2023, new year new start....... sourdough start 😉

I mean bread is still way to expensive.,come bake a spell

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I generally do a slow rise 18+ hours, so every bread is a little sour-dough. very mild
I’d love to try yours…

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Well let me collect some and dry. Open to any member wanting to try some real sour sourdough start! Dm me. @royal

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I’ll dry some send those deets

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I just got mine sitting in fridge.
I try bake a loaf once a week but have been busy so didn’t bake this last week.
Good flour has also become so expensive
It’s like 2x the price
But I still enjoy my bread way more than what I can buy in store.


I bake twice a week and can’t keep up with demand - I give it all away. I quit eating bread last December anyway, along with most refined carbs, and all sugar. Lost 25 lbs and am 10 points lower on my BP so far, and if I keep it up, I’ll be under 200 lbs for the first time in 30 years soon.


Hi there👋 Getting too warm to bake now. Will come back in the fall✌️

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Glad to see yall around

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I’m really struggling. I’ve killed my own from wild yeast twice, and I bought one dehydrated that gave it up and died as well.

I live in south western Virginia, nearly North Carolina and it’s hot and humid here. I need to learn to use the fridge during the summer.

I won’t DM you right now, I’m tearing out my kitchen this summer and know I won’t have time, but come fall I may just hit you up!

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Good deal. When your ready I will be too! Spread the bread

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Did you get mine in the mail?

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not yet…

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I’d love some starter, I could send ya some
seeds in return.

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Sounds good man! Send a dm I’ll be sending it off soon

I’m getting fond of the free-form batard. I use a couche for final rise after shaping. It’s better for sandwich slices. I’ve lost enough weight to enjoy a sandwich now and then; nothing better than a good sammie with a cold beer while fishing…


My starter is still truckin.


What up fam!
Been working on my sourdough behind the scenes for a while and finally got a few decent loaves Im excited to share…

I like em extra crispy as you can see :crazy_face:


Nice looking loaves, how do they taste?


Right on man.


I have some of this starter dried as a backup I can share if anybody wants. I grew this from my own local wild yeasts in the midwest. Probably 8 to 10 months old.