2x2 20 Gallon Living Soil

Everyone loves this stage of flower right?

So much excitement and potential on every branch,

I see pounds of possiblity here, coming along very nicely


The thought of all that rock dust & clay mixing in the bellies of my worms excites me :grin: They should make their way up soon enough. Iā€™d imagine theyā€™re already chewing on the bottom layer of this mulch. Meanwhile Iā€™ll keep on inoculating with the extracts trying to build those populations. The Carbon battery is online :+1:t4:

Added a second bucket/res for the holidaysā€¦ never know how long youā€™re gonna be away from the ladies and Iā€™m taking no chances lol


Just got back after about 8-9 full days awayā€¦ glad I added the second reservoir, both are nearly empty. Most alarming though is how poorly my carbon filter is working. I could smell the girls outside, about 15 feet from the front door. Opening the tent, huge smack to the face with a sour sort of funkiness. It was right before lights out so I just snagged a few pics and peeked at the soil to see how the mulch layer was doing. Drippers were all going and there are big pools of castings forming around the surface. Thereā€™s also some seedlings of some sort that like the new conditions and have been waiting. I havenā€™t thrown a seed in here for quite a while. The plant on the left is definitely ahead of the other as itā€™s put on a little more bulk in the flowers. Hopefully the other one catches up. Either way, the frost is real and the aromas are getting loud. Iā€™m hunting for cyber Monday deals for a filter/fan combo I can set up in the apartment so I donā€™t piss off my partner to the point of even suggesting this hobby is a problem :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: So far the deal has been pretty obvious but if I start stinking up the place this bad, thereā€™s gonna be a problem.


Well the woes continue. Reading the news, looks like there was a power outage in the city while we were away. Among other things, my setup doesnā€™t work well with power outages as it fucks with the timers. Lights were still on 3 hours after lights out. Luckily I noticed a faint leak under the closet door. Hoping that it was today or yesterday that happened. Pushing the lights on back so they get 12 hour dark period and fingers crossed these things donā€™t throw a zillion seeds at me but I wouldnā€™t be surprised at this point. Time to go back to a more reliable timer for the lights I thinkā€¦

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Fuckin frosty bro

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Just found out about this and still reading through, but very interesting, especially with such a small tent. Watching this for sure.

the amount of frost is insaneā€¦!


Some serious sugar leaves goin on in there!


Hoping for some insight on this:


Theyā€™re in the same pot of soil but the one in the back right is in the same spot that I grew last round and had the gypsum debacle. Thereā€™s a decent chance that if thereā€™s lockout occurring, itā€™s related to calcium. This plant has been generally lagging behind the other so Iā€™m not opposed to the idea that itā€™s just on a longer flowering timeline but the buds donā€™t seem to be developing properly. Theyā€™re quite airy especially compared to the other plant that has been in the same conditions. Iā€™m tempted to give it some dilute Epsom salt to see if that helps her out some but I wanted to ask for some input before making a move. Itā€™s around day 40 or so of flower so thereā€™s not much time to salvage the bulking.


Just a weird pheno IMO, Iā€™d leave it alone. Nice and frosty though.

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So whatā€™s above the soil?

Is your lighting more or less intense anywhere or completely even from all sides on both plants?

Any fans pointing at either plant we should know about?

The last picture you posted has a similar, not as expressed elongation as the first photo.

Could definitely be a phenotype as @smokenhike said

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it were a combination of overly intense light and fan. The oscillating fan is as high as I can make it, but after stretch it aims at the tops more so than the other plant gets. Iā€™ve also noticed that one side of the QB is slightly more intense than the other (thought I mounted the board crooked when I first noticed this with the Photone app but I triple checked the height and level of the light and itā€™s mounted properly, just uneven intensity. Could also be the result of that back corner having reflection whereas the near corner has the tent door open when I measure, if that makes sense). When I got back from thanksgiving stuff it was fairly obvious they had stretched even more while away so I dropped the light intensity some more, but the fan could still be causing issues. Thanks for reminding me about environment!

Edit: after lights on I looked at the two plants again and the airy one is airy all over. Uppers, lowers, stuff in the fan and out of the fan path. Either thereā€™s a real localized issue in the soil or itā€™s just a different pheno.

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Classic dog hair in my buds :man_facepalming:t3: Can really see the airy structure compared to the other. Crossing fingers for some fattening up!



Welp, Iā€™m a noob and donā€™t know how to meme. Biology is the theme of this grow, and everything I do in here lol. Today I watered in a gallon with some of my good compost plus some bugs in a jug I have (highest diversity mix Iā€™ve been able to findā€¦ 76 total species I think?).

I think the plant on the right just has a much different bud structure. It just seems more sativa leaning, despite the relatively chunky leaves. Being away during Thanksgiving didnā€™t help as it stretched into the lights which were already pumped up pretty strong. I think it started having trouble moving nutrients at the point. The good news is that after dialing back the lights she seems to be doing a little better and trying to fill out, but Iā€™m expecting her to go a bit longer than the other girl which is already showing all cloudy trichs. She is probably coming down in two weeks or so.

Aroma is thick right now. After trying a few configurations with the extra fan and carbon filter, I finally just ducted the exhaust from the tent into the intake of the new fan and exhausted that direct through the carbon filter. The new fan is always on so itā€™s generating negative pressure in the tent at all times which Iā€™m fine with for FAE & humidity & aroma control. Tent is riding at around 55%.

Iā€™m really digging the sour smell coming out of the tent though. When you get up on the buds itā€™s more fruity, or like rotten fruit, with a solvent-like astringency. Iā€™ve been sick all week and not smelling very well so when Iā€™m fully healed up I expect to really get a nose full.


Airy girl first. This one has a ton of stretch/stem in the buds, but the bracts are enormous. It still seems to be trying to fill the gaps but I didnā€™t do my part getting this one to its potential. The aroma is a mix of rotting fruit, astringent citrus peel, and what I only know to describe as ā€œleatherā€ or ā€œinstrument caseā€ smell. That last part Iā€™m still trying to accurately place the smell but itā€™s the best Iā€™ve got so far. Memories of that aroma that wafts out of a guitar case thatā€™s been closed for a while.

Early girl second. Buds are rock hard dense. Structure is more compact, less overall stretch, smaller bracts, and quicker to mature. Aroma is much sweeter. I canā€™t tell who the general sour aroma in the tent is coming from as I donā€™t get it from rubbing the leaves on either one, itā€™s just the ambient smell in the tent. The early girl puts off a very sweet smell though. Hoping to get a bit more specific when I have some time to sniff around more in the tent :wink:


I wonder if the people in your life growing up werenā€™t really musiciansā€¦

Reminds you of memories of guitar cases opening you sayā€¦

Hmmm :thinking:

Haha touchĆ©. But seriously, Iā€™ve smelled it since then- maybe itā€™s an adhesive used for the liner or something? Iā€™ve smelled that same smell in a lot of different instrument cases, but then again, Iā€™m sure a lot of weed has been stored in instrument cases :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Just some shots of the Caribbean Crashers :slight_smile:


Iā€™m tempted to just let the more mature plant ride two more weeks and deal with her then but Iā€™m leery of letting her go too long and ending up with a bush of sleeping pills. Worse would be pollinating the slower girl. Seeing amber trichomes, maybe 5% or so, on the flowers.

I need to work on my timing. Could have just delayed planting a week and this wouldnā€™t be such a shit decision to make. Cā€™est la vie, eh?


Welp. I tried to find the timer that doesnā€™t break when the power goes out. Couldnā€™t find it before we had to jet for the holidays. Iā€™m confident the power has gone out since we left which means: the dehumidifier is off in the drying room, and the lights in the grow tent are no longer following a schedule. Theyā€™re either off or on 24/7. Feels a bit like torture having months of effort pissed away while you know whatā€™s happening and canā€™t do anything to fix it. Short of an actual Christmas miracle, thereā€™s a pretty good chance the entire grow is fucked. Trying not to worry about it since thereā€™s nothing I can do, but it still sucks.

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Strange happenings over the holidays. Two people in the house we were staying tested positive for covidā€¦ we tested negative but played it safe and left a few days early. Could already be sick but w/e. Made the drive back, and despite the power company having hundreds of reports in our neighborhood of outages during the super cold weather, ours stayed on the entire time we were away. Dehumidifier was running, plants were drying, no pipes frozeā€¦ so I gave all the plants a very rough trim and jarred them. Was getting nice stem snaps on the big thick stalks so they might be a touch over dried but weā€™ll find out during cure I guess. Very sticky plants either way and Iā€™m very thankful for this bizarre turn.

As far as the tent goes, the top few inches of soil seems really dry so I may slowly increase the blumats until they maintain a little wetter environment. Lots of white pistils on the plants surprisingly so I guess these are just taking their time. It seems like theyā€™ve been in 12/12 for an eternity but Iā€™ve also put them through some shit :laughing: