2x2 20 Gallon Living Soil

Man… caught covid and lost my sense of smell. It’s finally starting to come back but it’s incomplete. It’s like portions of the smell are there and others missing or something, or maybe my smell is just fucked up. Point is, nothing smells right. It would be like trying to smell some perfume but all you can detect is the ambergris. :face_vomiting: The Caribbean Crashers are curing but they’re giving off aromas I have no business trying to judge.


This grow definitely got out of hand. Between the extended veg/sexing and then the temps getting extremely cold it ended up being an unmanageable plant that ended up taking forever to finish. The inner portion wasn’t getting enough light and the plant looks very underdeveloped inside the bush. Is what it is, I’m honestly glad to be moving on from this round. Future cannabis grows will be more modest, with less effort to fill the tent as much as possible. This is a big fucking plant for the space and I could have done the genetics way more justice by keeping things more modest! And to think another entire plant was in there :laughing: 🤦


Some quick notes on the aromas I’m getting (plant is sticky as hell!)

It’s like new car leather and citrus rind. That probably doesn’t sound very appealing by I can’t stop coming back for more. It’s very slightly sweet and extremely enticing. There’s probably an herb or fruit or flower that more accurate than new car leather but that’s what it brings to my mind. Very unique to my experience with herb. Looking forward to getting this monster in the jars and seeing how the high is :+1:t4:


Hey @grow I’m late by a month, but the pics you were showing of the “airy” plant show pretty clear (to me) signs of revegging. Basically the light cycle put the plant back into vegetative growth. The new single leaves presenting within and above the buds are the biggest signal.
I know they’re down now, and that circumstances prohibited you from continuing, but when they do that (likely because of the timer issue you had), you basically have to start your flower clock over again (or chop them down and say fuck it).


Hey- that definitely crossed my mind as possible I just wasn’t confident enough to say that’s what was happening. I appreciate your input, if this ever happens again I’ll know what’s going on. With the timer fuck ups and cold weather issues I wasn’t sure exactly the issue but reveg makes a ton of sense. The trichs were pretty much cloudy all around so hopefully the smoke’s alright. This grow took me for a ride lol. Gonna just grow some vegetables this round and let things chill a bit :laughing:


I feel you brudda! My first grow back, last year, I had a timer issue I didn’t catch for 7 days. Totally revegged, and I couldn’t let it mature any more because I had already let it go almost 4 weeks past the anticipated finish. C’est la vie.

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Congrats on a nice harvest! Please add a smoke report when time comes.

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All caught up. That time away was tense. Congratulations on your success.


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Half of the big jar into:


Meanwhile in the 2x2:

Gonna see how much food I can grow :slight_smile:


Wasn’t sure what would enjoy the tent life so I planted a lot of stuff… so far dill, lettuce and carrots have been taking over. There’s some bell peppers, arugula, strawberries and spinach that are coming as well. Clearly there’s not going to be enough room for everything as they mature but I gravitate towards an overgrown tent it seems like :laughing:

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Dill gets sooooo stretchy and big ime, you’re gonna have so much!

MAN I’ve already trimmed it back twice… It’s a true weed!

Been a minute… lots of stuff is growing:

The lights a bit intense for some of the plants but overall a lot of nice growth happening. Not gonna lie, been hard not to plop an auto CBD seed in here. After my terrible experience with store-bought cbd flower, I move been wanting to give it a proper go… one day soon

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I hope this is okay to ask here. Please let me know if not!

I’m thinking about getting a 15 gal soil bed in my 2x2×4 tent which will be primarily for finding keepers and doing open pollinations or selective breeding.

Would the following be possible?

Plant 12 seeds in the soil bed (Headstrong from 7eastgenetics)

Top as early as possible

Clone the tops

Flip the original plants and take out any males

Let the short plants finish and make selections of the clones to actually grow out and make a mother

1 am not worried about yield as I am more interested in genetics and finding interesting traits. Of course yield will be a consideration for choosing the keeper.

Please let me know if you think this would work and if you have any advice or tips!

CDLC x Skywalker day 58


I went for about 30gal in a 2x2, and I think it would do best with a 6-8ft height. That’s a lot of soil to work around, be aware of airflow. Doable but it can be a bit cramped. Defoliation in this type of situation could be beneficial.

@grow that’s awesome. Very nice!

@HeadbandMusicman I’ve grown three plants together in this 20 gallon pot… it gets crowded very very quickly. Even with topping, multiple times, lots of training and pruning, the canopy will fill up.

This is five plants. I ended up culling two or three of them I believe, and still ended up with an overcrowded tent… would love to see the final pictures of a twelve plant 2x2 in deep flower, but having done multiple plants in mine a few times, I’ll say I don’t want to be the one to be tasked with making it happen :stuck_out_tongue:


I like making mistakes and learning so we will see what happens!

Here’s 4 gals in my 3x3. I guess like 4 and 5/8ths if you count the solo cup and the one gallon hanging lol.


Here’s that same run a few weeks later during flower. :sweat: :sweat: That run was rough for so many reasons… having the tent that packed definitely didn’t help. Hope to see the 2x2 breeding thread journal some day :stuck_out_tongue:

Getting deep into flower now… day 67 or so from sprout.


Added some more racks in preparation for harvest which should be in the next few weeks. Just waiting on some trichs to turn before I get out the PVC pipe cutter :axe: I still want to make a few modifications to the inside of the fridge and the way the controllers function but I think testing before putting a full harvest in there would be wise…