2023 "Field of Dreams"

Harvested the rest of the IBG and only found one little spot of discoloration like mold. She did really well! Leaving the seeded branches as long as possible. Really happy with that. Got a gorgeous forearm-length pop-bottle cola in the cabinet, the pick of the litter.

Cut a few 907 colas and FUCK. It’s maybe 20% OK. Granted I may have unrealistic standards. I’m going through buds and any evidence of worm shit, grey leaves or obvious mold damage goes straight into the fuckit bucket. One of the colas gorgeous outside, core almost totally full of shitterpillar damage. Whole thing ruined. I’m grateful to have a tray of slightly premature good buds but I am growing enraged by those moths. Spraying her down with spinosad this AM just to make sure they are all dead. That one cola had several live ones (big fuckers) the BT won’t affect anymore. Washed the good ones with extra HOCl rinse just in case…I don’t want that shit in my dry cabinet.

IBG is great. 907 had an even rougher month than I knew. Something is getting built for next season…moth/rain countermeasures


That sucks about the 907. I lost 30% of the Blackberry Fire last year to bud rot. I wonder what made the 907 better eating than the I.B.G with the shitterpillars?


The density is ridiculous on the 907 and I want to eat it too, smells like berry cobbler fresh out of the oven :rofl:


So its the Yum Factor. :yum:

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IBG Day 1 Dry:

907 Day 1 Dry:


That looks so much like my IBG last year. Great Growing Field. :sunglasses: :metal:


Whew! That’s a LOT of weed! And a lot of work you’ve put into it. I’m happy for you that most of it turned out. It looks like you’re SET for weed for the foreseeable future. :+1:

Maybe you could use one (or several) of those giant bug nets for next year, to keep out the caterpillars.(?)


Nice job buddy! I zoomed in on those buds and they look really nice! Your going to be stocked up for awhile lol


Stocked up for the next week or two :rofl:

@ColeLennon I hope they smell like yours, it’s reassuring at least they look similar. I’m leaving the dry cabinet closed for a few days so it’ll be a surprise when I open it.

907 is surviving I think she’s coming down in total next weekend.

Panalawi has a month or so left on the clock. She’s resisted all the pest and mold issues thus far without a flinch. Fed her some Terp Tea and frass ferment this AM. Tough lady :muscle:


Right on brother. My PQ is coming down very soon. Seen a couple amber yesterday.


Congrats on your harvest @FieldEffect
They’re looking great and sorry to learn on the 907’s damage.
Hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor in the coming months.
Any plans to go indoors for the winter?


Thanks @iceman! Yeah, going to be getting a tent together for the first time. Should be fun. No bugs or rain :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I think I’m going to chop 907 tonight. Careful what I’ll pull and only take mold-free. She’s had enough :cry:

Panalawi, doing quite well and stacking. Going to need to get her tied up better this weekend.


907 will be easy to trim… I bet it rocks after dry and cure. Blueberry Cobbler :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum:

She is leaning over the fence. Rockin!!! :sunglasses: :metal:
Make sure she’s off that wood.


That PanaLawi is ridiculous @FieldEffect. What a great job you’ve done Taming her


@MissinBissin I wrote a whole thing on your landrace/heirloom tent run that glitched out and didn’t get back to it. I think you’re crazy though, doing that as you have monster plants getting ready for harvest :rofl:

Here’s the 907 trichs. Not perfect, but I don’t want to lose her. Tough call but she’s close enough I’m just gonna do it.


That is right where I like to take them.

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Well, I got another tray. So 2 trays of 907, 9 trays of IBG safe in the cabinet. This has gotta be one of my most depressing grow events to date.

Most of the giant colas were just molded out inside :anguished:. I peeled back everything I cut checking meticulously, chuck or save, wash tools/gloves/table with ISO and go back grab another. Really a shame. Beautiful weed. DENSE buds. My fingers hurt peeling all the colas apart. But I got some good ones, and there’s still a good deal of larf that hasn’t been affected, letting that mature with the seeded branches. So it’s not over yet, but those big colas were almost 90% molded out. Mostly little side shoots and cola tips unaffected. Washed twice with my standard for this season, 3 gallons water, 1 gallon H2O2. Sprayed everything down with HOCl to kill the rest of it, or at least make sure its dead. I’m paranoid about this shit now.

Did find a random seed that looked good, so SOME pollen took. I should get some seeds. Lost the one bastard bean on the table though between throwing away colas and wiping everything down with ISO all the time.

Starting to understand why people don’t grow pure indicas outside. Naive of me. Lessons learned. That’s what the tent is for, right? Purple Paonia Paralyzer, Ortega, NL #1, Sour Bubble, Afghani Mission. Gonna need to get my narcotic fix indoors this winter :grinning:

Sad night on the field, but I’m grateful I have some to sample. Cheers guys, I know this has been a common occurence this season for a lot of you. I feel your pain.


Let it go. Going to lose some growing outside. Next year just grow more. I bet what you saved will kickass. :sunglasses: :100: :metal:


Cannabis fairy will provide some sleepy time kind.

I like this one


LOL the cannabis fairy :joy:

Holy smokes 1000 posts

Have a great night, time for me to hit the sack and hope the cannabis fairy replaces my moldy buds with sleepy herbs :fairy: