2023 "Field of Dreams"

I just say its not a metric ton, but its a fuckin lot.


I want to go into a dispensary, look around, pick something out and ask how much for a gallon. Act outraged that a gallon would cost more than $20 and mutter I’ll just use my gallons at home. It’d be even better if I can get my chick in there to say the “babe, you already have gallons of weed at home, you don’t need MORE, not at that price” :rofl:

Indeed it has. Reality. A reality towering a full human height above from my head. The reality is that it’s possible, probable in fact, that starting a NLD in April and moving it promptly into a 50 gallon living soil pot where I feed it careful mixes of ammendments may not have been among the wisest of ideas I’ve ever had. I feel a tinge of deja vu, some pang of a distant memory where someone mentioned to me that perhaps this was a crazy plan.

I think my car detailer may have stumbled upon a few gallons of fall surprises (and a calendar from @Foreigner). His wife works with mine hopefully trustworthy. I worry though, that much weed may make him as unreliable as my last barber. True story. Start giving bags of Hella Jelly, late for EVERY subsequent appointment. On to the next one. These are the lives marijuana destroys every day, like the government told us would happen :laughing:


Ask the dispo what the rate is on purchasing gallons of weed in relation to a BP gas card.


That was a hairy gift.

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Made some good progress this morning… drying only the best buds, not bothering with any larf/smalls


Good Morning @FieldEffect!
I wish I was there to help you, but I’m sure your having a Blast. And before work, your the Man.

Just curious about the Orange Pails, Are they for Washing/Dunking your Buds ?

And congrats on a spectacular grow. Those Buds won’t fit in Jars, I’m really sorry to tell you lol


I usually don’t work Friday. Monday - Thursday long days. I’m not as hardcore as you think :rofl:

Orange pails are 3.5 gallons of filtered water and a gallon of 3% H2O2. One for wash, one for rinse. It’s working really well lots of junk coming off. I want everything as close to sterile as I can get it going into the dry cabinet. I let the trays drip until they stop then into the cabinet.

I know sterile isn’t possible but it’s filtered internally and the incoming air with MERV-13s. As clean as possible is the goal. I’ve got the circulation cranked up this morning to get everything surface dry after the wash. It’s almost as gratifyingly hearing the cabinet crank up to max chooch factor as it is holding giant colas trimming fans off :sunglasses:

Cheers buddy thanks for stopping in I have to see what you have been up to I’ve been a busy bee


Nice. Are you trimming all these yourself? Just the IBG today. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Yup, just IBG today. I’ll probably do the rest in the morning, aiming to harvest below 60F outside for max terps. Another hour tomorrow morning will bring all the colas in. The larf I think I’ll just toss on the compost pile, there’s already a few gallons of weed in the cabinet. :rofl:

There’s enough room in the cabinet still for the 907 should I need to emergency chop. I think I’ll pull a cola or two of that tomorrow just as insurance. She’s still cloudy/clear transition so not ready yet but I’m worried about her health and rot. Pics later I’ll show the cabinet and the other plants.


Here’s what the inside of the cabinet looks like right now:


Here’s what the cabinet looks like. Due to the rain humidity and temps I got an old AC unit of craiglist and an ultra-ghetto tent rigged up around the dry cabinet. Even keeping the outside of the cabinet under 90F was a huge help last summer.

What remains of IBG. Some of the lowers I’ll let go, they should be seeded. Tomorrow I’ll take the rest of the colas, just ran out of time this morning.

Panalawi is happy and reaching skyward. Thought this was a cool pic with the near cola out of focus in the foreground.

** :arrow_double_down:907 is not feeling or looking well. Smells great, but looks ragged. Any input here? :arrow_double_down:**

:arrow_up: What should I do about this? She’s got another week at least based on trichs. I don’t even know what’s wrong but I assume the BT, the bout of budrot (which was in the area that is missing colas in the middle pic), maybe the HOCl I sprayed Tuesday for spore elimination. The grasshoppers love this plant and have been eating the leaves like nobody’s business. There’s so many grasshoppers this year I checked the shed for Israelites thinking the plague of New Mexican locusts had arrived. Nope, just gallons of weed in a ghetto tent.

I think I’m gonna chop 2 of the ripest looking colas tomorrow with the remainder of the IBG colas and wash the shit out of them. I’d hate to lose a chance to taste her, especially if things go south quick.

AND: I greatly appreciate the support, jokes, and advice. The IBG harvest already in the cabinet has already made the summer a fantastic success. You all have played an enormous role in that!

Thank you!


I like that pic. :100:
What’s the trichs look like on the 907? Never mind I see you said it has another week. No bud rot?

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Jezuz you must like dry trimming. :grimacing:


I haven’t spotted any new budrot, I pretty aggressively cut away colas as soon as I spotted any signs.

And yeah, most of the trim is going to be dry. At least that’s the way I did it last year. I’ll just open the cabinet and grab a tray every morning until it’s gone. Did the same last year. Hopefully the bowl trimmer helps out for the B-grade stuff.

May enlist the help of either my neighbor or the guy that detailed my car. Help would make much quicker work of it. I took a week off work in two weeks, I’ll probably have to take some PTO for the Panalawi harvest/trim as well.


Who cares what it looks like. Mine look like shit right now. Dried up faded leaves. Flower that counts.


I guess I’m just worried that it’ll just spontaneously “die” or something. I want to make her as comfortable as possible in her last days, I think she needs another week or two.


Hospice for 907


Oh that Picture of the Cola is beautiful @FieldEffect. There is a little separation between them. I was stopped cold at your first drying racks shot. That, I can smell !

Congrats and have a “child-like” harvest as you Max the available science


i haven’t had to deal with grasshoppers that much. the leaves do look a little beat, but the flowers look good. that plant was a tank all summer, and the finish line is close…

fair play.

:+1: :+1:

mb just keep a close eye on her and see how she goes in a week.

has he already been to the house? you’re waaaay more trusting than me!
hopefully there will be a fair amount of Panalawi to trim, but those colas should basically be baseball bats with occasional fans. slight work on a Friday, with a bubblegum grin on your face.

p.s. the more you vape flower, the less you’re gonna give a hoot about trimming. and with your terpy strain selections…


Nice. Condolences about the grasshoppers. They can be a real pain in the ass.


She’s a tough bitch indeed but I want to give TLC in her final days :heart:

It’s what I do. Or try anyway. Live like a child, everything is new and interesting. The separation between buds will grow over the next few days as they dry and shrink a bit.

That’s the plan :man_pilot:

Oh, no, I was more thinking I give him a big Grove bag, my snippers + trim bin and tell him to bring me half of it back trimmed. I don’t think I know anyone other than my neighbor I’d have over here to help.
I’ll play it by ear. If things go smoothly, maybe it’s no big deal for me to get through it. But I know he’d jump at the chance and it’d help me out. So that’s probably an option for me.

If Panalawi finishes there’s going to be more than a “fair amount.” :rofl:

I mostly vape anyway. But I like TRYING to max out the whole thing. Selection, grow, dry and lastly trim. Compromises happen, but each year trying to improve from the last. 3rd year in a row still making big steps :grinning:

:100: They love eating blueberry weed in particular.

Have a great Friday night!