2023 "Field of Dreams"

Congrats! I’m at work and haven’t had time to digest these results much yet but it looks like you’re zeroing in on your optimal soil tilth!


Oh Man @FieldEffect do I have some good NRG to send your way.
A good friend (owner of the sand-trap) surprised me this morning with a peek into his Vault lol.

One of the first things he gave me to smell, this morning… was the Panama x Malawi I grew Indoors, harvested back in Feb 2021, and he still had a Full Jar. Unopened.

Its the proudest moment of my Life as this is Nothing but magical bud Right-now, as I smoke these samples. Super-high and clear as a Bell and 2.5 years old, stored in Black (Plastic) vented containers.

I hope your PanaLawi’s deliver as well as their Sisters did for me indoors.

I’ve been out of this strain for a while now, Buddy really blew me away, having a Jar. See attached pics for my true, 1st ever successful indoor adventure.
Today, 2.5 years after harvest, lol its the best smoke of the year FE


Ace seeds Panama Malawi reg
Feb 2021

Happy to say, your growing Reg Sisters, Not bag-seed!


Good to hear that the Panalawi has turned into a great smoke. The Malawi by itself requires a lengthy cure, glad your enjoying it!


Look at those beautiful sativa spears. :100: :fire:


They were the first ones @ColeLennon !!



@MissinBissin that’s awesome :sunglasses: Gorgeous ladies, and their sister is doing pretty well down here a few miles south. That herb looks fantastic for a few years of storage and super excited to hear it because she’ll be around a few years here too. Probably going to do a mix of cob-cure and of course some conventional dry + cure. Those photos sure are beautiful, those dangerous looking stabby sativa leaves :heart:

@noknees I’m with you on fishy things but I think between the emulsion and the hydrosylate there’s not much tolerance for more, from my other half anyway. Once the stuff I have runs out I’ll take a look though. And you are absolutely right, wouldn’t have thought I would care about seeing a few worms when I started all this. I do worry about the other foot dropping, whether I should be feeding, fretting about IPM, whatever. But so far, things are smooth. Silica would be good, I used some last year but I haven’t seen much mention of it in the organic world. We’ll see if they jump, I’ll have to taunt them with the pics Missin posted :grin:

@Dirt_Wizard I really appreciate all your input so far and would love to hear what you think about my corrections. I worry I’m falling prey to the old Dunning-Kruger sometimes, I feel confident but it could be because I actually know nothing :see_no_evil:

@ColeLennon I feel like we’re internet sidekicks even though we have totally different approaches start to finish. I love all your engagement and support.

Wrote all this on my phone so that may be a little incomplete but I’ll be back later with pics. Been a great day with the family and we’ll be out to tend the garden later.

Anyway, I am really grateful for the support, advice and encouragement! It’s a wonderful thing to watch everything come together and the people who helped get it going chiming back in. Thank you. Truly.


Just neemed things down real good, will repeat tomorrow evening and do a final treatment with Mammoth Cannacontrol Monday night. Things are wetting down really nice with 1/4 tsp of the quillaja powder.

Noticed some leaves turning yellow, must have been in the last couple days. Just in the knick of time!

Debating tomorrow goosing them with the planned dose of fish sauce since it’ll be a few days before the blood meal really kicks in. I had initially planned to do it today anyway. Any opinions LMK. I had calculated it to be a fraction the strength of the top dress primarily for immediate availability

PS is this more than preflowers on the 907?


The Bush is Back and in a big way. :sunglasses: :crossed_fingers:


if it’s a light dose, probably fine, but your color overall is still very good. i’d be tempted to wait to see how everything else you did worked out first, for future reference.

don’t think so. just hairy and getting after it. that would be pretty surprising.

any thoughts on sticking something else in the auto pot?


I gave them about half the intended dose this morning before the sun came up. I swear they’re already taller now at 10am. Don’t know if it’s the placebo effect or the fish smell but things are definitely moving :sunglasses::grin:

I was just a little surprised seeing so many pistils this early. Thanks for the reassurance.

As far as sticking something else in the auto pot, I’ve definitely thought about it. Maybe a fem something or maybe just a handful of random beans and it’ll be a surprise. Also considered ordering a BB or MOB clone from the place @ColeLennon likes. What would you do?

@ColeLennon bush is definitely back :grin::grin:


I would grab a DJ Short blueberry from sun clones. Its the same cut I’m running. Shit they’re clones are ready to pot. I think your choice to micro dose organic nutrients is good. :100: The Peanut Butter Souflee clone Dosido x Lava Cake sounds :yum: I have been using Peanut Butter Apricot the last couple weeks. Almost daily. I now love Peanut butter strains. :sunglasses: :metal:

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If you grab a clone. Don’t top it let it go. Late plant. Nursery clones will spoil you. :wink:

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minimum order is two clones. at least one should be Skywalker. suits your tastes and situation. the other, a BB in case the 907 doesn’t deliver, or a Chocolate Hashberry (kicks butt outside)

another idea would be Hella Jelly (if you have any left) since you enjoyed it last season, and you could give it a go in organic this time.

in any case, something very intentional, not random. :nerd_face:


Could I fit two in the 50 considering how late in the season it is?


I don’t see why that wouldn’t work. Plant them at alternate ends.


They have so many good choices. Its like a kid going to a candy store. :100:


What happened to me? Why do I have clones in my shopping cart?

Disappointed the MOB isn’t listed anymore. That’s been another of my “hope to find someday” strains.

Skywalker OG, huh @noknees? Looking for some solid sleep :zzz::sleeping: They’ve got 9lb hammer too.

LOL I gotta say buying clones on a Sunday afternoon to plant mid-week feels a little random to me. I’m breaking out of my comfort zone of careful planning and dubious execution :grin::sunglasses:


Do it :sunglasses:


i would think so. easier to keep watered than two smaller containers as well. single-cola plants that would eat well right to the end

not if they’re thoughtful selections chosen to maximize under-utilized space :laughing:

hard to go wrong with an OG. would be great in a vape too. and sleep is always underrated.


Well, here we go. I conferred with the ladies as to whether or not I should be adding two younger girls to the harem.

I didn’t hear them say no :rofl::cowboy_hat_face: