2023 Canadian Spring Box updates

It’s my pleasure my friend, happy to do what I can :v:


OK Canadians, just dropped another load at post office. Awaiting payment from a few that have already been contacted but that’s totally fine. I have no issues waiting on a few that needed a bit of time. The last batch of messages will go out to the remaining members who have been very patient. Thanks for that, you are such a great group :grinning: If you have not seen a message yet, you will have one by the end of the weekend. :v:


Thanx @DougDawson , you are a Rockstar!!


Thanks @DougDawson this is quite an undertaking each time! Very thankful for you taking care of us all!!





Great News: My Spring box came in today!

Shitty News: The postal worker couldn’t be bothered to press the fucking doorbell so I have to go collect it from the post office tomorrow after 1pm… :man_facepalming:

This is gonna be the first time I’m actually going to file a complaint with Canada Post. This isn’t fucking IKEA, this is CanPost; their delivery people need to do their jobs PROPERLY.

I’m 100% okay with them ringing the doorbell and immediately walking back to their truck to drive away slowly to see if anyone is answering the door when there’s no car in a driveway… but to not even ring the doorbell just to leave a slip all while someone was waiting inside is just fucking rude.

Not actually mad; just sick and tired of being sick and tired of people not following through with their obligated duties so I’m now calling people out like it gets me paid!

Thanks so much @DougDawson , seriously chuffed at all you are able to do for all of us! Please let me know what I owe you when you get the chance!

:smiley: :metal:


Yeah they should at least ring the doorbell.


I had this a bunch of times (before they just stopped delivery in my area) i even had one where i saw the guy through the window and followed and he ignored me and almost ran to his car. When i called i was told it didnt happen because the employee said so and i wasn’t to be believed. I can only assume the union has a truly humbling amount of respect for non members.


Similar stories here…

It’s like they are really trying to put themselves out of business…



LOL, that can be a pain. I caught one of them walking up and sticking a pickup card in my mailbox. Stopped the guy 3 feet away from my door and asked him why he was so useless? He got mad and asked what my problem was to which I explained that his lazy ass walked up to my door with a pickup card, did not knock, did not ring my bell and did not have my package with him. He could not argue that nobody was available since even without knocking I still had my door open before he took 3 steps. He could not explain why he would walk up to my door to deliver a package with no package in hand. I then explained it for him telling him its because he is too lazy to do his job. It’s much quicker for his day to just stick notice card on doors and walk away. I told him to get a job delivering flyers as it is more in line with his apparent skill set. I have not seen that delivery guy since. Might have something to do with the call I put in regarding his behavior, lol.


@DougDawson , this sounds exactly like what happened here :rofl: / :face_vomiting:


Yeah, some of the delivery folk are great but some are lazy clowns. Catching that guy proved it 100%. Who walks up to deliver a package with no package, lol. I guess if they just fill out all the cards and drop them in the mail boxes they end up with a bunch of spare time as their 8 hours of work is done in half the time without any interaction with people. Good to catch them once in a while.


Hey there fellow Canadians. As promised I have sent out the last batch of PM’s so everyone has been contacted at this point. As the responses come in I will get the last of these boxes out to you all. I want to thank you all for your patience and for beings such an amazing group. Not one gripe, not one complaint, just easy going and wonderful people to deal with so thank you all. :v:


Hey all, I know I have gotten a few PM’s that I have not answered, don’t fret. I will reach out to you all tomorrow. Had a weird incident on my street where a dog was attacking some folks. We have a group of young gentlemen across the street from us that were watching a dog for a friend who had to go back to India for a family emergency. Had to go out and protect the dog, help wrangle him into a cage and then sit there waiting for animal control. Poor pup was freaked out. 3 got taken away in the ambulance while a forth was told to drive himself in as they were out of room. All is well, the guys are being stitched up and I helped them get the dog into the van to take him in. Thankfully it was the dogs caregivers that got bit and nobody else so it’s not as bad for the dog. Anyway, going to sign off. Have a good night all.


Lol Doug that is great. Well said my man .

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Dam excitement Dawson lane what breed of dog must of had sharp teeth to get 4 people?

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I would say that it doesn’t matter what kind of dog is in the fight, what really matters is what kind of fight is in the dog. :wink:


chihuahua for sure :smiley:

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The dog was a Chow Chow.

Chow Chow

Bred to guard sacred temples and hunt, the Chow Chow retains its strong work ethic and guarding tendencies. Those who own these refined yet puffy “lion dogs” can attest to their loyalty.


woah. don’t piss of a chow chow… my grandparents had one of the ginger colored ones andmy uncles had 2 all black chows.
They are not mentioned often in the “dangerous dog” discussions but they are not a breed to be trifled with. If my grandparents brought the dog out when we visitted it was always under the careful eye of grandpa. She wasn’t too fond of children LOL