$25 Greenhouse, Am I High?

Not advertising or affiliated here, just found this and wonder if I’m reading it right? Granted these are cheapest and prob last for only one season, but… $25? I must be really, I mean ok I tested the Shaman, but, wow.


Does “used” really mean used? Like second hand? Second hand from China sounds yucky af.


Are they all from China? An Oxywash would prob be all needed.
But you did kinda put a curly hair in my burger.


Idk, I assumed anything fro alibaba was from China? Maybe I’m wrong. I’m always super nervous about any used grow stuff though.

A guy once offered me a nice hood for super cheap, like real cheap. I met him to buy it and right before I grabbed it he was like “ man, I’m happy to get rid of these, I had such bad pm so I’m starting with everything new, I can’t clean enough to get rid of it” It was a serious WTF moment for me haha.


Is polyethylene or polyurethane plastic UV treated? Just curious as another option is the ol pvc hoop house.
It is known that polyurethane and vinyl materials used for both interior and exterior applications are subject to photo-degradation when exposed to ultraviolet light
Now polyetherthermide, I think, is. Still, everyone uses reg poly.
I had a small 4 shelf version of this, it did not melt. I can’t imagine one would market a greenhouse that melts. Even if it only used for a season as a seed room, a couple months, $25 is worth it.

Id have gone home and took a shower​:rofl::rofl:


Yeah, definitely an “I’m gonna strip outside and burn my clothes” moment haha


My first green house was one of those cheap plastic $100 ones and it lasted two years, then it disintegrated by the third year. It becomes a lot of garbage to clean up and bad for the environment as the little green pieces fall apart and blow everywhere, especially on whats in the green house.


ya i imagine it would be pretty flimsy and impermanent. they probably use really cheesy plastic that will rip/cut easily, and a shoddy frame that wont really support any weight.

that said its a good start and would probably be pretty easy to beef up for a few bucks. reinforcing major joints somehow and putting it on a solid footing could make it way more durable. then when the plastic inevitably goes you can replace it with something stronger too

anyways im high and typing alot lol


So I found further details, not good. Yes $25 greenhouse, BUT: $180 Shipping & Handling
Alibaba is apparently another out to get you site.

Alibaba isn’t specifically out to get you, though it’s China’s equivalent to Amazon so it is out to get everyone by default… if the CCP lets Jack Ma speak in public ever again, anyway, it might be. That said, this listing seems to be catering towards much larger customers. $25 + $180 shipping and handling for one flimsy greenhouse is probably not a good deal. $10000 + $180 shipping and handling for 1000 flimsy greenhouses is a bit better. Anyone have a 20k-acre illegal grow in California they need to supply so California’s EPIC task forces can earn their keep?


The one I used shit plastic bits all over my yard, it was up for a few weeks, then I tore back down, re set it up the coming spring.
Seemed fine to me for a few weeks, then the bits started flying about.
By end of summer, I started cutting off plastic fabric sections.
I still use the frame on occasion to harden off, plants coming outside from being started indoors.
A cheapo tarp and some spring clamps, dedicated for a quickie covering.
Buy a decent one, and let China fill her own dumps with this trash.


Ya decided to just make one with 1/2" PVC, some 45° fittings, and polyetherthermide if I can get/afford it.


One roll stretch film and some wooden trunks is enough for happyness.

Remember you get what you pay for ___ but for $25.00 I would take that chance – my neighbor has a 2by2 green house just like that , was wondering were he got it - the “house” my neighbor has has lasted 2yrs use and a still there ---- deal might be OK why couldn’t one use these indoors in place of tents ? teh light factor , fire factor, ?

It’s a good start. You’ll almost certainly have to replace some parts, but plastic isn’t terribly expensive. You can fix the frame with glue and duct tape. It’s a fixer-upper, but $25 is next to nothing in terms of cost. You could possibly repair it with things you already have.
Go for it.

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My wife calls me literal man.

In answer to the title, you do indeed appear to have found a $25 Greenhouse, and yes, being a denizen of OG, I expect you are

High as fuck @250jpg

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