2022 New flavors

It’s been a while since I posted it’s been a interesting season during 2021 looking forward to 2022 and beyond. I started a new batch of seed’s
The line up is going to be really cool
White widow
Black widow
Dj short Blueberry
Dj Short Flo f5
Exotic genetix Chemberrly this time they look much better and I have them labeled well I have four seedlings of this variety hoping for a couple of girls.
The next batch
MM x Thai 78
Malawai gold x Thai
Still have the original line up
Lemon haze
Old e 22
One Unknown strain?
Using two grow tents now the main one is 4x4 the new one is a 3x3 both are gorilla grow tent brand using Spider farmer LED lights.
Dominion organics nutrients and Xtreme gardening mykos and Azos this is going to be a great year stay tuned for updates as we continue to grow.image|666x500


looks like a jungle!


I forecast a big forest fire … :call_me_hand: :green_heart:


just getting done cleaning my tent taking clones and cleaning out the plants getting ready for flowering cycle. Extra stoked about this one I am putting in my first scrog trellis and my plants are all looking good. I will post more picture’s when I get this finished up.


here’s what I have been doing for the past couple of days trimmed up my main tent took clone’s, getting ready to clone some of the seedlings :seedling: I put up my first trellis/scrog it looks kind of wonky or like some crazy spiderweb’s I also was able to use my old hose on my new sub pump which makes life easier when feeding the plants. I will be switching to flowering this weekend. Also I would appreciate any helpful tips on getting better clone survival this last year I have been struggling to keep my clones alive during the first two weeks when in the past I used to nail it not sure what’s different either?
Peace out my friends


Nice variety of strains you’ve collected!!


Update my chemfog I am pulling from the flowering chamber #1. She’s prone to PM meanwhile everyone else is healthy, I have been dealing with this one strain and the issue of powdery mildew for almost a whole year. My humidity is only at 40% so for now I say goodbye to chemfog she was tasty to smoke but not worth the headache of powdery mildew when I have more strains and I still have more seeds if Chemfog.


I haven’t posted an update for a while so I wanted to post some close ups of my blueberry and my other plant in flowering just a couple weeks away and it’s harvest day! ! image|375x500

I will post more pictures tonight and the next few weeks thank you for your support here this is my favorite website and social space online


Here’s a bunch of pictures from the garden bud tent is almost done, the veg tent is doing good I am just a bit crowded with all the lady’s but it’s all great strain’s malwai gold x Thai, Thai 78’ , afpak, chemberrly, blueberry by dj short White widow and black widow so it’s all fun stuff to have I know the Thai strain’s will take the longest but they will be worth it. And afpak should be the fastest strain. I am also getting my vegetables started I had two San marzano tomato plants one died I have another heirloom variety and a slicing variety as well, I have a Rosemary and a cilantro plant and a poblano pepper plant. All in all looking forward to getting everything fully healthy and growing.:sunglasses::+1::herb::trophy:


Sorry about the close up shots still working on using the extra lenses and perfecting the technique.

I was wondering if anyone uses led lights and hid lights at the same time I have two 315 watt cmh lights I was thinking about adding I am using spiderfarmer led lights in the 4x4 I am I’m using a 4000 spider farmer led but was thinking of going back to the 2000 and Adding the hid in the middle I have a good enough fan to keep my tent cool I am just wondering if it might help my Sativa’s when they go into flowering? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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a few new pictures I took last night still trying to get the hang of using the lense attachment for my phone. Also I have been trying to figure out a way to flower my Thai strain’s and keep flowering faster strain’s my blueberry looks incredible so many chunky cola’s and the lemon haze is looking delicious as well.


Harvest time is finally here Blueberry was the first one to come down and now tonight the lemon haze and black widow, Hindu Kush are done. Using the scrog or trellis has its advantages and disadvantages once it’s set you can’t alter the setup because the branches rely on it for support I put my widow and Kush in a bit too late so they couldn’t get to the top layer of the trellis netting still both look frosty! Maybe I might do the trellis again or do individual cages? image|666x500


It’s now fall my summer crop is almost done a bunch of setbacks and trouble shooting as well as a busy schedule at work trying to keep cook’s hired some days I want to just stay home with my garden and work on that seven days a week with no interruptions on the bright side I was able to go to Vegas for a Huge festival I saw my favorite band Emperor True Norwegian Black Metal :norway::metal::sunglasses::metal: I also shipped my herb to my friend for our trip to Vegas smoked a bunch right out front of my hotel and at the festival out front went to Psycho they had Emperor Mayhem Merciful Fate I didn’t see the other two bands which I regret but Emperor didn’t disappoint on Saturday or Sunday one of the bands posted for any metal heads that wanted to have a big 420 session somewhere on the property I didn’t get there in time. The laws in Nevada are pretty decent for personal cultivation in case anyone is curious. My friend and I are possibly thinking about moving to Nevada next year. I will post pictures from my current garden she’s not the prettiest but she still is alive and finishing up.
Hope you all are doing well and had a good Summer
Peace out
Madhill bomber2410​:sunglasses::metal:

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