2023 "Field of Dreams"

Great choices. :100: You are fucked now. You may never plant another seed. :rofl: :rofl:


Is this what peer pressure is :rofl::joy::yum:

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Peer pressure is when you see the flower-to-leaf ratio of the clones. :100: I got 8 ounces off a Dosido clone I planted in July. Let it go. No topping. Finished 5 foot.

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LOL don’t scare me, I only did this because I thought they would stay small starting in July :rocket::fire:

My wife will definitely notice two more plants in a few weeks. I’m probably more afraid of her dislodging her eyes when they roll. I’ll tell her they were homeless and I adopted them like the nurturing man I am.


Dosido is a super stretcher with a GSC mama.

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Yeah :rofl: they will be in the pots Tuesday evening. Wait and see if she notices :rofl:


I gotta get home first :rofl:


FieldEffect to mission control, come in mission control :man_astronaut:

So tonight is my last night of a 3 day IPM preventative treatment.

I’m using this recipe:
1 gallon filtered water
1/4 tsp quillaja extract
1 oz Captain Jack’s NeemMax cold-press

I shake the shit out of it and spray, dousing thoroughly until it’s dripping off all surfaces. Like this:

Anyway, I’m noticing that some leaf edges are burning. :confused:

Also noticed these dickheads roosting in my ladies:

Now, being half retarded I am thinking the leaf edges are crisping because of the Neem dousing for the last 2 nights in a row. Few things lead me to that guess:

  1. It’s in equal prominence throughout the plant. Some leaves new, some leaves old. Top and bottom of the plants. IBG and Panalawi primarily, the 907 is a tough bitch
  2. It seems to also happen to be in the spots the freshly sprayed Neem is collecting and accumulating
  3. It’s been hot AF (>100F) for the last 3 days, I probably shouldn’t have been spraying them with oils that would slow transpiration

I attached pics of everything. Including the doused plant, dripping just after spraying. Do I overdo it? I read to totally coat them until they runoff.

Onto the bugs, I believe those are leafhoppers and half the reason I am doing the Neem treatment. Aphids are the other half. There’s evidence of grasshopper damage and what appears to be a caterpillar bite here or there, but could be the grasshopper babies because I haven’t seen a single caterpillar or moth. Is Neem the right path? There’s still tons of the little shithawks flying out/on of the plants.

Input appreciated!

BTW Sunclone emailed me that the DJ BB is out, and they don’t have MOB. :confused: Debating Blueberry Muffin or 9lb Hammer


I thought you ordered a Skywalker OG? I would use Monterey Spinosad. BBM is a great pick. Fuckin 9lb hammer has been on my list. You probably already updated your order. Stop using the wetting agent and spray early in the morning. Get up early way before the sun gets hot. Probably never really cools down. Why I’m thinking no wetting agent. @FieldEffect

You want to try and find a routine that works for your plants. You know this. That’s why I’m thinking switch up some shit and timing.
May also be time to lolli pop that canopy get it up off away from the pots.


I had ordered a Skywalker OG and DJ Short Blueberry. I’ve got until tomorrow afternoon to decide since I was too busy at work to check my email. Going to scroll through the list again and decide. I’m pretty bummed TBH, but I know BBM is good. I’ll smoke some tonight before bed.

So you are saying that I shouldn’t be spraying in the evening (it’s after the sun drops below the fence) because it’s still hot? Maybe you are right, morning is when it’s coolest. The only reason I don’t do that is I usually leave to work around 4:30am. I can’t see enough without using a flashlight. I’d have to do it on the weekend, which is fine. 5:30am-6:30am is my jam right now in the garden, but I only get that 3 days a week.

I thought night was ideal because they just chill at 80-70F “sleeping” while the Neem does it’s thing. Like taking a Tylenol before bed so you don’t wake up sore. I have no idea

I was trying to avoid spinosad unless I have to use it, it’s not good for the bees but I think they’re in bed anyway, and here any liquid evaporates in 30 minutes anyway

Whatever I do I’m going to give the girls a few days to shake off their stress


Yeah, I think evening is to hot. I don’t spray tops just the under well. That wetting agent might be holding your shit longer than you want. Try it in the morning with the wetting agent and see if it continues. If it does check that box and use it without. BBM is a fucking beautiful donkey dick mothafucka. :100: You order what you want. Just make sure and grow spec check the strain so your not harvesting in Nov. :rofl:


I would emphasize the introduction of beneficial insects. Would be great to get a nice general predator like assassin bugs and/or green lacewings up in that beautiful garden of yours!


Absolutely! Where I should I get those? Arbico Organics or should I check with local nurseries? I’m concerned it’s too late in the season to buy them locally. Do you know of any good resouces on where to learn more about how to pick a predator, and how to introduce/cultivate them?

I did have some lacewings last season and ladybugs that appeared naturally. Particularly on my aphid-infested Hawiian Snow. I think the aphids were so out of control there was no hope for the beneficials to keep up. It was an experiment, I neemed the other plants but left the Hawaiian Snow for the bugs to control and see what happened. I wasn’t pleased with the result but it wasn’t thought-through beyond that.

So the lacewings need to be released on intervals?

The assasin bugs live a couple months which sounds great.

I’m going to start devoting time to learning about IPM and particularly beneficial insects - I kinda wound up deep in the soil rabbit hole and haven’t poked my head back out to learn the other facets of gardening. I don’t know enough yet to pull the trigger on this but an absolutely open to doing so. I like that idea much better than neem.

@ColeLennon I decided on the BBM. I get your point on the wetting agent, thanks for the input! Regarding the November harvest thing…pretty sure Panalawi isn’t going to be done until November anyway, I’m already buckled in for the long haul :cowboy_hat_face:


damn thats quite hot and sunny


Arbico is where I get mine from. I would release both if you can. They do recommend getting them in intervals, but every time I set up a scheduled delivery I end up forgetting either the 2-3 shipment is coming. This has led to some dissapointment because I didnt get to them in time. So now I just order one offs because I’m too much of a stoner to remember things. Might not be a problem for you.

Would be worth giving them a call! Especially with the heat you are experiencing they might direct you towards something that could handle your weather best.

Hope this helps! Best of wishes!


My BBM was done on Oct 8th Fast… Such a beautiful cola plant. Should be quite a site flowering right next to a DJ. :100: :fire: Your screwed now. Never plant a seed again. :rofl:

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I’m curious how these predator bugs work outdoors. I put out 1500 ladybugs last year and even sprayed sugar water on the stems. They all flew away in a day. :upside_down_face:


I’m totally stoked your growing a BBM and a DJ. Field of Dreams just hit the next level. Level Up!!! :sunglasses: :metal: :100:

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I wish that was what I was growing. They were out of DJ Short Blueberry, so I got Skywalker OG and Blueberry Muffin. So that’s a bummer. But alright. I wouldn’t have been trying clones if they hadn’t shown the DJ BB in stock.

In any case, I’ve got the Skywalker and Muffin here, pretty sweet to just ship these to my doorstep. I know they’re both good weed, I just had my heart set, ya know? :broken_heart:

@Radicle_Reefer I’ll send Arbico an email asking for advice. Last night I set out fresh sticky traps and tomorrow I’ll take some good images of the bugs with the microscope to send. Make sure I’m getting the right amount and type. There’s a LOT more to doing biological pest control than I thought. So, trying to take a decent survey first.

@ColeLennon there’s a ton of reasons beneficials will fly away, but that’s a bummer they did. I’ve been listening to the KIS Organics podcast and there’s shows with a bug expert. Can of worms. I get some of the concepts but the amount of details and conditions are crazy. It’s like the organic soil thing. It’s a whole other world.

Don’t intend to get that deep in it, just send Arbico a partially educated email asking for recommendations and I’ll do what they suggest. I don’t have the mental capacity right now to learn everything I want to so I’ll just do what I’m told. For once :rofl:

Gotta go plant some clones :cowboy_hat_face:


Nice packaging.


They’re a little wilty, to be expected with the heat here. I didn’t get home until several hours after delivery today. Dug out pretty big holes and mixed some seed starter mix in to take the edge off my spicy :fire::hot_pepper: soil. Also moved the Fastberry auto so I could get the clones on either side. Dug up a big chunk and moved across the pot. I’d say it’s a 50/50 shot at survival right now. The autos really didn’t seem to like the supersoil. Hopefully the clones grow to love it.

Raining now, I’ll put a shade cloth out tomorrow morning so they harden off a bit.