2023 "Field of Dreams"

Going to amend 10 gallons of medium in each pot anyway. Might as well improve drainage as well with a layer of river rocks. Might even just fill the bottoms of each pot with 2-3 inches of river rock. Put another small layer underneath the pots. The weight of these 30-gallon pots with saturated cococoir is intense. Might be smart to do both. We did have constant ash from the look-out fire all season and then rain that cleaned the air just before harvest all over my plants. Still, I want smooth-tasting weed every time. :rofl:


:rofl: That’s hysterical. I hope they don’t taste like that. I’m definitely interested in the process though.


Holy trichomes, Batman!


I think hay smell is from drying too little before starting cure. 60% RH under 65F takes 10-15 days. I now basically just wait 2 weeks under those conditions and trim at my convenience. The grove bags seem to add a little buffer but not as much as I would have hoped. The 1-week dry nugs I stuffed in a Grove bag smell like hay now. The same batch of nugs I bagged at 2 weeks smell glorious. There’s posts about it above, probably 2-3 weeks ago. I vaped a bowl of berry cobbler from the 2-week bag last night, it smells great.

@ColeLennon your conditions seemed really humid I remember a pic showing 70% RH and 60F. You want to be at 58-62% at packaging regardless. Are they still a bit soggy and soft? Maybe let them air out a tad. It’s probably what I said right there :point_up:, I doubt it’s your grow.

FWIW I don’t believe there is such a thing as “too slow” a dry, but bagging/jarring too early is definitely a problem.

Best laugh I’ve had all day! I may change my title to “Turd Tamer” rather than “Blind Squirrel” :rofl::rofl:

Can’t wait to crack these open and see what the smell is like. They smelled fucking amazing going in the bag, we’ll see soon :sunglasses::cowboy_hat_face:

Another note, that bowl of 907 Blue Genes last night yielded the first 8 hours of solid sleep I’ve had in some time. Very pleased with that. Feel like a new man today. Taste is good too :grin:


They are in groves now. I crack open the bag a couple of times the first week and shake it to rotate the nugs. After that, they are on their own. Now maybe my hay can turn into Hey!!! :sunglasses: :metal:


I’ve been saying this to myself. Hay into HEY!!! Quite the affirmation. :slightly_smiling_face:


So I went out and smoked a hit of IB and BBM. It’s this fuckin silicone pipe that halves as dab pipe. Might also help if I put a screen in it. :rofl: Jezuz maybe I need to smoke more weed before I shit talk my own grow. Hay into HEY!!!


HEY! That’s great news!



Looks like my season is coming to an end.

Fortunately all the plants finished. Today I need to clear out the dry cabinet so I can get the rest of the Panalawi loaded up tomorrow. Heading out to the shed to report for Trim Jail. Pics and update later. This weekend is a crazy busy one. I’m worried I won’t be able to get my pumpkin carved. We’ll see how everything shakes out


How many hours of Daylight are you getting in the S.W. @FieldEffect ?

We r getting 11.5 hrs right now. Any pot lingering in the fields of Ontario will be struggling soon enough


@MissinBissin we’re running about 11 hours of daylight now

Just got back inside from trimming. Speeding through that as I gain proficiency with the bowl trimmer. Scissors + the bowl trimmer is resulting in dramatic production increase. Dry cabinet is empty. Cooler is full.

Got another 1.5oz of late-cut 907. I think that’ll be my favorite cut. The last harvest of the IBG only yielded about 0.5oz.

14.5oz of dried Panalawi. This reduces my stress harvesting the rest of the plant before frost. It’s a busy weekend with spouse out of the house for the next two days, but I’m watching our little one so can’t do as much as I otherwise would. Tomorrow is hectic with family stuff so today we’ll probably carve pumpkins. I’ll cut down the rest of Panalawi before everyone wakes up tomorrow morning IF it works out but I’m not stressing about it. Abundance mentality :rofl:

Really happy with the results overall. I’ve got about 6.5oz of 907 now, 22-23oz of IBG and 14.5oz of Panalawi. Plus the Panalawi Cobbs. Life is good :+1::+1::sunglasses:

Everything smells fucking amazing and what a diverse portfolio of aroma this season. May have to sample some Panalawi this afternoon :grin:

I don’t have a single thing I don’t want to smoke. They’re all tantalizing AF. Again, I really do appreciate all the support and help you all have provided to make this a great season. I’ve all but forgotten about the struggles.

Have a wonderful day!


Looks like a great harvest. Congrats. Your going to love those groves. HEY!!! :sunglasses: :metal:

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Bummer – paranoia, hallucinations, and dissociation are three effects I seek and prefer :thinking:


LOL go for the Malawi x Panama then, that’s supposed to have those characteristics. Not even kidding. Same parents, opposite direction seems to produce a much different plant.


I’m looking it up; Tribbing !



Do it on your wife’s phone :slight_smile:

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Tooo funny, I’m not there yet.

Do you call this Edging?

You first ! 555


It’s “Scissoring.”


Just checked in here, but looks like I missed a hell of a season! Awesome haul there. I’m going to read this thread from the beginning when I have some time. Already screwed off at work enough for today.


Well its amazing when the questions get answered. Morning @FieldEffect, I’ve found that there was too much heat in my set-up for step 2 of cobb-prep.

With the germination mat flat, under the twice folded towel, and the Cobbs just below the top and under one layer of towel, they are sitting at 81f

Without a doubt they were too hot earlier, rolled into a tube with the germ
Mat… all puffy etc.

Not sure what impact that has on the Herb, Trichomes, THC etc., but I’ve just hit the guardrail and am back on-course bro.