2023 "Field of Dreams"

Thanks @Radicle_Reefer!

Trim Jail Diary Day 3:

Got the last of the IBG trimmed and bagged. I’m sitting on about 20 ounces dry, trimmed and ready-to-smoke. This meant the dry cabinet was empty. I harvested the remainder of the IBG which yielded a tray of nice-looking small buds. I also chopped the smalls from the 907, and got a fat tray. Nice nugs for the most part, they weren’t huge and mostly unaffected by mold. Probably another 2 ounces there.

My totals should be sitting in the range of 20-22 ounces of IBG, and 6-7 ounces of 907. Nothing to complain about there. While I had a batch of wash water out I chopped some skinny side colas from the Panalawi. Just in case something horrible happens when I’m out of town next week. They’re not ready yet but I don’t want to be totally empty handed. Better to have a lighter yield than get greedy and lose it all. The plant can’t even notice these missing, I certainly can’t tell where they came from.

907 Left, Panalawi Right:

I’ve been a busy bee today. Made some more DHP candies. This time I got a small ice cube mold with squares that are exactly 1mL, convenient for dosing.

I decided to go with Blueberry flavor (almost like I have a thing for that or something :rofl:). In order to ensure even distribution of the extract I filled with my calculated quantity of DHP extract (2.5mL at 400mg/mL) for 300mL of candies - 3.3mg per candy so eat 3 for 10mg. I’m a lightweight I just want a little something extra sometimes so will probably usually just have 1 candy during the day. Also added 2mL of blueberry flavor and the blue food coloring 2 drops. Mixing all this with the tincture I should be able to see if I have a consistent doseage based on color uniformity.

Cooked up the corn syrup + sugar + water to hard crack at 304F. Little higher than before because I think the last batch had a little more water in it than I wanted. Poured into the molds and went back to trim jail for a while. Broke them out, shook some powdered sugar on and BAM.

That shit looks so legit I can’t believe I made them myself.

Anyway, last week I started an experiment with some not-quite-dry buds in grove bags.

Popped them on the scale to see where we landed:

IBG lost the same, about 50mg. Suffice to say, moisture transfer is SLOW through the grove bags. I expected a slightly higher rate. It’s important to wait until they are ready, can’t bank on the grove bag letting excess moisture go too quickly. Common sense maybe, but all their documentation about moisture permeability led me to the impression there would be more weight loss going on.

Gotta run to the store, making tacos for dinner with pulled pork and need a few things. Wish me luck, I tested a candy or two :rofl:

Also, might be the candy working but I relabeled and hung the Fastbudz Original Bubblegum Auto reversal and Shiskaberry pollinated branches in the shed to dry and do some seed collecting. The NL#1 and the BDxTKNL5 Haze branches on the 907 are going until frost threatens because that was on the late side to be pollinating.


Nice job with the medicated candies.


Dang it ! Pot candy Lmao.


Great job on everything. Those candies look tight. :sunglasses: :metal:


Thanks @Hashpants @Tejas

@ColeLennon you started me down this rabbit hole :grin:

They’re working :sunglasses:


I eat them everyday. Rarely smoke and vape much less. Waked n baked with PQ this morning. Fell out. Shits going to take some getting used too.


LOL bet she’ll make some good candy too. I really like the hard candies compared to the gummies. More just that I love hard candy than anything else. I always thought they were hard to make until I tried

You hitting the PQ vape cart or your flower?


PQ vape cart. Hits like a mule. I can’t wait to make oil and gummies with it.


Looking forward to seeing that

@Coda I owe you an IBG smoke report. Loaded up a bowl in the Pax half an hour ago. Smell out of the grinder is a bit different than the flower I got from @ColeLennon. There’s a back-end sorta rubber kushy solvent kick. Maybe it’s gas. I’m curious how this will evolve in the Grove bags, whether or not it’ll smooth out and “bazooka joe.” It definitely smells like bubblegum but not as outrageous as that sample was, it’s got this other thing going on in the background.

It’s really nice weed. The density of the dry flower is impressive. With our heat I didn’t get much density last year. So this is a whole new standard. It’s some of the best flower I’ve ever seen in person, but to be honest I haven’t seen much other than what I’ve been growing for a few years. Coda especially that Cap Junky definitely looks better but I don’t see or smoke anything that looks like that. But grinding is a pleasure to my nose, ears and hands. Structure of the nugs is fantastic and the dry was perfect.

Taste is similar to the clone version although has that earthy weed thing going on some more than that did.

Effects are nice. Mellow, neutral energy and uplifted/happy vibe.

Guys. What a great season it was here. I learned a shit load. And my weed is better than ever. Some scary times and tough lessons about caterpillars, rain, mold and organics. It’s not quite over yet, a giant NLD is still standing strong as we get down into the 40s. May be the IBG talking but I’m so pleased with how it all is turning out. I hope everyone else has a decent end to the season. It’s been a wet and wild one for several of you. Best wishes :crossed_fingers::+1::+1:


Outdoor is a trip for sure. When it pays, it pays off big. You should try those shade canopy things that @buckaroobonsai uses outdoor. See how those work in that heat. Do one strain out and one in the shade. See the difference.


Tell me I’m a busy Cowboy! … atta go @FieldEffect those Blueberry cubes are really the Bomb. Congrats on all the Hustle… with some great results


Slept better than average. Not sure if it was the IBG I vaped, the candies I ate, the stress relief of having most of the harvest already in the “cooler of destiny.” Regardless, I feel great today.

I’ll definately try one of those shades next season. Hopefully with mosquito netting everywhere.

You’ve been even busier than I am @MissinBissin! I got a height measurement pushing colas vertical. We’re almost exactly 10ft above the ground including the pot. It looks so much bigger than that…

was in the pool

Had some time to give Panalawi some TLC this morning. Some yellow leaf plucking and a little feed. Insect frass ferment, GG Monosilicic and Terp Tea Bloom. Spun her about 180 degrees so she’s getting some sun on the opposite side as normal. Arranged to have a neighbor come over and water her while I’m out-of-town. I’ll “pay her in kind”, as the saying goes but more literally this time :rofl:

Here she is:

Some budshots. Still throwing some white pistils. Smelling lovely citrus/spices. Spicy lemon with some wood. I’m not good at writing about scents - but it smells amazing and energetic.

Weather is looking decent for end-of-season.

I’m guessing chop will be in 2-3 weeks.

Cheers, have a great day wish I could share my candies with everyone.


Big round of applause for those Nuggets on display… @FieldEffect, I’d swear your bringing us images from Africa and I’m loving the Fade…


That is great Oct weather. :sunglasses: :metal:


Added the new bags to the cooler of destiny today. Figured I’d share how I stow my buds. I also have small jars in my smoking drawer with samples of everything that ocassionally I refresh from the cooler. Minimizes the number of times I perturb long-term storage.

Here’s what was going in:

I keep all the weed in Grove bags, lightly sealed in a comforter bag with excess air sucked out:

I keep a few Boveda/Boost 62% in the quilt bag itself (also have a temp/RH monitor) with some oxygen absorber packets. That’s just to ensure the surrounding environment is low-oxygen and appropriate humidity to let the Groves breath out O2 and maintain perfect humidity. Hopefully my terps remain as intact as possible this way. It got a little messy in there trying to get buds out to give away the last month or so to make room.

Took the remainder of last year’s stash out to reoganize a bit and add the new bags. Left to right is Avenue of the Giants, Hella Jelly, Hawiian Snow, Snow-G and SAD Fast:

Reloaded and lightly vacuumed:

Back into the cooler

Giddyup :cowboy_hat_face:


Thanks for sharing those stages of storage.

And I love the idea of securing the environment between the Groves and the Bulk zip-lock, with Moisture paks.

Seriously a Slick idea @FieldEffect

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I think it helps. The buds have noticeably degraded more in the last month or two (I’ve been opening the quilt bag lots taking out fat bags to give away) than the prior 8-10 months sealed up tight. I think those oxygen absorber packets helped a considerable amount as well. I’ll do a jar refresh and replace the humidity and O2 absorber packs once this season is done and Panalawi normal nugs are all bagged up in Groves.

I hope there’s room left for the cobbs in the cooler outside the vacuum bag :slightly_smiling_face:


There will be room. And speaking of space …
When it came time to wrap the cobbs for the Long-cure, I broke them in half and then vac-sealed the pkg.

I used 1/3 of the Plastic… here is what-was 2oz @FieldEffect


Excellent smoke report!

I don’t get hung up on the sugar content. It’s nice to look at, but I’ve had bud that planted me with a lot less than what you see on the Cap Junky. It’s what you’re after in terms of the buzz that counts.

I’ve always wanted to try IBG. Now I have a reason to.

Looking forward to the Panalawi report as well :slight_smile:


@MissinBissin I can’t wait :grin:

@Coda totally agree. I’m after particular effects and tastes. And chasing stuff I wanted “back in the day.”

But it just isn’t as frosty and photogenic as other stuff I’ve seen pictured. But for me, it’s fantastic :sunglasses: He mentioned a BX3 that should lock down the terps even better. I’d be curious what the spread of these (BX2) looks like in a pheno hunt but they were pretty uniform as juveniles. I got a hint of the bubblegum on some of the stem rubs. I’d certainly recommend it, beautiful and durable plant