2023 Canadian Spring Box updates

Yeah, I would not suggest messing with them. That said, I am not about to stand by and allow the poor thing to be hurt. Those guys just had no clue what to do and he was tearing them up pretty good. There was a ton of blood, lol. Once we got him caged it was cool. I sat with him and fed him some peperoni, kielbasa and crackers. He is a beautiful dog. They are not known for being friendly. Since the guys were dog sitting it was already a bad situation and apparently it started when the guy walking the dog took something away from him that he picked up off the ground or that’s what they said. The dog snapped and the more they tried to get control of him the worst things got. In the end it looks like the dog will be held until the owner returns so it’s got some shitty time ahead but since it didn’t bite anyone other than the ones looking after him he does not just get put down so I am thankful for that. The 4 injured needed a bunch of stiches but does not appear there is any permanent damage.

Chow Chow Temperament

Famous for its devoted and protective nature, the Chow Chow tends to be independent and not very affectionate—even toward beloved owners. Though these dogs tolerate children, their stature, strength, and guarding tendencies call for close supervision.

Chow Chows are wary of strangers and unfamiliar dogs, which is why they make such excellent guard dogs.


Lots of dogs are/were dangerous in general anyways. Like weiner dogs look funny but they were badger killers- hence the name “dachs hund” which means badger dog in german.

Animals are adorable in general but they can be very dangerous also.


OK fellow Canadians, it’s time to wrap up the spring box. The last of them were addressed over the weekend and will be hitting the mail today. Thanks to all who made this an easy going and problem free box. Your patience is much appreciated. Time to start planting them seeds. :v:


Thanks again @DougDawson for running this like a champ!


yup, same here, appreciate all you do @DougDawson
thanx for this.


Box arrived! Thank for everything you do @DougDawson!


Glad they made it safely @Kushking902. You are all quite welcome, happy to be able to do a bit to keep things moving smoothly for all you awesome Canadians. :v:


Awesome job @DougDawson much appreciated


Got the package today! Much thanks to all the breeders and @DougDawson!


Glad it made it safely @Qtip , happy growing bud. :v:


@DougDawson Thank you, the box made it to me yesterday! Thank you as well to all of the members who created the offerings this time! Sending positive vibes.


That’s great @sprinklememaynee , glad they made it safely. :grinning:


did a run out to the po box today and the spring co-op package was waiting for me :wink:
Thankyou @DougDawson for being the point man for the co-op boxes up here in Canukistan and for your dedicated work for the community in seed increasing the Blue Kush. The collector card is also a nice touch and props to @CADMAN /Club Quadrant for creating those cool cards.

@Jinglepot , @Pigeonman and @Kushking902 … thanx for doing your co-op seed runs. Now that I have nearly completed the Shishkaberry 2f2 seed run which unfortunately didn’t make the co-op… regardless… I understand the work and dedication it takes to pull off these seed runs and see them through. Thanks guys… can’t wait to dive into the beans you all have blessed the community with.
Cheers!! n have a great weekend everyone.


Glad they made it safely bud, happy growing :v:


@DougDawson Congrats on your hard work getting everything posted. It a monumental task and much appreciated by those who participated I am sure.


Very good :+1: love that card :ok_hand: :grinning:


Me too!

Signed up for that run but I guess it was forgotten. Hoping to win it in a giveaway though!

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Forgotten? I can’t find it on my phone but you would have confirmed the seeds being sent? Can you find that PM?

No, not on your end Doug…you asked me if anything was missing and I forgot I’d signed up for those, but then when people started posting pics I was like *damn, how’d I forget those? *

No worries…hopefully Lady Luck smiles on me on one of your draws.

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