2023 "Field of Dreams"

I’m no stranger to LITFA. I see posts from time to time about people thinking organic means nothing but water and getting sick, hungry plants. I amended mostly with micronutrients and short-release macros, although I have big pots and quickly growing plants. I just want to avoid letting it get too depleted. Don’t want to over do anything either. Trying to figure out the line and how to spot it, you know? I’ll almost certainly ask again in a week :rofl: And I super appreciate the input and sage eyes helping me. Ounce of prevention is a pound of cure.

Hopefully the worms stay happy in there, been seeing people place avocado halves on the soil for them. Maybe I’ll try something like that. I just can’t believe they were alive in the worm castings after shipping to my state, sitting in my shed a month, and getting brewed in my turbo tea ghetto machine for 24 hours underwater. And then to just see worms under every little tuft of mulch…crazy shit.

Been watching your grow coming along as well. Happy for you finally getting treatment and feeling better after a few days ago.

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Just do a maintenance small micro feed of balanced organic nutrients and microbe/kelp. How often? In 50 gallon pots. I would start with whatever is reasonable. Every other watering. I micro shot isn’t going to do anything but help.
Then you don’t have to worry about something being depleted.
“Full Go All The Time” ppm’s up. :sunglasses:


What are these? Something to worry about?

Strangely enough only in the IBG.

Beautiful morning today, attempting another artistic shot @MissinBissin :grinning:

Have a wonderful day and weekend guys!


Good Morning @FieldEffect looks like a Great day is with You.

I do not have any ideas around that Web looking-item. Good luck with that…


I thought it was a spider egg sac sort of thing because there are a few spiders on each plant. Then I saw some pictures of fungus webbing plants and just want to run it by the OG board of experts. I’ll just lop those branches off if it’s a bad thing, we’ve got another month of veg to recover.

New soil test results should be in soon. Looking forward to seeing if my Na/K levels dropped and checking up on my N concentrations. Definitely noticing growth slowing, but that could be the temperatures crossing over a hundred consistently this last week. Ordered shade cloths for the veggies because they are most certainly NOT happy about the sun/temp/wind. Panalawi and 907 Blue Genes look happy as can be, IBG has more pest pressure. May neem or Cannacontrol this weekend. Meant to last weekend but didn’t get around to it


I would just clean it off and foliar with your pest preventative. If you have some Monterey around use that too.


Roger that.

Here’s the forecast :hot_face:


Just do it after the sun passes over this evening. Be careful this morning if its to bright.


What an obstacle, Hot Weather lol. Almost jealous
We are having a real slow start to Summer here in South On. Cool Nites still and the daytime temps… @Pigeonman may have control of that one too (iknowTOcanbesweltering).
We need some heat by the lake


God what I would give for sun like that. :rofl:


@MissinBissin & @FieldEffect , i’m feeling lucky as I’m in a good spot in the east end near enough to the lake to get the benefits but not issues, high enough in elevation for similar benefits, and in the middle of a traditional suburban block so there’s no ugly glass towers (for now) fucking up my environment.

I have steady wind spring/summer/fall as a result so my plants get thirsty fast on the brutal days.

:crossed_fingers: we all get the good stuff soon enuf!


So you do have your finger on the Pulse.
Great to hear all that after the Tour in your Garden a couple weeks ago. Wonderfully unique Bro


Good news, received the soil test results today. Again. Maybe this neuroticism is paying off, both in terms of the numbers themselves as well as my reaction to them.

Here’s the goods:

Summary of those test results is pretty damn good. I’ve got much higher CEC (16 vs 5ish) than when I started, so my targets for nutrients have shifted pretty dramatically. I’m much closer to being in good ranges. The levels on this test would have been really high for my soil before it was much improved. Totally different ballpark to play on now. Amazing. Shocking, really.

My K and Na are still high, you could argue my Mg is excessive but I’ll add Ca in favor of removing Mg. My N and P are lower than I want, which will also reduce my pH - it’s getting high as free nitrates are depleted. No biggie, we can add those easily, and we can deal with the salts and Ca-Mg ratio with our magical buddy Gypsum.

Here’s what I’m planning to do about it. I’ll look over these numbers again in the morning but we’re doing pretty minor course correction at this point. Green should be my new values, grey are my computed targets based on CEC and idealized ratios of other things. Orange are the tableized old test results. 4/21 being the first soil test - we’ve come a long way from that, 6/10 should read 6/11 and those are my most recent results.

My thoughts here are to add P using the cavern culture or bird guano, I have both and they are numerically similar. About 500g of one or the other. Maybe a mix of 50/50. DIVERSITY :rofl: Then 200g of gypsum for 50ppm of sultate to pull some more Na out, maybe some excess K. Blood meal and feather meal to make a balanced release N dry ammendment. I’ll mix that up and top-dress each 50 gallon. Then, I’ll mix up a few buckets of feed water I’ll distribute to each - total of 500mL of the new GEM Fish Hydrolysate and 225mL of Alaska Fish. Boom. Should be balanced, diverse N-P with some of my micros and I’ll be providing the liquid fish products for immediate consumption.

Interestingly, at least to me, I’ll be putting about a cup of dry ammendment in each 50 gallon pot. The Build-A-Soil Craft Blend instructions are to top dress each plant at a rate of a cup per month. So there’s some annecdotal corroboration to my strategy there. Those things have really been growing a bit over a month and half, so that seems about right. My calculations are independently arriving at very similar levels. FRIGGIN SWEET. :nerd_face: :sunglasses:

In conclusion, I don’t think I was wrong noting the plants slightly slowing, I’m speculating perhaps they are having a hard time getting N as easily as they’d like or had become accustomed to, especially this last week. Probably just early enough as to not notice visible deficiencies yet. This test reflects soil samples taken 6/11, about 2 weeks ago.

Any thoughts?

Paging @Dirt_Wizard @noknees @MissinBissin to test their patience reading my mumblings and potentially avert catastrophe


That’s awesome brother. Ya Good!!! :sunglasses: :metal: :100: I’m taking your word for it. Might as well be in Chinese. :rofl:


Yup! Caterpillers. Check for eggs and pillers. BT spray. Those demons are the sole reason for my outdoor net. Look for them at night or early morning and pick them off.


Went ahead and mixed up 1:1:1:1 of these (1 part = 250g):

Fox Farm Cavern Culture
Roots Organics Seabird Guano
Down To Earth Feather Meal
Down To Earth Blood Meal

Divided evenly among the 50s. Watered in past cover crop, small amount of drainage.

Applied 200g feather meal to rear bed, and 500g of blood meal to front bed. Small sprinkle (10-30g) blood meal in other flower pots.

Holding off on the liquid supplements until these dry back a bit, maybe hold off altogether. One step at a time. Also, the amount of water I had to use to get the top dress down past the cover crops was more than expected. That’s a disadvantage to the “leave it to grow” technique. We’ll see :see_no_evil: :crossed_fingers:

Pics later today or tomorrow, it’s still pretty dark here :+1:


Time to bust out the UV flashlight. Hate shitterpillars.

I’m armed with fresh neem, fresh bottle of BT and a sample of Mammoth Cannacontrol. Also have Captain Jack’s Deadbug and Sevin for the cucumber beetles. Pray that I don’t need either of those last ones.


Brother, that is too Funny, and its absolutely brilliant the research and actual work you’ve carried-off.

And I’m sitting next to @ColeLennon right here and we’re applauding @FieldEffect

Congrats and Best Wishes in this next window of time. Hope it explodes for you!


Right On. Now your cooking with grease. :sunglasses: :fire:


i favor fishy things, so fish bone was my first thought, but that’s single-source, and slower than you probably want right meow.

just keep the ball rolling! surprised the application rate is that low tbh


isn’t it weird the stuff we get excited about now? you have hundreds of employees! :slightly_smiling_face:

anytime i’m cruising like that, i immediately become wary of the other shoe dropping :grimacing:
glad you’re getting the IPM rolling. :+1: :+1:

one of my chilis stalled in some hot weather recently, it’s fruiting super hard. whacked it pretty good with some insect frass, and she’s off to the races again with the quickness. i would be surprised if your girls didn’t jump pretty good… :smile:

am assuming the panalawi will do well in the heat, should be fun :sunglasses: