2x2x4 grow tent set up

So this is my second time growing. The first time was with flourecant lights I had one plant and harvested just over a oz. Of sticky hard buds. I was a member back in the old og days. This time around I am using a 300 watt led by viper spectra. I am going the soil route.



I started out with 4 seeds that came from some top shelf bud. I don’t remember what strain, Definitely a India dom. Might have been gg4 , I Germinated them and planted them .

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lookin good dude. only your second time?? why havnt you threw down hard yet?

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Thanks fam! I guess a conbination of things, I got to comfortable going to the dispensary and spending lots of my hard earned money on meds. I don’t have much space to work with. Budget was always a factor. I have wasted plenty of years and have missed growing my own meds. It’s my time to shine now…


Here’s the most recent photos of my babies


what soil are you using? what nutes?

Everything was kind of last minute and not well planned. By the time my seeds were germinated , I had to get them planted in soil asap so I mixed these 2 up real quick and planted them.

I’m using these nutes for now

I plan on transplanting tomorrow into 5 gal fabric square pots to give the roots alot more room

This is the soil I plan on using for the transplant . I picked it up at a local nursery

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goin the organic root!! awe hell yeah dude. shoot me a pic of the top part of that bag so i can see the recipe. also fuck fox farms. do you have a feed and bedding store around you? like for horses and cows etc.

Maybe it is too soon to transplant, you can wait few days till they use up current pot. 5 gallon is pretty big step up, you could transplant two times with some middle sized pot in between…l

LED lamps are way to go, I’m looking forward the day the outperform HPS :wink:

As lotus suggested, you could go with premixed pre-fertilized soil when transplanting, instead of coco coir (which is essentially hydroponic medium).


Growing good medicine has been a positive cash flow situation for me. Take good care of your garden and it will take care of you.

I recommend a nutrient line that is made for Coco coir. Fox farm is very acidic plant food and will fluctuate pH greatly in Coco as well as salt levels in the coir. Use in light doses it’s quite a strong concentrate. Good luck everything is looking on point so far. Happy growing…


Glad you decided to grow your own, Welcome. Is that tent 2 feet by 2 feet by 4 feet? Are you planing to grow all four?
LED needs a little headroom and if you lst or supercrop you might cramp your grow area. Please don’t think i’m being negative. I am just looking down the road a bit.


Looking Nice! reading the list of stuff in the soil reminds me of Subcool’s super soil recipe :wink: WHICH BTW is amazing, love it! Thanks sub!

are you planning on cloning to keep a mother or flower out and start with new genetics for the next round ?

I have this soil called Ednas best organic ultimate mix. I took your advise on not transplanting just yet. I got some 1 gallon pots to transplant them into in a couple more days. Thanks for your feedback fam, I appreciate it!

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