2023 "Field of Dreams"


very pretty, near black on some of those leaves.

some folks spend hours trimming one branch, meanwhile all the trichomes on the outside of the bud have been squashed on their nitrile gloves.


thanks for all the detailed write ups.

live bubble?


White Pistils usually has me waiting a little longer… what tipped the cart, was a Nice splash of Amber, kind of Top to Btm…

In speaking w/ a few people, waiting too long for Specific Amber #’s can lead to Over-ripe Buds… I’m not afraid to be on the Action-side of the Trichome.

Haffa Haze gets Trimmed up next… today


Love those larfy,wispy flowers! Have you considered trying different temp / duration combinations with various cobbs to see what kind of outcomes will be had?

Regulation 5461-33 from the cobbing code requires you set aside 10% for the self-appointed compliance officer to employ quality control assurance :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Dankest is my fav. I’m not smelling any intense terps like last years I.B or BBM. These I have, will have to cure.


I like your style Inspector-@US3RNAM3
Using variables would be new to my own cobb-projects as well.
Happy to have moisture this time round, I will see how bumpy we can make the rides from here on-in

Prepped 5 more Panama’s last nite, in the sous-vid as well, last nite. These will sit for 48hrs at the 40c temp. Last medley-batch was 24…


One rabbit hole at a time. :rofl: I have some fresh-frozen when I have time to investigate.

This is my first attempt, so I’m sticking to the script. I’m sure variables and experiments will start after I understand what the basic process is…

Thanks for the instructions in a digestible format!

I’d be happy to provide a quality assurance sample! :sunglasses::sunglasses::cowboy_hat_face:

@MissinBissin I read that post like it was someone else thinking “damn that guy sounds familiar wonder who it is” the new avatar threw me for a loop :sweat_smile:

How long should I go on mine? Unfortunately, because of work I only really have options between 22-30 hours, and 46-54 hours. I was just going to do 24 on the dot as instructed


You are free to Unplug it anytime you
Feel like it. No Rules on these Turds, as you so eloquently titled them.

24 is a Target. I’ve sided on the plus 24hr plunge, and then till convenience.
If there is a Mingling of Juices, at a Constant temp., Let them play @FieldEffect

Panama Reds are getting 48hrs


I don’t think there’s a soul on this board that doesn’t prefer the dankest category. Hopefully a good cure gets everything even more solidly up the dank scale with some time. I haven’t cracked my Groves in about 10 days…the anticipation is building.

I’ll find out Saturday when I start preparing for the Halloween party. Cheech’s (wife) suspenders, moustache and beanie have arrived, as has my Chong beard/wig/bandana and glasses. Still looking for an appropriate shirt. I debating between just taking a few varieties of weed, grinder and papers or pre-rolling a bunch of joints. I’m definately pre-rolling a fat IBG blunt with one of my homegrown tobacco leaves. Hopefully the Panalawi is dry enough to take a few nugs of that so we don’t all just pass out at 7pm.

This made me chuckle more than I did as I wrote that. I thought it had flown under the radar.


COB Update:
Pulled the turds from the toilet bowl at 30 hours, ghetto towel/seedling mat arranged and situated for ~82F. I’ll bring home a variac from work so I can turn the heat down a bit so I can bundle better like you @MissinBissin In classic fashion (probably expected by you all now), I’ll make something intended to be simple entirely too sophisticated with little chance of tangible benefit.

I’m unable to detect any moisture visible through the bags so straight into the towel they go.

Here’s cob #2 test bud and cob rear view:

I’m curious @MissinBissin the first cobbs you noticed the ballooning and moisture during the towel stage were the Frankenstein you did about 2 weeks ago, right? Were they also dry and straight from the hot water to the towel?

We’ll see if I should do the next batch at 4-5 days dry rather than 6 in the next week or so. Rest of Panalawi will probably come down Sunday so I’ll have an even bigger pile of buds to cobb for round #2. The timing of this is all aligning fortuitously, where I’ll have some idea how the cobbing is going before I have to make batch #2. Not entirely by chance but it feels like my plans never unfold as intended so I’m going to give chance/luck the nod on this one. I think I’ll process about half the plant this way, no reason not to, there’s at least a QP of fantastic colas still drying for the conventional dry + manicure + Grove bag procedure. With any luck I’ll have 2 QP Groves of conventional Panalawi, and each cobb batch should also return about 3-4oz (5-6 oz of starting material). It’s hard to estimate how much weed is still on the plant but I think I harvested almost exactly half already.


for the party…a bunch of pre-rolls from last year’s harvest. Hawaiian Snow?

and maybe some Panalawi in a Pax for you and Cheech :grin:

that’s one way to make it through the holidays + winter. :slightly_smiling_face:


You guys and your cobbing around. @FieldEffect @MissinBissin just a dry and cure isn’t good enough. :rofl: I say this but I have no idea what your doing. :rofl:


Afternoon @FieldEffect.

When Frankenstein Cobbs were Sous-Vid, there was 1 of 5 that had Damp looking Parchment, on one end.

That is the only Cobb that I opened, allowed it to dry for an hour or 2, then re-wrapped n vac’d and into the Hot Towel.

Best of Luck with your efforts. You’ve hit it right on the Head bro

I’m taking the medley pack (wmbk 2, US22, Pole Dancer ) out of the Towel today. They’ll be opened as needed, but they are inflated w/ droplets inside today.


I’m with ya on this! :joy:
Though I am intrigued…


Corn cobbin I thought that was some dirty play shit. :rofl: “She say’s what?? You ain’t putting that thing in me Cobber”


So outta likes…


From that first Cobb that I opened, and saw all of the Crystals inside… it stopped me cold thinking about the process.

And the thought of increasing the actual strength of the Herb, made this Hash-like Cobb a real gem.


That is pretty fuckin cool brother. :sunglasses: :metal:


Thanks Bro
Have a great day Cole !


You too. :sunglasses: :metal:


That is pretty awesome.
This fermentation method is definitely going on my “experimentation bucket list”