2022 Fall box for Canadians

Fantastic bud, glad they made it.


I know weedstruck personally, heā€™s a good friend. Iā€™ll PM ya

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hey sorry for dropping off the map the past month and a bit. Hunting season for me and I was in remote places and when I get hunting on the brain all else falls to the wayside.
Thanx for keepin my spot open @DougDawson
this place is great, thatā€™s all I can say.


Hahaha, thatā€™s me to a tee. Iā€™m all consumed with hunting season right now. The only time I get on here is work days, lol. Tough year out there in my neck of the woods


@Jinglepot and @SHSC-1 shsc-1 Iā€™m in the same boat, nothing else on the brain since the start of archery moose season back in September. 11 year old pointing dog Iā€™m trying to spend as much time behind while sheā€™s going strong still, and a deer tag Iā€™ve gotta fill at some point. How have your seasons been so far?

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Iā€™ve put on 100ā€™s of kilometers on foot, spent 100ā€™s on fuel getting out to hunting spots, spent well over 14 days in the bush and havenā€™t seen a deer yet. Theyā€™re all in town, lol. Too many predators on the island. 2 cougars this year, 1 last year. Seen lots if black bears and tons of wolf scat. Its been the most dismal hunting year for me in the last 20 years. That being said I love every minute Iā€™m outdoors and I get to see some if the most spectacular views. Mountains, Vallys, sun rises and sun sets. Old growth, new growth, rivers, creeks, streams and waterfalls. Not to mention lots if time spent 4x4ing my jeep :grin:


my season has been good so far although I struck out on my moose hunt which has me bummed out because it was a limitted entry draw and I probably won;t see another for a few years. Summer stayed late this year and changed the usual timing of thingsā€¦ the bears were all still up due to the huge berry crop this year. It seemed there were many different sized black bear tracks in the snow and grizzly as well. I figure that grizz was cruising looking for black bears before they den up. Pushed the moose right out of my hunting area.
Got a nice fat blacktail in early october and locally here I managed to bag my first ever whitetail buck. Mostly mulies here but the odd pocket of whitetails can be found.
Season isnā€™t over so I may get another deer for the freezer yet.


Its not over till its over :grin: Thereā€™s still time and who knows. Last year was my first year ever getting skunked. Its humbling. So this year Iā€™ve redoubled my efforts. My dad and bro hunt regularly too. They are as deerless as meā€¦ so far, lol


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