2023 First Grow

February 2023 Missouri dispensaries opened up and also recreational grow permits could be applied for. I had to get ready. First I pulled out a book, “Marijuana question? Ask Ed.” 1982 edition. I have had this book for decades. Now read again, I need to find something to grow. Seeds seemed the easiest. I could not find them. I asked around and found a source. Twenty20 Mendocino was my only option. I chose strawberry blonde f2, hot mess, trainwreck, and curve breaker strains. Trainwreck was my dream pick and was dumbfounded to actually possess them so quick. April 5 I started. 4 of 6 popped and soon got 2 more started to get 6 legal plants. So 6 of 8 seeds took. I had a 400 watt HPS going for plants in my edible garden: tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos and a few others. So those get pushed aside and off we go with my new sprouts. I started the in root riot plugs. I do not like it for popping, some were upside down and trapped trying to turn up. 1 died this way I think. 2 were freed up. I made labels special for them. Since they fade on my food garden, I cut the plastic labels to a certain size or notched them to code what they are. I am keeping a paper log for my grow. As they get bigger i get more excited. I find a local grow shop and buy a grow tent. A 2 x 4 AC Infinity. I was told later I would wish for a bigger tent. The plants grew and got transplanted 2 times while indoors. 1 quart fabric bags I dont like. Too midrange. Then 2 gallon plastic pots were too small also, and color was becoming more lime green. It was time to put them outdoors by june 14 thru the 22nd. 30 gallon root pouch brand pots. At first I used lush soil and switched during final transplant to coconut coir, a medium I was previously unaware of. I prefer the drainage of coir. So much learning i am leaving out here. All the plants slowly acclimated changed colors to previously beautiful hues before the stress. I did not know what was to come, as my grower mentor(store owner) would laugh LOUDLY and tell me. Thanks to him I was never blindsided, notheless surprised often. A queen box spring was stripped and the metal frame was supposed to be a bean trellis. It got re-re-purposed. I elevated this flat above ground and used it as a trellis. I did a scrog method. But with the trainwreck I kept training it like grapes, flat along the box spring frame. Each 3 days re tie it down for maybe 3 weeks I did this. Outdoors plants grew 3/4 inch a day. I did not know fully the love of my box spring method but I will say I am never giving it up. Saw one on the road yesterday and dreams popped up again, but I left it. I have the queen size frame full of growth growing up. Looks like a heavenly bed. It only fits 4 plants, and it is full and some branches hang out. I have no way to predict yield, but it looks good. I will record all weights to learn prediction yielding. 2 other plants are solo and staked. They move during storms. The bed frame has them locked and they dont move with huge thunderstorms. Sativas from now on will go on my frame.


Very cool, ingenuity at its finest! Like your style👊🏻 would love to see some pics. 20/20 was a good choice, seen great stuff from their beans, one of the few companies I like I have nothing from come to think of it. Smoked Ave of the giants before, was killer stuff, terp monster for sure.


That sounds awesome brother id love to see some pictures! I always have wild things I want to try and not enough space or time to try it so I really like this kinda stuff! It’s the kinda stuff I wanna see more of because someone’s gotta do it for me! Lol



Wick system for watering when out of town. 2 plants are franks gift. Medicine for a loved one in need. They rate at 10% thc and 10% cbd. Highest cbd I could find on short notice. Medical recipient does not enjoy the high. Frankly I was lucky to get this gift. Also got a price discount, thanks.


Awesome! Very cool even the wicking system! Did it work as planned? I’m actually planning on running a 1/1 THC/CBD varietal as soon as I can find one. I’m slowly realizing the CBD is becoming a mist for me as I age and have acquired this ridiculous anxiety


The wick system usually works. This time it did not. But all was just fine. We use it often for tomatoes. It was my first time to do the wick, usually I dont do that part, she does. I have since found cbd that is 20%+ and near or under .3% thc and is close to if not federally legal by the anti-fun policies.



Here the strawberry blonde f2 is begging for nutes, mag I think, or move up in container and go outside…i did the last one. She got perfect looking. Then a side view of trellis system. Darn street light so I use black plastic they use for shipping pallets. And also notice the front 2 are trainwrecks and how they fall over. I read that in another thread, but cannot reply to yet. Adding silicate I hear will help, greensand perhaps. Front 2 tw and need extra trellis help. Back 2 are curve breaker and could use regular trellis, or rods to support. But now I know.


Back left is 1 strawberry blonde f2. Right 1 plant is hot mess. Back right 2 is franks gift. Front right 2 is trainwreck. Front left 2 is curve breaker. Inside grow tent



Top is strawberry blonde f2. 2nd is hot mess (glue sniffer x trainwreck) third is trainwreck ( T-dub cut x Arcata cut) last photo is Curve Breaker. C.B. smell is the most intriging of them for me. Mid-September. C.b. is going to be last to harvest. Looks 2 weeks back from the other 3.


Also to note is strawberry and hot mess were shaded from morning and evening sun. Location was not perfect. Tw and c.b. got no morning sun, but full evening sun.


Everything looks really good!!. If you are used to growing tomatoes you should have no problem leaning cannabis.:+1:


I have used gold leaf 3 to 4 times. Only once outside, after June 22. I used half doses usually since I didnt want burn and they looked fine, I think. They have not been trimmed or fed mostly. I went for biggest container and lots of soil instead. Now in hindsight I say add calcium and perhaps phosphurous. I recently read here about quality and weight is calcium. Then I read no leaves fall off with perfect phosphorus. I am glad to be here and improving. Feedback is always welcome. I dont want to be a noob forever, lol. Also teas will be added after reading other grow logs, azseans banana strains ordeal was fun to read.


Tomorrow I harvest the last of my plants. Twenty 20 Mendocino curve breaker is the last strain. The 2 plants were a choice I made with no previous info. The smell makes me think they will be my favorite strain.

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I like my trellis system. I have learned when I stake them down like grapes I need another support method 1 foot up so they dont flop over. Maybe also silicates will help.


if your still wanting a tent theirs a great shop called The Cantry in Belton if your in the area. Its a great shop, they have the same price for AC Infinity tents as the website. I have a 2x4 and it’s perfect for 2-3 plants, if your goin for more def get something bigger. Its great to see another MO grower one here, good luck! hope you post some more pics soon too