.

Special Announcement.
Each of the top 3 winners in the 3 categories will receive a limited edition collectors item that has never been seen on OverGrow. Each winners picture will be made into a OverGrow Picture of the year Poster, the pictures will include the Avatar of the Owner, each poster will have 9 pictures listed in the numerical order they were voted winner for, categorized by Art, Cannabis, Life. Each winner will receive a free poster. The poster will be made available for purchase by all OG’s for a limited time.

This idea is being taken to the next for even more OG’s to make history. OverGrow have never had a poster… things are changing here, in our lives and with the friends we know and care about. We have thousands of members, living out the days without coming here because of the most common reason, life is difficult, a entire generation is passing the torch to be a beacon of grow light for the next generation. A OverGrow poster is going to be made and you could be selected to have your picture in the poster, Thank you @DougDawson for being a excellent OG and an awesome friend.


My prayers are with u @GMan . get well soon soldier…


Best of luck in your recovery @GMan, as we get older things tend to take a little longer. Hang tough and stay positive.

Sorry to hear that about @olschool830. Hope he kicks ass!


Example of poster:
These are mostly my pictures with a borrow from @MoBilly

The poster will contain 9 pictures, first, second and third from the 3 catagories Art, Cannabis and Life. Each picture will contain the owners OG ID. Example:

The logo and graphics for top and bottom will be done by @leafeater

Working on the writing for the intro to add to prize list.
This picture added to intro, Thank you @Bobgrows


I definitely want one :point_up:


All of the sudden, I feel like having some homemade pizza and riding a horse down to the Zoo. :thinking:


I select Lady.Zandra63 in the round 2 OverGrow sticker chain giveaway.



Oh my goodness…thank you @baymare11 !! :+1::relaxed:
Do I pick someone now ?