2023, new year new start....... sourdough start šŸ˜‰

Oh heck yeah on the cinnamon rolls, homemade are always killer, but Iā€™m trying to avoid sugar these days. I did make a bunch of sweet Christmas treats over holidays, and overindulged like a big rat. Ha!
Made 2 loaves as usual earlier and put in fridge to bake tomorrow. Iā€™ll keep one and give one away. I always make at least 2. I canā€™t eat 2 before the second loses that crisp crust, so I always give one away. You will get popular with friends, neighbors, and relatives (in that order LOL), but then they squabble over whoā€™s turn it is for a loaf.


I like to make one loaf and either breadsticks or pizza dough wit the second. Second loaf usually goes faster than the first. :joy:


I may be completely out in the weeds already, and failure imminent.
I think my 1st cup: sprouted wheat flour is a bit dated, but I did start some anyway.
50 grams swf, to 50 grams water, covered, saw a few bubbles yesterday.
I have some red winter wheat gain, bought a month or so ago, some I ground some up in the Nutri Bullet,
50 grams RWW to 50 grams water.
Then I had some whole wheat flour, (pre-ground) 50 grams of WWF to 50 grams water.
Today will be my first reduce and add back.
Iā€™m seeing a couple of bubbles in each cup, but not as many as I thought. They do emit a nice smell, so far.
We also keep the heat back during the day, maybe I can wrestle the heat mat from the Ogre down stairs.
I just realized I bitched up my pics, as I tossed some I did not want to. So Iā€™ll be back.


Tried to do some different kind of leaves, but it needs work. Bread came out great, though.


Great color on them! Whatā€™s the flour mix? It looks like more than AP


Iā€™m using KA Organic Bread flour with 10% KA organic whole wheat flour.


I did a focaccia with 10% rye and it was so good, but the rye added at least an extra couple hours to the bulk ferment


Thatā€™s weird. I would have expected the extra nutrients in the rye to enhance fermentation. When I do a SF-style sourdough (only white flour), it takes much longer to ferment that the 10% whole wheat.


My understanding is that because rye makes things very sticky, itā€™s more difficult for the gas produced by the yeast to expand and develop the gluten. Rye is also more complex vs white (which is basically just a sugar already), and I think it allows down consumption/ reproduction.
I did 4 folds (no kneading), before the bulk, and it was at least 15 hours before it doubled. Still ended up with a pretty closed structure without the big air holes Iā€™m used to in my bread flour loaves.


Just did my second removal and adding that portion back.
Lovely smell!
Whole wheat flour.

Sprouted wheat flour.

Red winter wheat, whole berries I pulverized in the NutriBullet.

Source of flours.

Iā€™m not really sure to tell when it becomes official starter??


Usually when it settles into a regular ā€œrise and fallā€ rhythm.
Lots of bubbles after feeding until it reaches a peak, and then gradually tapering off until the next feeding. At that point (usually 5-10 days), you can start using it, and you can also cut back feeding it by storing it in the fridge. You just have to ā€œwake it upā€ again before you use it.


Hey HeadyBearAdventures, thank you for the info. I thought, Iā€™d just see if my flour was still workable, and the red winter wheat, I ground up, was just, me wondering if this would work, being $.40 cents worth of grain, I may waste.
In a week or so, I think I may restart, in glass pint jars, or transfer it into glass jars. I was just gathering and jumped to use them with out much thought.
Iā€™m getting excited to bake a loaf with this, but that is putting the cart in front of the horse, for now.


I love that youā€™re experimenting with different types of flour!
@webeblzr as a beginner, and even most experienced home bakers just keep 1 starter going, so once you get a glass jar (I recommend 750 mL/24 oz. with a wide mouth) you could literally put all three cups into it and youā€™ll have a really nice sampling of indigenous wild yeast!
Then just feed it based on this article.
When youā€™re ready to bake hereā€™s a Beginnerā€™s sourdough

Are you seeing signs of fermentation? If itā€™s active it should bubble up pretty far after you discard and feed.


Yeah, I can not seem to stop myself from what if and whan it starts, I just go with whatever mad idea, takes control of my sensibility.
This first step was to rid me of the what if demon, AND I really thought my flour would be old, and not viable. The grains I pulverized, into a flourish substance, I had zero expectancy that it would work, as milling is very old staple of life.
Yeah, Iā€™m getting enough action (bubbles) to feel like it may work, so now, Iā€™ll get out my fermentation lids, and clean up some jars, and chase this sour dough starter proper like.
It also doubled in size, after the first feeding I did.
Thanks for the link also. Iā€™ve been (loosely) this German fellow the bread code on you tube.
He is a younger dude, kind of geeky, and likes to experiment, and know the science of the processes.
He states, we can tell when our starter is ready to use, by itā€™s PH factor. Once down in the 3.0-4.0 ph range, it is ready. IDN?
Thanks for the kinds words!!


!00% Whole Wheat bread.

Technically not full sourdough, as I do use some yeast.
I let it rise for 18 hours +

This is the final proofing.

The result !!!


This is the initial ā€œpushā€ of wild micro organisms in the environment. Super common, but the key is waiting until the wild yeast is the dominant life. Hence, the 5-10 day wait for ā€œregularā€ behavior


I picked up sourdough a bit in quarantine. had a really nice one going but lost him in a move. very sour,
needed pretty strong cheese to stand up to the bread!

it also ignited a lust for Le Creuset stuff, unfortunately :grimacing:

letā€™s see those dutch ovens!

lookin good! :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

looking forward to some loaves! :metal:



So this time bread flour was the cheapest and best buyā€¦ any ways picked some up and have been feeding my start every day for the past four days. Its actually showing a huge difference in rise than the white flour was displaying. I keep track with a rubber bandā€¦ anyways the start is much happier now. New year,ā€¦ new ā€¦bread start :laughing:. Also when I fed it I was super stoned and decided Iā€™d make a small loaf with my Discardā€¦well see if it turns out tomorrowā€¦been a while for me since making a good sourdoughā€¦ I canā€™t wait for it to come out of the oven. The start that I put into it was supppppper bubbly. And straight Sour, freaking awesome Smelling. At the damn store a regular loaf of sourdough is 9 bucks. Damn!.. Iā€™m glad everyone is so involved and trying different methods and having fun with this I hope. Also itā€™s cool to see people here who have been doing this for a while, I enjoy all the tid bits of information I find people share. Itā€™s useful. Iā€™ll share how my bread turns out. :crazy_face: hopefully really good.

Later my breaderin



Welp, the last two days has shown no expansion of the starter what so ever so I started over with a fresh batch. Such a bummer.