30 day roll, lets do this

is it a Ryobi??? @Joker


Yes sir. Still primes itself.


thats a neat sprayer will need me one of them when i start taking clones in from others. having absolutley no bugs this run has shown me that it all goes so much better and easier when theres nothing bothering the plants or flying in my face every time i move a leaf


I went through 5 , all lost prime and would not prime, even taping down trigger for 10 minutes


ME TOO…never again. One n Done flat works, going to start hitting them every week mites or not , EVERY TIME i have a grow issue…it’ has been mites :see_no_evil:


its amazing how fast those bastards can turn a grow sideways. i wish i had the one and done on hand but no way i can afford like 350 bucks to buy all the stuff… just the ever clear would be like 80 bucks lol


That sucks. Mites are a bitch! Hate those damn 2 spotted spider mites. They are hard as hell to completely get rid of.


Cost me 125 bucks for nuff to make a couple gallons of the mix, last me years


Hi Guys,

As a long time user of an electric fogger in my small orchard I strongly recommend this unit:

The problems you had @Jetdro sound like the model you bought uses electrostatic tech to create the atomized fog. Commercial foggers use a mechanical method that eliminates the problems you’ve been having.

I can run most anything through mine, including wettable powders and sticky stuff like the One-n-Done mix.

Upgrade and have a happy fogger experience!

Hope this is helpful,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Everclear was 10.99 for 750 ml here


you gotta add the canada tax… doubt and a half it lol and not to mention alcohol is like 4 times the cost up here after taxes. gotta supple the healthcare and … i wont talk politics lol

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My experience with the Ryobi was so poor, i shall never go electric sprayer again. The 2 hand pump ones will ALWAYS WORK when i need them.


I got this as a sprayer. $20 without a battery. I was going between herbicide and insecticide so was running a few tanks through in the pic. Makes a nice mist. If you already got ryobi batteries its a good deal for a small grow. Not gonna do larger outdoor stuff. Need bigger guns for that.

Ryobi aint the highest quality but for $20 if it dies in a bit I wont be too upset.


yep to get a bottle shipped to me (canada laws about anything over 90 proof or what ever) 75 bucks for 750ml 42$ for the bottle and 33$ shipping


Yeah, sorry to hear that. There is a real pleasure to be had when you can fill the entire growroom with a treatment fog that you know is penetrating every surface of every plant in five minutes of work.

You have a good nose for great growroom gear, if you ever revisit your decision at least you’ll know which one to buy.

Best wishes for your sick pup!


Thanks @GrouchyOldMan

It would also not work other than dead ass level. Pointing it up into canopy it would only spray a few seconds.
I have 6 EGO battery operated devices, ALL work great…i shall never buy a Ryobi anything ever again.

Liked the mist it made, you know, WHEN it made it, lol. The litle sprayer supposedly produces a super fine mist, of course it did not show up yesterday like Amazon said, this morning i get an email saying it may NOT SHOW UP…i fucking swear, NOTHING is face value anymore in this fucked world!

Paddles is GOOD!. Fed him a huge dinner, he laid down at 6 pm, hasnt moved from that spot YET!!!
He will be IMPOSSIBLE when the sun rises today…62 F outside!!! When he hits that…oh they are all gonna go nuts!!! Me too, sick of the 107 F bullshit already


Amazon pisses me off. I sell on amazon and if an order I ship is one second late the customer complains, amazon gives it to them for free, and dings my account and threatens to shut it down for not providing an adequate customer experience up to Amazon standards. Their package is late and theyre like “oh well, shit happens.”

A delivery guarantee with no consequence if its not honored. I’m reminded of Tommy Boy for some reason . . .


I also have an account. Sold 600,000 bucks worth of womens shoes on it. Lost my contact to buy the shoes or id still be Al Bundy!


On amazon I produce music for player pianos.

My headshop stuff mostly isnt allowed so I dont push the grey area like some people. Keep that to my own site and ebay. Dont wanna risk amazon ban hammer.

At least you ruled Polk High.


Yeah, it rolled quick. Made 100 grand in 90 days, thought i was RICH, blew it all on shit, then lost my contact to buy more shoes…back to selling furniture :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: