2023, new year new start....... sourdough start šŸ˜‰

That sucks :frowning:
At least it isnā€™t much time or materials wasted.


That does suck. Time to start again!


It could be worse. At least its not like messing up a grow where months could be lost.


No kiddingā€¦ a grow lost is devastating. Sourdough start, ehh you can make a new one right quickā€¦


Beautiful loaf!!
Iā€™m going after fresher flour or Iā€™ll get a pound or so of each one of the grains I want to play with.
We fell in love with adding sprouted grains in our bread, as I was making my fist loafs last year or so.
I can see why some do not care to jump through the hoops to build a starter, but the geek in me is happy to step forward an take the controls for while, LOL!


I currently have a small loaf in the oven :sweat_smile: hoping for the best as I made the dough by throwing it all together. Stoner powers activate!..pics to come.


My first sourdough in a long time. Didnā€™t puff up like crazy but it has a nice crust to itā€¦ I half assed scoring itā€¦so there are really none to see. I hope it tastes good.!!! Here are the pics. Remember this was my first in a while :rofl:


thanks !!!

I used to use a creuset pot, but switched to a romertopf and have not looked back


Hey royal, they are amazing pieces of cookware!! Man, I really miss mine. 1st wife, smashed it during a stupid argument, 40 years ago now, well she was in a phase, I guess. RIP, to both of them really.

No sense in being maudlin in a sour dough starter thread LOL!
Yesterday, went to our areas oldest whole grain/organic gardened raised vegetable/health food store, that has been around since 1956 or so.
A bit expensive, but I bought a couple of pounds of local raised Hard Winter Wheat, and Rye, and had them mill it for me!!
These grains should be PACKED with great starter building properties.
They did have MANY types of flour in weighted out packages, like what I started with.
I wanted as fresh of ground grains, as possible. Donā€™t know why?
So, when I first made my starter , I used plastic cups, as I figured Iā€™d not keep working it. But it has captured me, so, I put the cup with red winter wheat, that I pulverized with a Nutribullet, was not going bad, nor being bubbly. Itā€™s been added to the save the halved starter jar, as itā€™s got some ok bubbles going on, over all.
Made a rye 50/50 starter in a ( all boiled, first) wide mouth and labeled it.
The Sprouted Wheat jar is the most active bubbles, and did another removal/add back last night.
This will be my first starter to try out, as it so active, and smells delicious, part yogurt, part vinegary.
I also did a removal/add back, with the Hard Winter Wheat to the first started wheat flour jar.
So I feel Iā€™m getting it done more proper like, whatever that is, LOL.

Have a great day!!


That last bread I made sucked!!! Remember to measure your ingredients :rofl:. I did this time and have had a loaf in a bowl since 10 am yesterday. Havenā€™t looked at it today. But will be soon, and baking it. This loaf I have a feeling will come out puffy and nice. As I followed the recipe to a t. Hereā€™s to more bread!!!


There probably isnā€™t enough available gluten/sugars without adding any white flourā€¦ Even a small amount may make a huge difference!


This bread turned out a ton better.


Look at that!. Success tastes great


Looks beautiful to me!! My last one a couple of years ago, had big open cavern holes all through it.
Had a nice taste, but not correct at all.
Today, Iā€™m going to make my first loaf, the sprouted wheat flour is really expanding and bubbly, with an awesome smell to it.
Not sure if I will autolase or just mix in everything/rest/fold/shape/rest/bake. Not sure if I will try steam the first half of the bake or not either.
Sometimes you just got lurch forward, right, wrong, or indifferent, just move forward.


This usually means that the starter fermented for too long before being split and refreshed.
Sourdough shouldnā€™t actually be sour, which is why a lot of bakers call it levain.
The ā€œsourā€ flavor is a result of the wild yeast. Anaerobic fermentation produces CO2 and alcohol, the carbon dioxide is what we see bubbling out of a starter or proofing loaf, and if the fermentation goes too long, the alcohol makes the bread sour.
If you have a ā€œstrongā€ bread, chances are, something is wrong with the fermentation.


I did the water thing, works great.


Everyone ate the bread. It was very good and had a very good sourdough taste to it. The wife couldnā€™t tell it wasnā€™t boughtā€¦ very happy how it turned out, although now I know to start more dough after I bake. This stuff went fast! Time to make more bread soon!..


Nice man hard to beat fresh bread! I always do double batches ha. Half of a loaf is always eaten warm with butter.


Ya, no kidding! Iā€™m going to need to make more more often :laughing:ā€¦sourdough is very good. Goes great with butter. Also had some with alfredo dipā€¦


Awesome @Pawsfodocaws !
To get a better rise, you can let the dough proof as usual, and then shape it into a tight round by repeatedly folding the edges under the the bottom until you get a nice taught top, then let it proof for one more hour before baking. Thatā€™ll trap the air inside, forcing it to rise.