2023 "Field of Dreams"

Great looking garden, too bad I can’t scratch and sniff the 907 picture :grin:.


Yeah N is tough, I think the microbes help by transforming it into more usable forms like amino acids and proteins. Those teas sure seem to be working.

50% sounds like a whole lot of compost to me. I’ve gone as high as 30% in the past. Everything works great for quality compost. But if you get a bad batch, things can go south quickly. Lately I’ve been using around 10-15% compost with top dressing EWC a couple of times per cycle.


That’s what I’ve learned. Also learned that compost had a ton of K and Na in it, so multiple mistakes learned the hard way. Fortunately, reasonable ammendments landed it at something the plants are thriving in. Doing organics, or anything else for that matter, well requires learning a certain amount of info before things start clicking together. It was also only about 30% of the total volume but half of what I added. So half the soil mix is a little exaggerated, I added about 15-20 cubic feet of 50% pumice, 50% compost.

I wish. I can’t wait for it continue developing and see how it turns out. Need to do some firmware work on the drying cabinet soon to get that where I want it.

I need to get to pruning like you’ve been doing. You’ve kept much more on-top of your trees than I have.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


I will be done with all the pruning tomorrow morning. Hard part is over. Sit back and watch the blooms.


Interesting, 15% max organic matter is what I was recommended by an agronomist for my fields when I was small cropping, less than I would have expected but apparently too much can cause a transient depletion of nitrogen as the bacteria that decompose the organics hold onto it until it’s fully decomposed. I assume that using fully composted humus would avoid this problem.


Pic dump… girls are looking happy I’m slowly trimming away shoots and leaves.

IBG leaves seem pretty small compared to the others. 907 showing some stem reddening and 3-bladed leaves.


Those look awesome. Getting big. My I.B leaves were long and thin like that. They get super long after stretch. I.B Sept 2nd.


Interesting. The IB leaves are the smallest and fattest of the lot. This is my IBG

It’s also been consistently 100+, usually 103-105 that may be affecting things as well


Definitely a different pheno. Mine was a 10 week min cut. Took forever to bloom. Yours is already blooming. I didn’t see blooms like that until Sept 1.

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Everything is already cranking, especially the 907. IBG is a week or two behind her.

I see pictures from around the same time last season showing some flowers but that 907 sure seems light on the trigger. It’s Alaskan heirloom heritage maybe it’s got some auto tendencies. The IBG is supposed to be pretty quick too, we’ll see I guess. I think everything but Panalawi is from more northern places this season.

From the frozen north to the inferno desert :desert:


I didn’t even get bubblegum terps until weeks 9-10.

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It’s definitely got the terps. They seem to come and go, I definitely think they smell better in the mornings. I can’t get the same blueberry whiff from the 907 I had the other day either. The heat probably burns the scent off by evening time

Trips me out but I’ll tell you one thing: We’ll know in about 2 months :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Last couple weeks I would gently squeeze the cola in the palm of my hand. Smelled so good. :yum:


Oh, the one time you don’t wanna use “donkey dick” :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


Gold! :1st_place_medal::1st_place_medal:



Ok, I had to use both hands. :pray:


Were your hands all sticky after gently squeezing those DONKEY DICKS into your palm?


Hope mine look like that, doubting right now. Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to get a donkey show up here in New Mexico


It’s all in the stroke. Terp master. :pray: That I.B was the best smelling weed I’ve ever grown. For a second year outdoor. Def genetics. :100:
Now this is music.


Don’t. Just don’t and say you did.


This is a great idea for organizing threads, I like this a lot